Who Are You

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You woke up the next morning and was confused when you saw everything was black and white, then yesterday come back into mind, you yawned and stretched, and walked downstairs, "Why does everything look different?" "I dunno," Bucky said as he gave ...

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You woke up the next morning and was confused when you saw everything was black and white, then yesterday come back into mind, you yawned and stretched, and walked downstairs, "Why does everything look different?"
"I dunno," Bucky said as he gave you a plate filled with food, "By the way, Wanda, has decided that today she would have a magic show, soo?"
"You don't actually wanna do that do you?" you asked.
He laughed, "No, because I don't have the powers that can do actual magic."
"You can lift a car or something, and they're not magic," you said.
"Sure, I gotta go to this neighborhood safety patrol meeting, and you have to go to the other thing," he told you, both of you ate breakfast and talked, and tried to ignore the simultaneous laughing that would usually give you a headache.
After the both of you got dressed, "Do you think it will matter what I wear...I mean it's all black and white literally."
Bucky laughed, "No I don't think it will."
You pulled on a mini skirt and a shirt, and a pair of boots, there was a knock on your door, "I'll get it," you ran downstairs, and answered it.
"Y/n hi," Agnes walked in like she had at Wanda's home, yesterday, "Wow fab house, you got here." Bucky had finished getting ready, and walked downstairs, and found you talking to a particularly perky woman holding a rabbit in a cage, "Oh and this must be her husband."
He looked at you for an answer Agnes looked to Bucky for his, "Y-yes Agnes Bucky here is my husband."
"Well, we otta be going to get Wanda, Y/n," Agnes said and led you out of the house, "So Why don't you two wear rings?"
"We're a more modern-day couple how about you talk to Ralph about it," you said.
"Maybe," she smiled, as you walked up to Wanda's house where she had been holding a toy helicopter, "Look, it's the star o' the show." the fake audience laughed.
Wanda gasped, "Agnes. I'm sorry. What did you say? Hi Y/n."
Agnes smiled, "Oh, I brought my pet rabbit. For your magic act."
"Yes, of course! Thank you, Agnes. We will take good care of him." Wanda smiled.
"Señor Scratchy just loves the stage. He played baby Jesus in last year's Christmas pageant," You laughed slightly at that as did the invisible audience, Wanda walked inside, the mailman walked by, "Oh, morning, Dennis."
"Morning, Agnes," he looked at you, "Y/n," he said with a nod, that confused you how did he know who you are when just yesterday Agnes didn't know you.
"Stick 'em up," She said with a wide smile, with finger guns.
He laughed, "Don't shoot. I'm just a messenger."
Agnes laughed and made a Pew-pew, sound, "Who's that?" you asked.
"Oh don't act silly Y/n, you know Dennis," She told you.
You laughed, "Of course I do, I was only kidding," you were so confused.
Wanda came walking up to the both of you, "Shall we?"
"Oh, we shall," Agnes said, as the three of you started to walk down the street, "So, are you ready to meet Queen Cul de Sac and her Merry Homemakers? Am I right Y/n?"
You looked at Agnes with furrowed brows, then Wanda Spoke up be for you could, "Agnes, Dottie can't be as bad as you say."
Agnes hummed, " Well, you'll notice her roses bloom under penalty of death," Agnes stepped in front of you and Wanda, "Wanda, can I give you a bit of friendly advice?"
"Is it about the way how I'm dressed?" Wanda looked down, and then back up.
Agnes did the same thing Wanda just did, "Yes, but it's too late for that. Dottie is the key to everything in this town. Country club memberships, parties, school admissions..."
"Well, let's not get ahead of ourselves," Wanda said with wide eyes.
Agnes laughed, "That's what Y/n said when she first got here too, right Y/n?" She looked at you.
"I did?" you asked with concern.
  "Of course silly," Agnes turned to Wanda, "You get in with Dottie and it'll be smooth sailing from here on out. Just mind your P's and Q's and you're gonna do just fine." Agnes told her, who the hell is this Dottie woman was what you were thinking during this.
"Or maybe I could just be myself? More or less?" Wanda said.
Agnes laughed again, "Oh, Wanda, that's good."
Then the door, to the house that you were standing in front of, opened, "Everybody, hurry up please." a blond woman said.
Agnes turned to her, "Hiya, Dottie! Your roses are divine."
The blond woman smiled, "Well, thank you."
The meeting was boring the only good thing that came out of it was Agnes offering you alcohol, why would Wand want to be a would with a woman like Dottie she is such a bitch,  but the woman named Geraldine, she looked a lot like the Monica Rambeau woman that the S.O.W.R.D directer talked about.
Bucky had been sitting at the table in the library bord out of his mind, this is not what he thought it was going to be like at all, "Pardon me. Is this the neighborhood watch meeting?" He looked up at Vision, everyone looked at him with dumbfoundedness.
