With My Powers

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You woke up and walked into the closet, and you were confused when there were only two things in there, which were both layed out, you cringed at what you were about to put on, and then you went downstairs, you were about to make breakfast when yo...

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You woke up and walked into the closet, and you were confused when there were only two things in there, which were both layed out, you cringed at what you were about to put on, and then you went downstairs, you were about to make breakfast when you saw the calendar out of the corner of your eye, you saw a pumpkin on it, and it said 'Halloween' "That explains the costumes."
Bucky soon came down, "What the hell am I wearing?"
"It's Halloween...so I assume a costume, but mine is worse," you stood up from the couch, he laughed, "Fuck you," soon after the kids came running down in costumes of their own, George was dressed in a Captain America costume, and Natalia was dressed up in a Black Widow costume, "I decided we're going out to eat for breakfast because it's Halloween."
So you went out and ate, and they told you what their plans for trick or treating was, which was to go with the twins, so after breakfast, you went to Wanda's house and knocked on the front and Tommy answered it, "Hey guys come in." the four of you came in, Wanda was in an all-red costume while Vision was in a green and yellow one.
"Whoa! Sweet costume bro-ham-in-law," A guy said.
"Uh, Tommy who's that?" You asked the kid.
"That's our uncle Pietro," He told you.
"Pietro?" you said not meaning to out loud.
He smiled, "Y/n, dudette how ya' been?" He used his powers to run and hug you, "God it seems like long time no see who's- no way, you're her guy," he did the same thing to Bucky that he just did to you, then he was next to his nephews and your kids, who had sodas.
"James, Y/n," Vision greeted.
You smiled, "Vision."
Vision turned to his wife, "Never told me much about your brother. I had no idea he'd be so..." they were drinking out of the side of the soda can, "Great with kids."
"Yeah. He's just full of surprises." Wanda said.
"Well, you have fun tonight, darling, James you wanna come?" Vision said heading to the front door.
"I'm gonna stay with Y/n and the kids today," Bucky said.
Wanda looked confused, "What? What do you mean? You're all dressed and ready to go."
Vision looked at her, "I'm undercover. Halloween is a bacchanal for adolescent trouble-makers and the neighborhood watch is the only thing that stands between the trees and the toilet paper."
Wanda shook her head, "No, that's not what you're supposed to–"
Vision gave her a questioning look, "What?"
Wanda sighed, "You didn't tell me you had plans."
"Well, I am telling you now." Vision shrugged.
Billy turned to George, "Mom and Dad have been, not fighting, just, like, different."
"Really you guys alright?" George asked with concern for his friend.
"I and Tommy hope it gets better," Billy shrugged.
Wanda crossed her arms, "It's their first Halloween. You have to be there."
Pietro ran up, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's the big dealio? Big guy has a conflict, twins need a father figure for the night. Don't sweat it, sis. I got the old XY chromosome."
Vision shook his head, "Ya, no, James can be the father figure for the night."
"Oh...okay?" Bucky said.
"You have a spooky time tonight, kids." Vision said, they went to leave and told Wanda to behave.
Wanda made sure the door was closed all the way, then turned around and screamed at a wired face Pietro was making, "Don't do that!"
He smiled, "Where do you keep your water balloons?"
"What? We don't have water balloons." Wanda said.
"Where are we gonna put all this shaving cream? It was Billy's idea." He told her.
"I'm Tommy."
"And don't you forget it!"
Wanda rolled her eyes, "You don't even have a costume," Pietro scoffed, then he and Tommy ran off with supper speed, now they were in blue matching costumes, "Okay, but... Just remember that this is a respectable family. If I see any funny business, I am going to magic you into a pickled herring." Wanda told her brother.
"This is it. Game time." Tommy said to his brothers and friends.
Billy shook his head at his brother, "It's not a competition, Tommy."
Tommy smirked at the three other kids, "It is if you're a winner," Tommy ran towards the first house.
"Tommy," They all sighed running after him.
"Unleash Hell, Demon Spawn!" Pietro yelled.
