We Are Not Witches!

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The five of them pulled at what was choking them. "Get off of me! Let go of my brother!" Tommy yelled.
"Our powers work out here, or did you forget?" Wanda askes Agatha.
She smirked. "No, girls. I'm counting on it." She jerked the five back making them fall to the ground. You and Wanda used your powers to send Agatha flying back she hit the pavement.
"Go to the houses." You tell the five of them.
"No way, we're staying with you guys." The kids told you and Wanda.
"Come on, Mom, we can help." Billy said.
Agatha used her powers to get her up. "Listen to your mother's, Kids."
Bucky looks at you."I'm staying with you, Y/n."
"Bucky you can't." You tell him. "Go now." you say mainly to the five of them.
Tommy takes the three other kids back to Wanda's house. "Aw, how cute you want to stay." Agatha said to Bucky.
"Bucky go." Your voice was a warning.
"I'm not leaving you." he tells you truthfully.
You and Wanda send a powerful blast at Agatha it looked like she was consuming it. Agatha smirked. "I take power from the undeserving. It's kinda my thing." You and Wand looked at your right hands and it looked as if it had aged. Then Agatha blasted the both of you away. Tommy zoomed out of the house and grabbed Bucky getting him inside. "Your clearly over your little heads. "So, why don't you two surrender your magic to someone who knows what to do with it? And I'll let the both of you keep this pathetic little corner of the world all to yourself's. What do you say?"
Wanda uses her powers to lift a car and send Agatha through 'Dotties' houses' living room along with the car you and her walk up to make sure she's dead but when you look under it all you see is boots. "What the hell happened?" you asked.
"I don't know," Wanda says out of breath. The two of you stood up and then threw the pains of a window, you saw...a Vision? You and wand turned around to see white Vision. "Vision?" Wanda walked up to him? it?. "Is it really you?"
He cupped her cheek "Wanda..." She put her hand over his. He lifted his other hand to her other cheek and then he started to use his strength and push in on her head with both hands. He lifted her off of the ground. "And I was told you were powerful."
"Let go of her." you raised both of your hands about to use your powers to blast him away. Before you could he was thrown at a camper which caused an explosion.
Your Vision, Red Vision, flew to the two of you. "Where are the Children?"
"They're in the house. Safe. Vision... I should've told you everything. The moment I realized what I had done." Wanda said out of breath to him.
"It's all right, Wanda. I know why you made this world, but this..."
You cut him off. "We can fix it."
"You can?" he looked between the both of you.
The white Vision started to come out of the flames and Agatha reappeared. "Oh, this is awkward. Your ex and your boyfriend together at the same party. Who are you gonna choose, Wanda?"
"This is our home." Wanda said to Vision and you.
"Then let's fight for it." Vision said before he flew to fight the white Vision.
Agatha disappeared and then reappeared by the water tank. You and Wanda took off in that direction.
Bucky ran out of the house the kids following. "What are you gonna do dad?" George asked.
"I don't know what I can do but I gotta find your mom, go back inside until I or mom or Wanda, and Vision come." Bucky told them.
"But-" Natalia tried to disagree.
"No, go back now." he said. Then the kids all grumbled and went inside Bucky ran towards the town square.
Wanda and you landed in the town square Agatha had moved from her place by the water tank the two of you looked for the woman. You passed the delivery man. "Don't shoot. I'm just the messenger." He said to you and Wanda.
Bucky came up behind the two of you. "Explain to me what's go on Y/n?" He said you
looked at him but then Wanda and were blasted to the ground. You both grunted as Wanda got up and Bucky helped you up.
"Girls, you've never been up against another witch before. Did you know there's an entire chapter devoted to both of you in the Darkhold?" She asked Wand and you looked at her in confusion. "That's the book of the damned. The Scarlet Witch is not born, she is forged." Agatha flipped a page. "As for you Y/n....The Crimson is the most powerful witch to be born. Both witches have no coven, no need for incantation." She read.
"We Are Not Witches. We Don't Cast Spells. No One Taught Us Magic!" Wanda yelled for both of you.
"Your power exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme. It's your destiny to destroy the world Girls." she continued reading.
"We're Not What You Say We Are!" you yelled up to her.
"Oh, really?" Agatha pointed in the direction of 'Dottie' and mumbled in Latin she walked up to you and Wanda.
"Y/n? Wanda?" 'Dottie' said.
"What's going on
"Dottie?" Wanda asked.