"Oh, hiya, Vision. Didn't expect to see you here. This is sort of a "members only" type deal," Norm said, which was weird to Bucky because he had never been to this before today, technically both he and Vision were both 'new in town.'
"Ah! Certainly. Right. Well... I'll just stay here and be as quiet as a church mouse till you open up the floor for new business." Vision sat down.
"Well, in truth, we were just getting to new business," Herb said.
Vision smiled, "Oh, splendid! Could you tell me how often you rotate security patrols? Do you interface directly with local law enforcement? What are your protocols for threats such as burglary, graffiti, and reckless driving? I know these are indeed grave matters."
"No, Vision, 'New business' actually means another round of Danish," Norm explained.
"I'm sorry I gotta interrupted but I agree with Vision why aren't we doing that type of stuff I mean this is the 'Nabourhood watch meeting' we should be talking about that stuff even though it's most likely not going to happen," Bucky said with slight irritation, everyone looked at him with confusion, then it was like nothing happened.
"Raspberry or cheese-filled?" Phil asked as if Bucky hadn't said anything.
Vision did the same, "Oh, neither for me, thank you. I don't eat food," everyone looked at Vision in confusion, "What I mean to say is that I don't eat food in between meals but at mealtimes. I'm a regular eating machine," the fake audience laughed.
"Hey, fellas. The vision here has got a point. Now, listen up. I got some top-secret intelligence for you," Herb said.
"Oh, excellent," Vision said.
"Now, you know how Johnson's been braggin' about that treehouse he built for his kids? It's a prefab job," Herb said what he was leading on to, everyone scoffed except for Bucky and Vision, Bucky rolled his eyes.
"I can do you one better. You know those bowling trophies Arthur's always polishing? He bought 'em all at a yard sale in Hackensack," Norm said, more scoffs.
"I too have some top-secret gossip to share," Vision said, "James, here is a Communist."  Everyone looked at Bucky and started to laugh at Vision.
"That's a good one Vision," Herb said, "Right James?"
"Uh-hu the funniest thing I've heard all day," Bucky said in a blunt tone.
"Vision, you're a real cut-up," Phil said.
"You know, I always thought you were kind of a square," Norm said.
Vision smiled at Norm, "Me? No, I'm as round as they come."
"Hey, care for a stick o' Big Red?" Herb offered gum to Vision.
Norm stopped Vision, "Well, hold on there a second. Didn't you hear the man? He doesn't eat food."
"Is gum food?" Herb asked.
"Well, my understanding is that it's purely for mastication," Vision said Bucky looked up at that and then realized, what he actually said.
Herb looked at Vision with embarrassment, "No, I don't do that."
"Well, when in Westview... Cheers," Vision stuck the gum in his mouth and made a face of disgust.
"Who knew you were such a funny guy?" Norm said.
Herb laughed, "And to think you came here all hot and bothered about protocols and nonsense. We actually thought you were serious," he patted Vision on the back Bucky realized what happened when Vision stuck his fingers in his mouth.
You had decided to go home after the meeting at the country club, you walked in and heard a giggle, "What the hell?" you asked in a mumbled.
"Suprise!" You turned around at the young-sounding voice's your eyes widened when you saw two children, a boy, and a girl, the boy looked to be a bit older than the girl.
"Who are you two and how did you get in my house?" You asked.
They laughed, "You're so silly," the boy said.
"I am? Who the hell are you t-" you were cut off, by the door opening.
Bucky sighed, "That meeting was th-who are they?"
"Your sill too!" The little girl said.
"What the hell is going on who are you two?" you asked them.
They frowned, "Mommy you're acting weird." the girl said.
"What?" you said.
Darcy ran to one of the TV's that instead of Wanda and Vision, had Y/n and Bucky, Jimmy walked up beside her, "Since when do they have kids?"
"I don't know," she said, "They have a radio in their living room, do what you did with Wanda earlier," Darcy instructed.
"Alright," He rushed outside, "Y/l/n, Barnes do you read me?"
"Woo?" Y/n asked, but Darcy couldn't hear him speak in the show, she picked up her walkie, "Jimmy continue talking to her she can hear you."
"Mom who's talking?" The boy said.
"A friend," Y/n replied to him.
"Who are the kids?" Jimmy said.
"I don't know, I define them, for me, when you do you know how you can talk to me," Y/n said.
"Mommy, I wanna go to the talent show," the little girl said.
"Okay um...ya let's go," you said to them, the four of you headed to the park.
Then it all faded, and the threat was there again, "Y/n what is this?" Bucky asked.
"I don't know I think their commercials, I saw one yesterday, it's super weird," You told him.
It started with a man standing in front of a mirror, and then a woman coming beside him, there was a narrator, "They say a man is never fully-dressed without two important accessories, His special lady... and his Strücker," they left and it zoomed in on a watch with a HYDRA symbol, "He'll make time for you."
