Where are we

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You woke up the next morning feeling better, than the day before, "What happen yesterday?""Wanda is in deep, she's losing her self and her grip on reality," you told Bucky getting out of bed, "By the way, you apparently wake up Natalia with mornin...

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You woke up the next morning feeling better, than the day before, "What happen yesterday?"
"Wanda is in deep, she's losing her self and her grip on reality," you told Bucky getting out of bed, "By the way, you apparently wake up Natalia with morning tickles, and you bring her downstairs, I'm going to get ready and make breakfast," you walked into the closet, and changed out of your pajamas, then you walked down to the kitchen and made a quick breakfast.
George came in "Hey mom," your eyes widened when you looked at him, he looked older, "Are you okay?"
"Ya," you nod.
"Anyways If you're going to aunt Wanda's I wanna go with and play with Billy and Tommy," he said.
"Billy and Tommy are only babies George," you tell him.
He laughed "No there not, they're my age." he said.
"And how old is that?" You asked.
He looked at you with confusion, "Mom I'm ten, and Natalia is six."
"Huh um ya after breakfast we'll go to their house," You said.
"Alright," he smiled and sat at the table.
Bucky came in and you looked him up and down and laughed, "I'm sorry, but you-"
"Look ridiculous I know," Bucky said laughing too, he kissed you and put Natalia on the floor.
"Natalia you're coming to Wanda's with me and your brother, your dad has work today," You tell her.
"But why?" she complained.
"Because your brothers coming and can't watch you," As you put food on four plates.
"Ugh," She groaned.
After breakfast, you and the kids walked to Wanda's house you entered through the back door, "Let's just hope this dog stays the same size." Agnes said as you walked in, "Hey Y/n, hey kids, well I was just seeing myself out."
"Y/-" Wanda cut herself off, "Who are they?"
You smirked you knew you were going to milk this, "Oh Wanda, you know my son George and my daughter Natalia."
"I do?" She asked.
"Of course you do mom, George is our best friend," Tommy said.
"You are James' wife, and children are you, Sorry for not saying hi the other day, but it was kinda stressful," Vision said, the kids ran outback.
"It's alright Vision," You smiled.
"Well, I gotta be going," He said, as he walked into the living room.
You turned to Wanda, "It's been glitching a lot."
"What do you mean?" she asked.
"I mean I and George argued yesterday before I came here, and then it glitched as nothing happened, it also happed the day of the talent show with Bucky," You explained.
In the office, they were setting up their new computers, "Oh James' I saw your family at my house earlier," Vision said to him.
"Ya well, Y/n was going over to talk to Wanda, and then George wanted to go play with your boys so Y/n brought both of them with since I had to go to work," Bucky told him.
"I have a question," Vision said in a hushed tone to Bucky.
"Have you noticed something's wrong here?" Vision asked.
"You have?" Bucky asked.
"Yes, of course, but Wanda keeps denying it, does Y/n do the same thing?" Vision questioned.
"Vision you're-"
"Vision, So you're telling me this is a typewriter, a Rolodex, and a calendar all in one? What else can it do? Find me a wife?" Norm asked.
"Um yes eventually." Vision answered the helped Norm, finished setting up the computer, then there was an email everyone but Bucky and Vision red, "'S.W.O.R.D. Top secret communiqué. Authenticate. 'Doctor Darcy Lewis' findings regarding Maximoff's Anomaly. 'High levels of radiation present at the perimeter.' Effect on Westview residents unknown. 'Please advise.'" then everyone laughed, Vision touched the sides of the computer and the touched Norm's Temples, "Please. Please help me. What day is it? How long has it been? Where's my phone? I have to call my sister." Norm's voice was now panicked.
"Norm?" Both Bucky and Vision asked with concern.
"She's taking care of our dad, he's sick. Where is my phone?" he began looking in his desk.
"Calm yourself, Norm. I can't understand what you're trying to tell me," Vision told her.
"You have to stop her. She's in my head. None of it is my own. It hurts. It hurts so much. Just make her stop," He said out of breath, "Just make her stop..." Norm started to yell, Vision undid what he did, then Norm started acting 'normal' after Vision finished talking to him, he went back to Bucky, about what they've been noticing.
You and Wand were sitting on the couch watching all of the tricks that the kids had taught the dog, Sparky, then Tommy wanted to show Vision.
"Oh, he's... He's at work." Wanda told them.
"Huh? It's Saturday." Billy said.
Wanda shook her head, "No, it's not. It's Monday."
"This morning was Saturday," Tommy said.
George nodded, "Aunt Wanda, it's Saturday."
"George don't be rude," You said as a warning.
"There was an emergency at the office and your father had to go in, Look, he just... He needed a distraction." Wanda told them.
"From what?" Tommy asked.
Billy looked sad, "From us?"