"My name is Sarah. I have a daughter. She's eight. Maybe she could be friends with your kids. If you like that storyline. Or, uh, the school bully, even. Really, anything. If either of you could just let her out of her room. If I could just hold her, please." She begged.
The three of you looked at Agatha. "What are you doing to her?" You asked.
Wanda glared at her. "You're making her say this."
"She's your guys' meat puppet, I just cut her strings." Agatha surged and started talking
in Latin again. All of the townspeople walked towards the three of you all of them angry.
The kids watched out from the window as Vision and Vision fought. "Can you see them anymore?" Billy asked.
"No." Tommy replied.
"We gotta go help them," George said.
"I know." Tommy said. Billy closed his eyes. "Hey, what... What's wrong?"
George grabbed on to billy and saw Billy and Tommy's mom along with his mom and dad. "We've got to go." George and Billy say to their siblings.
You, Wanda and, Bucky stood together in the middle of town as the people crowded around. "I don't recognize my face in the mirror, my voice when I speak. I used to try to resist you, but now, I can't remember why. Do you?" The man you only knew as 'Herb' told you.
Bucky took your hand in his and squeezed alittle. "My husband's on a business trip. Tell him I love him and not to come back here ever." 'Beverly' said.
"I'm exhausted." The delivery man told you.
"No, you're fine." Wanda said as tears gather in her eyes. "You're fine. You're all...You're all going to be fine."
"Y/n?" Bucky asked.
Norm looked at you and Wanda "When you two let us sleep, we have your nightmares."
Tears gathered in your eyes you gold feel how scared and exhausted they all are. You shook your head. "No, that's not true. We've...We've kept you safe in here. You...You feel... You feel at peace."
"We feel your pain." Sarah told you.
"No." Wanda shook her head.
'Mrs.Heart' stepped forward. "Your grief is poisoning us."
"No, stop." You said.
They all started begging both of you to let them go and let them go home. It was all too much you feeling the way they felt. Wanda and You let out an agonizing scream as tears slipped down your cheeks. You and Wanda stood up to find the townspeople being choked by red and blue rings of smoke You found Bucky who had a Red one around his through's. "Stop stop it." You said.
"No! Stop. Stop, I'm sorry." Wand and You used your pows to un-do it.
'Mrs. Heart' Looked at both of you. "If you won't let us go, just let us die. Please."
"We will...We will let you go. We will. We will." You and Wanda told them.
"What's stopping you? Use your power and do it now. Heroes don't torture people." Agatha told both of you. You and Wanda looked at your hand's which were glowing the red and the blue. You and she started tearing down the bubble. Letting out another loud scream.
"Go! All Of You, Now. Go!" Wanda yelled.
"Bucky Go!" You yelled to him. "Leave Westview."
"No Not With Out You!" He Yelled back.
Agatha Cackeld. "Now you'll see."
The walls forced them selfs open. The town started to glitch. As everything changed from decade to decade.
Vision hit the concrete beside the three of you. You saw he was falling apart. "What?" Wanda sobbed.
"Wanda!" Vision reached out to her.
"Wanda We Can't Stop We Promised!" you yell to her.
The kids came running up. "Mom!" All the kids yelled. "Help Us!"
"Now, do you see? You tied your family to this twisted world, and now one can't exist without the other." Agatha said.
"Mom! Mom!" The kids continued yelling. Bucky ran over to them.
"Boys!" Vision yelled.
Agatha smirked. "Save Westview or save your family."
"Help Mom Dad?" The kids yelled.
You looked at your kids. "I Love You!" You yelled to them.
"Y/n Stop!" Wanda Yelled. "The Townspeople Are Gone I Can Feel It." You And Wanda closed the vortexes again both of you fell to the ground panting. The kids, Bucky and Vision ran up to you and Wanda Bucky and Vision pulled both of you off of the ground.
"Mom Are You Okay?" the kids asked as they hugged their parents.
"Hi. Hi. Um...ya I'm fine." You said out of breath. You turned to Bucky. "I'm Sorry I..."
He cut you off. "We'll talk about it later okay." He kissed your forehead.
Agatha chanted in Latin and tried blasting at the eight of you. "No!" you and Wanda yelled as to shield your family's way from the blast you and Wanda screamed as Agatha took absorbed more of your powers. You and Wanda looked at both of your now grey and aged hands.
"Mom?" Tommy and George asked.
"Are you okay?" Billy asked the both of you.
"Oh, how sweet." Agatha said as she flew to a new spot.