It ended and you were already at the park, "That was weird," Bucky said, " and were at the park?"
"I know right, ad it happened to me yesterday I was at the house before I knew it," you agreed.
You had watched a few of the talents, now you were at a tap dance act, Wanda and Vision were up next, "I want to thank you all for coming out to support Westview Elementary, 'For the children.'" Dottie said.
"'For the children.'" everyone in the audience said Bucky looked around in confusion.
"It's something they do," You whispered to him.
"And for our final act... I give you, Wanda and Vision," Dottie said.
Bucky looked at you, "It's kinda freaky."
Wanda ran out from behind the curtain after a pause Vision came out, "Hello, Westview! Good afternoon. It's so lovely to be..." he hit the railing of the pavilion, "I'm so sorry. Excuse me. I am Glamour and this is my delightful assistant, Illusion."
"I am Glamour and he's Illusion," Wanda corrected.
Vision stared off for a second, "Yeah, what she said. Today, we will lie to you, and yet you will believe our little deceptions because human beings are easily fooled due to their limited understanding of the inner workings of the universe. Flourish!"
"Why is Vision drunk, how is he drunk, is the better question," you asked Bucky.
"He swallowed gum," Bucky told you.
"And now my wife and I will delight in your dumbstruck little faces. Flourish!" Vision started to fly, then a rope appeared, " Wanda, what's... Oh, no! Oh! No! Wanda, please! Darling, let me down! I'm feeling pukey!" the audience laughed and clapped, "Ooh!" he groaned with delight, once he was on the ground, "Uh, what's next? Oh! Yeah, this is... This is gonna be great! A staggering feat of strength." he picked up the piano everyone was surprised.
"Ah? Illusion... Uh... Uh...Illusion, Master of Enigma, allow me," Wanda did something, and then picked up the piano and turned to the side, "Whoops! You weren't supposed to see how we did that trick." Wanda winked.
"Why is she trying to hide their powers?" you asked yourself, then Vision did a card trick that went wrong with Herb, Agnes rabbit got away, with Wanda's help.
"Well then, I will just have to pull this hat... out of myself," he made it phase through his stomach, Wanda used her powers to show mirrors every believed it for some reason, "And now, ladies and gentlemen, for our grand finale. I bring you, The Magnet of Crysteries!"
"The Cabinet of Mysteries!" Wanda corrected Vision.
Vision oped the cabinet, "Yeah, yeah. What she said. I will now make my wife... disappear, Abracadabra!" he hit the box with his wand.
"Um Sweethart, Hi," Wanda said with a look of concern.
'What's in the box?' was chanted by everyone.
Wanda used her powers to make Geraldine, appear in the box, the three of them bowed.
Soon after Wanda and Vision tried to leave without anyone knowing but were called up to stage by Dottie, but surprise surprise, they won first place, everyone cheered for them.
You Bucky and the two mysterious children went 'home' You and Bucky were talking in the kitchen when the boy walked into the kitchen, "Mom, Dad, that person talking again," the fake audience laughed.
You and Bucky walked into the living room, "Y/l/n Barnes do you read me?" Jimmy asked.
"Ya," you said.
"The kid's there no I identification of them, I-I think there actually-" he got cut off, and you and Bucky were in the kitchen again as if you weren't in the living room seconds ago.
"Mom Dad, I'm tired." The boy stretched and yawned.
You noded "Okay...ya let's get you tucked i-" everything got turned into color, "What the hell."
"Everything is in color now," Bucky noted.
"Mom we're still tired over here," He complained.
"Oh...Right," you walked them up to their rooms, you went into the boys' first, and you noticed a red 'G' with the name 'George' painted on it, in black, "George?"
"Ya, mom?" he asked.
"Oh...nothing, I uh..who named you?" you asked him.
He looked at you with confusion, "You did, you named me after our Grandpa on dad's side."
"Oh," you smiled, "I gotta go tuck in your sister."
He smiled at you, "Love you, mom."
"You too." you turned off his lights.
You walked across the hall and into the girls' room, there was an 'N' painted blue with black writing with the name, 'Natalia' on it, "Like Natasha," you said in a hushed tone.
"Mommy aunt Natasha's gone," Natalia said.
You turned to her, "I-I know," you felt tears burning your eyes.
She got into bed, "Night mommy, Люблю тебя," 'Love You.'
You turned off the lights, "ночь, я тоже тебя люблю," 'Night I love you too.' you walked downstairs, and found Bucky.
"Hey, you alright?" he asked seeing the sad look in your eyes.
You decided to change the topic, "I found out their names."
"Really?" he asked.
You nodded, "Ya, their names are George and Natalia."
"Like my dad...and Natasha?" He tilted his head.
"Ya, exactly," you said looking to the floor, "We...should head to bed."

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