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You came back to consciousness and heard Agnes well now Agatha talking. "They do look shocked to meet the real us, don't they?" She was talking to her rabbit Wanda's eyes glowed red as she tried getting into her mind, you started trying to also do it, but something was blocking your powers. "That's adorable. My thoughts are not available to the two of you, toots. They never ever were. So don't go giving' yourselfs' a migraine. We've got work to do."
"Where are our children?" Wanda asked before you could. Her accent came back.
Agatha scoffed. "'Where are my children?' Oof! That accent really comes and goes, doesn't it?"
"Where are they?" you tried using your powers again but it didn't work.
"For someone who doesn't know how her children exist you sure are protective. But I'd be more concerned about lover boy." Agatha smirked. "Anyways your magic's no good here." Agatha used her powers to bring the both of you forward. You and Wanda floated in front of her. "Didn't you notice? Basic protection spell, one on each wall? No? Nothing?" You and Wanda looked around and saw glowing symbols. "These are runes, Girls. In a given space, only the witch that cast the runes can use her magic. How do you guys' not know the fundamentals?"
"Magic?" you asked.
Before Agatha could answer you, Wanda stopped her. "Who are you?"
Agatha tilted her head. "Who are you two? All those costumes and hairstyles-"
You cut her off. "I didn't do any of that."
"Then why do I feel your power everywhere I go?" She asked. "I was so patient, waiting for you to reveal your true self. I got close with fake Pietro. With Wanda. Fietro, if you will, but no dice. With you Y/n I had nothing at one point I really thought about bringing Steve back but I knew Barnes would see through that in a second-"
"You created my kids?" you asked anger in your voice.
Agatha shook her head. "Oh, No I didn't. I didn't have a way to spy on you. I noticed that you were spending a lot of time with Wanda so I killed two birds with one stone."
"That was you?" Wanda asked.
Agatha laughed. "No, it wasn't literally me. Just my eyes and ears. A crystalline possession. Necromancy was a non-starter since your real brother's body is on another continent. Not to mention, full of holes. But you're so crippled by your own self-doubt that you believed it. Oh, Wanda, oh, when I sensed this place, the afterglow of so many spells cast all at once... and then Y/n came into town and it just got stronger. Oh, I couldn't make heads or tails of it." She walked over and picked up two flies and put them in the palm of her hand and started to say something in Latin. "Mind control. A classic. Quick incantation and a feeble psyche and you're good to go." She had them fly over onto your faces. "Oh, Y/n I have a good feeling you know what it's like. Not being able to do anything under your own free will that's why you just knew you otta save this town isn't it? With thousands of people under your thumb, all interacting with each other according to complex storylines. Well, that's something special, baby." Then she took both of them off of your faces. "And of course, there's transmutation." She turned both of them into birds. "Years of study to achieve even the smallest convincing illusion. But Westview through your lens, Wanda..." She grabbed both birds turning them into flies again, and gave them to the rabbit to eat. "She couldn't be the only one doing this. Every little detail in place down to the crown molding. You two are even running illusions miles away at the edge of town. Magic on autopilot. What's your secret, girls? Listen, I need you... Hey, Y/n, Wanda, I need you guys to tell me how you did this, and then you can go home with the kids and your... hubbies."
"I have no part of this..." "I didn't do anything. I'm not..." you and Wanda spoke at the same time. Then Agatha threw both of you against a wall and then back in front of her again.
"I tried to be gentle, to nudge you guy's awake from this ridiculous fantasy, but you would rather fall apart than face your truth. You've left me no choice. What was it you said to your not-brother?" She spoke mainly to Wanda at the end. "Hmm? All you could recall was the feeling, and you, Y/n remembering what Wanda put into your mind mmh that was your finest moment of pain while you were here. You both felt empty. Alone. Endless nothingness. Regardless of having someone by your side." Agatha smirked. "Let's start there." Two doors glowed. "It's been fun playing pretend for a while, hasn't it, Girls?" She pulled a strand of hair out of both of your heads. She said something else in Laton, both hair follicles floating to separate doors both changing one was white with a lever handle, the other door was greenish-blue with a regular door handle, it looked especially similar to you. "But it's time to look at some real reruns." You and Wanda both dropped to the floor. "All right, let's go you two."
"No." You and Wanda say in sync.
Agatha turned to both of you, "Oh, I'm sorry. Did you forget who's got your children, and Partner." She looked at you. "Stashed away in her bewitched basement?"
"Mom! Mom! Help, please, Mom! Mom, help us!" It was all four kids.
"Y/n!" Bucky yelled.
You and Wanda got off the floor, "That's right." Agatha opened the doors with the power. Agatha made a copy of her who followed you to your door. "After you, superstar."
You walked through to what looked like your childhood home. "Aw, how cute it's so vintage...so charming. Why are we here? Also, Where are we?"
"My home in Romania. Soon before my parents moved to America." You saw someone at the stove making something she turned around. "Mom?"
