Traveling with Matthew (m.g.g)

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summary: headcanons of what it would be like traveling with matthew:D
warnings: fluffy fluff fluff

- bitch

- pls

- the plane rides would be so fun

- like... there's NEVER a boring moment

- he makes you laugh so hard every time

- all the other passengers probably get annoyed but the flight attendants would think it's cute

- all the fans would be so sweet to you two


- enjoying those free drinks n shit

- pls i- *writes script*

- just enjoying traveling the world together

- finding cute small businesses

- your fav is a small cafe just outside a village

- his is probably like- idk- everywhere

- wait

- he probably loves this old little bookshop that serves coffee in it

- omg

- browsing through books together

- "that one looks good, yeah?"

- "if you like death then sure."

- "👁👄👁"

- ":D"

- "okay y/n"

- "i know u love me"

- "indeed i do"

- having matching masks

- watching all the tik toks of people being so excited to meet you guys

- on your secret accounts obviously

- literally it being the time if your life


- you're visiting your hometown and he takes you to where you always said you loved hanging out

- and fucking

- p r o p o s e d

- you cried ofc

- he cried too

thank you so much for 205k+ reads i-

ily <3

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