The other Vision appeared. "Um... Dad?" Tommy said. Then S.O.W.R.D trucks Swerved in you all stand ready to defend your selves the agents pointed guns at all of you.
"Listen, Children. Your Parents and us never really prepared you for this." Vision tells all the kids.
"But you were born for it." Wanda finishes it White Vision was ready to attack so was your Vision. White Vision threw other Vision into the Libary.
"Same story, different century. There'll always be torches and pitchforks for ladies like us, Girls." Agatha said as she lifted up the agents.
You and Wanda caught them before they fell all the way. You and Wanda turned to the kids and Bucky. "Kids Bucky, handle the military." Wanda told them.
"Mommy's will be right back." You promise as you and Wanda lifted your selves off of the ground. Agatha started trying to blast the both of you.
Billy and George got into the agent's minds and Tommy stole their guns. The kids' high-fived Hayward got out of the truck and pulled out a gun. "No, No, No! Stand Down!" Monica yelled Running next to Bucky so she was right in front of the kids. Hayward started shooting bullets that went through Monica. Bucky thought about blocking them with his metal arm but realized he didn't have it.
"Shit." Bucky said as one almost hit Billy but he stopped it before it hit him, "Y/n! I Need My Arm!" Bucky Yelled to you. Wanda nodded to you. She blasted Agatha so you would have time to re-create Bucky's metal arm and let him have his super suit.
"Nice tricks." Monica said.
Billy nodded. "I like yours, too."
Hayward Ran to get into the truck. Little Natalia running after him but then went to the other side of the truck. "Natalia come back." Bucky said.
"I will." She said as Hayward closed the door. Natalia ushed on the door on the passenger side and the whole truck tipped over.
An ice cream truck pulled up Darcy got out. "Have fun in prison." She said to him.
Bucky looked at his daughter. "You have super strength?"
Natalia nodded. "Ya." Something crashed through the top of the library moments later
"Dad!" Billy and Tommy said as Vision came out of the Libary.
"Boys, boys, boys, boys!" Vision said happily as he hugged them.
Agatha laded on the roof looking for you and Wanda. Both of you laded quietly behind her. You and Wanda used your powers to get inside her mind and show her a nightmare. You were in the woods Agatha was tied to a wooden log. "No." She gasped. "No."
"You see, the difference between you and us is that you did this on purpose." Wanda told her.
"No! No, No, No! No, No! Oh, Please! I Beg You! I Beg You!" You and Wanda resurrected
the dead witches. "No! No, No! No! No! No!" Agatha smirked.
"Wanda. Wanda. Y/n. Y/n Wanda. Wanda Maximoff...Y/n. Y/n Carter" The dead witches started chanting. "You are a witch. You are a witch. Witch...You..."
The witches used their powers to have you and Wanda tied to the log Agatha was tied on to. "You can't win. Power isn't your problem, it's knowledge." Familiar headbands appeared on your heads. "Give me your power's and I will correct the flaws in your original spell. And you and your family, and the people of Westview can all live together in peace. And no one will ever have to feel this pain again. Not even you." You and Wanda blasted the dead witches, then jumped at Agatha breaking out of the nightmare you put in her mind falling off the building, and then the three of you flew up to blue and red storm clouds.
"Take It!" You yelled as you and Wanda blasted Agatha.
"I don't want it." Wanda said as you both blasted the woman again. Vision flew up ready to help. But Wanda blocked him sending him back down.
"Wanda, what are you doing?" Vision asked.
"Come On Girls!" Agatha yelled. You and Wanda blasted a wall of the dome then blasted Agatha. "Come On! Escape Your Fate!" You grunted as you blasted her again. It was blast after blast after blast. Sometimes you or Wanda would miss and hit the wall. Your body's becoming more and more decomposed. "Release Your Burden! There's more. I want it all. You and Wanda continued firing at Agatha She just started absorbing all of it until you and Wanda hung in the air limply.
"Mom!" the kids called out Bucky and Vision pulled them closer to them.
Agatha stoped cackleing. "About our deal...Once cast, a spell can never be changed. This world you made will always be broken. Just like...you." She tried to use her 'new' powers on both of you. Then she tried again.
You lifted up your head and smerked. "Runes." you and Wanda used your magic to show the symbols.
"In a given space, only the witch who cast them can use her magic. Thanks for the lesson..." Wanda said.
"But we don't need you to tell us who we are." You tell her. Then you and wand started to
take your magic back along with hers. As both of you consumed it your clothes changed.

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