"No! No way! No! Sometimes your dad and I aren't on the same page, but that's just temporary. Like the two of you, you might fight over toys, but he's always going to be your brother. And he is always going to be yours. Because family is forever, right?" Wand said.
"Do you have a brother, Mom?" Tommy asked.
Wanda nodded, "I do. Yeah. He's far away from here. And that makes me sad sometimes."
Sparky started to bark and ran to the front door Wanda and you got up and walked outside, Sparky ran out, "Y/n why do they keep sending those?" Wanda asked with irritation.
"I don't know," You answered truthfully.
"I do. Yeah. He's far away from here. And that makes me sad sometimes." She sounded like Geraldine.
It was about to do something then Wanda used her powers to stop the drone from flying, and it fell to the ground, Wanda used her powers again and stoped everything, around you but her and you, but little did you or her know was that her powers didn't work on George or Natalia, "Y/n you're coming with me," she grabbed you and trudged off George and Natalia following, "Stay behind." Wanda told them "I'll be back with your mom in a minute."
"Were coming with you," Natalia said.
Wanda scoffed, "Stubron just like your mother," her Sokovian accent back, as she and did whatever she did with your clothes you were back in your super suit and she was in her's, as she flew the both of you to the town line, but George was following you caring his little sister who didn't know how to use her powers, Wanda rolled her eyes, as she started to break the barrier, with you the kids not far behind, it was night, in the 'Real-world', Wanda threw the drone at the agents, guns were pointed at you and Wanda, "The missile was just a precaution. You can hardly blame us, Wanda." The Director said.
"Oh, I think I can. This will be your only warning. Stay out of my home. You don't bother me. I won't bother you. And I won't hurt the two recruits you set in." She looked at you.
"No!" George and Natalia cried out.
The Director looked at them, then back at you and Wanda, "I wish it could be that simple. You've taken an entire town hostage."
She glared at him, "Well, I'm not the one with the guns, Director."
"But you are the one in control." Monica/Geraldine said.
Wanda tilted her head, "You're still here."
"Wanda, I didn't know the drones were armed. But you know that, don't you? A town full of civilians. And you, a telepath, brought a S.W.O.R.D. Agent into your home. You trusted me to help deliver your babies. On some level, Wanda, you know I am an ally. I wanna help you." Monica told her coming closer to the four of you.
"How? What could you possibly have to offer me?" Wanda asked.
"What do you want?" Monic asked.
Wanda glared at the agents, "I have what I want," She threw you to the ground Natalia and George ran to you, "And no one will ever take it from me again," Then she used her powers to get into the minds of the men pointing the guns who turned and started to point them at the director, Wanda walked into Westview the men stood down as soon as she walked in.
Monica, Jimmy, and Darcy rushed to you and the kids, "They're real?" Jimmy asked.
Bucky came home, after a commercial break expecting you and the kids to be back from Wanda's witch was weird when you weren't.
"Mom who are these people, what are you wearing and where are we?" George asked.
"Friends, and don't worry about what I'm wearing, and not in Westview," You told him as you got off of the ground.
"Wheres, daddy?" Natalia asked.
"At home," You turned to the three adults, "I got to get back in there."
"Did you not hear what she said she do?" Jimmy said.
"I'm going back in." You said.
"Hey kids can I get a strand of hair?" Darcy asked.
George looked at her in confusion, "Mom a wired lady wants my hair!"
"Give her the hair," you tell him.
"Okay, only if you let us go back in," he told you.
You turned around from your examining of the bubble, "What No!"
"Then they don't get our hair," He crossed his arms.
"Ugh fine, but I gotta protect your minds from Wanda, even though they already slightly are," you said, both George and Natalia plucked one strand of hair and gave it to Darcy, you walked to them and explained that it might hurt, and then you put your pointer and middle finger on Georges temples and started to mumble the words again, which took a good minute, "You can stay out here you don't have to go back in," you told Natalia.
"I'm going in," She said, then you started the same process.
After you were finished, the three of you, walked to the bubble, and you started to weaken it, then George added his hands, "What do I do?"
"Just think about weakening it alright," you told him, he nodded, Natalia took your hand, then the three of you walked forward, and found your self inside of your house after stepping in, technically in your room, you walked downstairs, "Bucky?"
"Oh god, what happed I thought you were gone," He ran to you and hugged you.
"Wanda kicked me out of the town but I and the kids are fine now," you told him truthfully.
"The kids two?"
"Ya, I'm worn out, I used a lot of power just barley I need to go to sleep," you told him.
"Alright ya," he nodded, he tucked the kids in that night like the night before.

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