You looked at Wanda, "He's new, who is he exactly because he doesn't look like your brother, he doesn't look like how I remember."
"I don't know it's weird to me too," She said, then turned to said 'brother'.
You and Bucky continued walking, "What was that about back there?" he asked.
"Well, Pietro didn't look like that, Pietro was around the same height, had facial hair, shorter hair, and acts older than that, but is still childish, and should be more dead," You explained.
"Why does he look different, and Vision doesn't?" Bucky asked.
You shrugged, then the kids, ran up, "Look!" they showed you all the candy they got within a few minutes.
"Thats a lot," you said.
Wanda and Pietro came up, "Junior entrepreneur's, over here. How about you let Uncle P help you maximize your candy acquisition, huh?"
"Yeah. Kick-ass!" Tommy giggled, then.
Pietro smirked and told the kids to hold on to each other's hands as he took Tommy and Billis, "I feel the need..."
"For speed." all the kids said, and then they were off and running.
"Kick-ass?" Wanda repeated then the three of you continued walking when you saw Herb, "Oh, hey, Herb. How's patrol going?"
"Eh, quiet, so far. Hold up, will you?" then something came out of his walkie "Say again, All the candy has disappeared? And now all the jack-o'-lanterns have been smashed. And now everyone's covered in silly string? Sorry, guys', I gotta bounce."
"Well, maybe Vision can help you out," Wanda said.
Herb looked at her in confusion, "Vision? Oh, he's not on duty."
"Oh! I... I thought he..."
He cut her off, "Is there something I can do for you, Wanda? Do you want something changed?"
"No. It's fine. Never mind." Wanda said.
"All right. Peace." Herbert walked away.
Then the weirdest commercial of them all came on, and you had to sit through it, it was a yogurt commercial of a kid, on an island and he starved to death, and then you were in front of a movie theater and it was night.
The kids walked in front of you looking sad, "This is so lame. I can't believe you guys are making them return all the candy Y/n I thought you were the cool Avenger/parent." Pietro said.
"I can't believe what a bad influence you are," Wanda told him.
"Pietro your acting like a child, besides you didn't even know me well enough, to decipher anything about me," you said in a slightly defensive tone.
"Who beefed in your borscht? I'm just trying to do my part, okay? Come to town unexpectedly, create tension with the brother-in-law, stir up trouble with the rugrats, and ultimately give you grief. I mean, that's what you wanted, isn't it?" He said to Wanda.
"What happened to your accent?" she said changing the subject.
He scoffed, "What happened to yours? Details are fuzzy, man. I got shot like a chump on the street for no reason at all and the next thing I know, I heard you calling me. I knew you needed me."
The kids came back up, "Uncle P, guess what?"
"They've got full-size candy bars a few blocks up. Mom, can we go?" Billy asked.
But Tommy ran, as fast as Pietro, and came back with four candy bars, "Next stop, Cavity Town."
Pietro was hyped, "Right on, little dude. Chip off the old Maximoff block. You've got super speed!"
"I do!"
"Ya," They hi-fived.
Wanda was happy too, "You can take it slow, and you can–" then he was bursting running around Wanda stopped him "If you're gonna break the sound barrier, please just take your brother with you." Wanda went over the rules. Then the four were off.
The four of you adults when to the town square, where it was flooding with people, "Holy shmacaroni." Pietro said as you walked into a maze, Wanda laughed.
"Isn't it great?" Wanda asked.
"Wanda," you warned.
Pietro, pated your back as to say chill out, "Damn it, if Westview, New Jersey isn't charming as hell."
"Now, I know that you think that I've have gone, full soccer mom. But it really is nice, right?" Wanda said, "Oh come on Y/n don't act like it isn't what you wanted, you too Barnes, you know it's nice." the four of you sat on bells of hay.
"Yeah, I think Mom and Dad would've loved it," Pietro said.
"Yeah. I think they would have."
Then Pietro started asking about where Wanda was keeping all of the kids, "I'm impressed! Seriously. It's a big leap from giving people nightmares and shooting red wiggly-woos out of your hands, am I right Y/n."