"Y/n! Come Down Here Dinners Ready!" She called out for you.
"Dad?" Your father walked into the kitchen.
"Y/n!" Your mom called out for you.
"I think it's your time to go girly." Agatha pushed you in front of her.
You were a child again. "Mama Papa!" You and your father hugged and he picked you up as you ran up to him. "Put me down. Put me down. I want to show you and mama something." Your Romanian accent was strong.
"Okay, sweetie show us then we eat dinner." Your mom said.
"Okay." You smiled then you held your hands out and started to focus, blue tundras of light and smoke formed a ball. You giggled but then you looked at your parents and they looked scared. You frowned and your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What?"
Your father looked at you with disgust. "Tu-Ai Un Permis Ciudat, Du-Te Afară!" 'Y-Your A Freak Leave Go Get Out!'
Tears gather in your eyes, "Dar tata-" 'But Papa-'
"Părăsi, Nu Te Întoarce Niciodată!" 'No, Leave And Never Come Back!' He yelled.
You looked at your Mom, "Mama?"
"Părăsi!" 'Lave!' She yelled pointing at the door.
Then everything was gone and you were you again. "You used your powers once and your parents made you leave. My mom tried to kill me." Agatha told you.
"Why did you bring me here?" You asked with tears in your eyes.
"That's the thing I don't take you to these places, this was the first time you experienced grief," Agatha told you. "What happened after where did you go?"
"I was alone on the streets having no one, feeding off scraps until I was sixteen." You told her.
"Well, what I see here is you, a baby witch having her parents abandon her for her powers. But it doesn't explain the hijinks you and Wanda had." Agatha said.
"That's because I didn't do it." Then another familiar door appeared. "I refuse to go back there." You said as your body shook.
"Hmm you don't have a choice, may we?" she led you through the door back to your personal hell.
You walked through and saw two men sitting at a monitor "Let the asset in to see her."
There was a loud noise, "So when you were sixteen you joined a Nazi death cult?"
"I was technically kidnaped." You told her.
"What happened to the war?" Agatha asked.
"I hardly remember it, this was in I think 1968." You tell her.
Agatha looked at you, "You look so young why?"
"Cryogenic Freezing, I look like I'm nineteen, but I'm supposed to be forty-nine." You explained.
You were sitting on a thin lumpy mattress with springs poking out of it then a tall brooding man came in, you looked into his blue eyes, and you saw an underlying pain. "Hi." Your voice was strained from lack of use, and your accent thick on your tongue. He didn't say anything, just looked at you. "Do you mind if I look?" You pointed to your head again nothing but he did give you a slight nod. "This may hurt a bit." You warned. You jolted back once you saw everything. "I-I'm sorry."
Then there was a jump in time. you looked a bit younger than you were now. "Now where are we?"
"I don't know," you tell Agatha.
You and the soldier were in bed lying next to each other. "When we get out of here let's go to my country I think you would like it there." You told him your accent had faded slightly.
"You know my mind better than I do. Where is your country?" He asked.
"Romania has beautiful green heels and beaches." You told him.
His blue eyes met y/e/c eye's. "Show me with your powers what you remember it looked like." the soldier had taken an interest in your powers after the first time you showed them to him. He loved you and you loved him.
Then another time jump without the door happened.
You were in bed when you heard two people in the hall talking to one another. You formed a ball with your powers, then you blessed down the door. Both men pulled out guns to shoot you but then you infiltrated their minds and made them turn and point the guns at each other then you had them pull the triggers. You didn't know where they were keeping the soldier that you grew to love but this was your only chance to leave you felt a pit form in your stomach you felt horrible about leaving him but you had to.
Then it stopped. "This still doesn't help." Then another door appeared. It looked like your room door at the Avengers tower. "Go threw."
It showed you sitting on your bed watching T.V. This was soon after Washington D.C. There was a soft knock on the door. "Come in." Your accent was still there just barely heard. Steve walked in.
"Hey." He said.
You looked at him. "Hi."
Where are we now?" Agatha asked.
"The Avengers Tower." You told her.
Steve sat beside you. "You alright?" He asked.
You sighed. "I was hoping that out of all the questions you could have asked that wouldn't be the one."
"How long have you and he known each other?" Steve asked.
"For a while...Steve if I had known you two knew each other I would have told you." You told him truthfully.
He had a sad look in his eyes. "I know you would have."
"I feel horrible Steve." You looked at the light brown hardwood flooring.
He put his hand on your knee. "Don't."
Then it was over. "Hmm I'm not getting too far with you except your love with Barnes is significant to you." Then another door appeared. This one looked like a Wakandin door. "Let's hope this is the last one."
You both walked through it was night and you were in Wakanda you could tell by looking out the huge window. "Fancy schmancy." Agatha said looking around.
Bucky and you sat on the king-sized bed. You sat crisscross and he sat with one leg on the bed. "Do the thing."
"You sure you want me up there?" You asked your accent almost fully gone, referring to his mind.