2015 Salvage Yard African Coast
"Stark is... He's a sickness!" Ultron yelled.
You, Stev, Thor, and Tony all landed in the boat, "Junior. You're gonna break your old man's heart." Tony said.
"If I have to." Ultron shrugged.
"Nobody has to break anything," Thor told the robot.
Ultron, Wanda, and Pietro stud in front of the four of you, "Clearly you've never made an omelet."
"He beat me by one second," Tony made sure to tell all of you.
"Yes. He's funny. Mr. Stark. It's what? Comfortable? Like old times?" Pietro said looking at some bombs with the Stark Industries logo on them.
"This was never my life," Tony said.
"You two can still walk away from this," Steve told them.
Wanda smirked, "Oh, We will."
"I know how you feel, I know what you've been thrown," you took a step toward them, "You don't have to do this."
Steve nodded, "We know you've suffered."
Ultron scoffed, "Black Star," he looked at you, "Why are you with them, you want to make things right, make it up to the government, pay back your dues why aren't you on my side the side of peace, as for you Captain America. God's righteous man. Pretending you could live without a war. I can't physically throw up in my mouth, but..."
Thor cut the android off, "If you believe in peace, then let us keep it."
"I think you're confusing peace with quiet."
"Nu-hu, What's the vibranium for?" Tony asked.
Ultron smirked, "I'm glad you asked that because I wanted to take this time to explain my evil plan," then Ultron, hit Tony with a blast and hell broke loose, you used your powers to take down the robots, crushing one right threw the floor, Wanda used he powers to throw Steve back and you did the same with her, guns were big fired at you now, not by robots but by other people, and Pietro was knocking you all down like toy soldiers.
You were fighting one of the bots when in the middle you felt as if you were going to pass out your senses were down, and then you heard crying, pain, "Where am I?" you asked aloud.
Steve looked at you with concern "Y/n? Y/n?" then he spoke into his coms, "Thor, status."
"The girl tried to warp my mind. Take special care. I doubt a human could keep her at bay. Fortunately, I am mighty." thor said.
"B-Bucky, are you alright, what's going on?" you asked him.
He looked at you with betrayal, "How could you just leave me with them."
"I-I didn't mean to, I knew you would want me to have my best shot," You said.
He glared at you, "Don't you remember the pain, of all your memories being ripped away, the screams of our victims."
"You know it's not our fault, y-you know it's HYDRA," Tears started to slip down your cheeks.
He looked at you with no emotion"Your family thought you were a freak with your powers, they gave you gladly to HYDRA, what makes you think I don't think that It's true I don't wanna be around you because it's true you are a freak, you were on HYDRA's side during the war, am I wrong?"
"I told you all of that, I told you that I told you they were controlled me, I didn't choose to, do that, I never wanted to hurt anyone, neither did you," You told him, "Let me show you."
"No!" He backed away from you, "Stay Away From Me Freak!"
"Bucky No, No, Don't Push Me Away," You cried.
"Y/n?" Bucky said as he squeezed you're and bringing you back to the present, "Are you alright"
"Um...Ya," You nodded.
"Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!" Billy yelled as all of the kids came running up.
Wand looked at him with concern, "What? What is it, Billy?"
"I hear Dad in my head. He's in trouble, he's in pain," he said.
Billy looked scared, "I don't understand. What's happening to me?"
"Where is he? Where's your dad?" Wanda said with urgency.
Pietro scoffed, "Hey, don't sweat it, sis. It's not like your dead husband can die twice."
Wanda blasted him away with her powers throwing him back, then she turned to her son, "Billy, I need you to focus.
Billy closed his eyes, "I can't tell. I see these......soldiers. They think he's dying."
Wanda used her powers to stop everything, she grabbed on to you, "Ready to put them to use?" then you felt the ground moving, it felt like the earthquake.
"W-what are you doing with my powers, Wanda?" You asked.
"Shh." she hushed.
Once she was done both of your irises glowed, red for her and blue for you.

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