He cupped your cheek "Y/n I trust you." You held his hands and showed him what he wanted to see. You loved showing him because I could feel all of his emotions. You could feel how happy it made him. When you ended the vision he smiled and kissed you. "After all of this is threw. After we clear our names and can live in peace. I want to start a family...our family."
You smiled. "Okay." You had kissed him again.
You wiped away tears. "Hold on, how does lover boy have anything to do with this? You didn't want him coming into Westview. Hell, you hadn't known about your kids until you got home. Unless you accidentally created them with your powers." Agatha said.
"How did you know I had kids before I did?" you asked.
"I was watching your house through a picture you had hanging in your living room and I saw the kids running around. Thought I'd tap in a bit and have everyone think that you had lived there for longer so that they wouldn't ask questions. Ya' know didn't need Wanda fixin' things she didn't need to be fixing." Agatha explained.
Then there was another time jump to when Thanos snapped his fingers. "Y/n?" You and your past self looked in Bucky's direction as he turned to dust.
You watched as your past self ran to his ashes. Tears filling up your eyes, and falling to the ground. "B-Bucky?" you grabbed heeps of the ashes as you tried to see the memories from him... like you were able to do with other dead bodies. But there was nothing. You couldn't feel how happy you made him how happy he was when you showed him visions. "I-I can't feel him." Tears had dripped down your cheeks. You didn't know it at the time but now that you saw it for yourself you had let out a powerful blast of anguish. It stopped.
"Oh, now I see now. Parents abandoned you, let me guess Steve...father replacement abandoned you, and Bucky's 'dead' I mean you had hidden darkness clearly and your love with Bucky helped you hide all of that darkness. So what happened when he wasn't there to pull you back from the darkness?" She asked. Then the last door opened.
"I can't do this anymore," you told her. Then the last door opened.
It showed you on a phone call with Wanda. "What's going on?" You asked Wanda.
"Come to Westview, New Jersey." Wanda told you.
"What why?" You asked.
"Don't you remember our conversation about Bucky and you? How you wanted to take him somewhere. Where you and he could be safe. Where we could finally be happy with our loved ones?" Wanda referred to Vision at the end.
"Ya? What's this about?"
"Just come." Wanda hung up.
After the long drive, you saw Wanda outside of this dome-like town. "I don't remember this." you told Agatha.
"What is this?" You asked Wanda as you shut your car's door.
"I think I did it." She told you.
"Why did you bring me here?" You asked.
"In there is just like what you and I have always wanted Y/n. Vision and Bucky can finally, be safe. You can have the family you've always wanted one that won't abandon you for being who you are." Wanda told you.
"Wanda, I can't know about this," you tell her.
"Why?" she asked.
"I show Bucky my thoughts and feelings he'll find out." You tell her.
"I'll make it so that unless you're looking at Westview you won't remember it." She told you.
"What about when I'm in town?" you asked.
"You'll still remember," she promised. "Use your powers on the dome. It will allow you to exit and enter as you please."
You looked at the red glow of the dome. You put your hands on it as it changed to blue. "No altering Bucky's mind, I would never do that to him. How will I know to come back?"
"Put protection on his mind and your own. You'll just know when." she told you then red tundrals went into your mind.
You both said your goodbyes and you got into your car all thoughts of Westview New Jersey forgotten.
"How do you not remember that?" Agatha asked.
"When I walked through all of Wanda's powers couldn't infiltrate my mind except for what was already there. She made it so I would forget when I wasn't looking at the bubble when I was in town I looked at the bubble. But even then I still didn't remember. Her powers made me forget just in general after walking through both hers and my own power." You told Agatha.
"You helped Wanda do all of this just to keep Barnes safe and have a family and you don't even remember?" Agatha asked. "That's why you and Wanda had to move the bubble together. Westview is made out of both of your guys' Grief for your lovers." Agatha put the pieces together.
Then You and Wanda were on what looked like a T.V set. There was a slow clap. "Bravo!" Agatha said. "Wow, you two really are the bad guys'." Agatha snapped her fingers and was gone. You and Wanda looked at each other. Then you both heard the kids and Bucky yelling. You ran through a door and you were both outside. You found the five of them plus Agatha who was choking them with her powers.
"I know what the two of you are." Agatha told you.
"Mom!" Billy called out. Witch made Agatha pull harder.
"It's okay, baby. It's okay." Wanda reassured him.
You looked at Bucky and your kids. "It's gonna be okay. I promise." Yours and Wanda's powers started up as you used them to threaten Agatha.
"You two have no idea how dangerous you are. You're supposed to be a myth. Being's capable of spontaneous creations, and here you two are, using it to make breakfast for dinner." Agatha said.
"Let Go Of Our Children!" You yelled ready to blast her out.
She glared at both of you. " Oh, yes, your children. And Vision, and this whole little life you've made, this is Chaos Magic, Y/n, and Wanda. And that makes Wanda you the Scarlet Witch and Y/n You are the Crimson Witch."

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