Stockholm Syndrome (s.r) 2

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summary: the bau is looking for a woman who is very similar to reader. so, they ask her for her help.
warnings: crazy!reader, swearing, mentions of mature themes/kidnappings, etc.
since you guys asked for a part 2:)

Spencer watched from behind the glass with Rossi and Morgan as Hotch sat in the interrogation room with her.

Y/n had sat on the chair, her hair messy. she had a cut on her lip, dark eye-bags and a bruised cheek. but, Spencer still thought she looked gorgeous.

they watched as Hotch got up and walked out of the room. he had an agitated look on his face.

"she wants to speak to Spencer." the man said. they watched her through the glass as she sat there, looking around the blank room.

it had been a year since Spencer had seen Y/n. he thought about her everyday, how she treated him, made him feel. he didn't want to admit it, but he missed her.

"let me in." Spencer let out a shaky breath. his team members all glanced at each other nervously, but gave Spencer a nod of approval. he gripped onto the metal door knob, twisting it open.

Y/n sat up in her seat when she saw Spencer walk in. "baby." she grinned, leaning towards him as he sat across from her.

"listen, Y/n. we need your help. someone is out to get me. it can reduce your sentence if you help." Spencer stated. his heart was thumping harshly in his chest.

Y/n's smile fell. "someone is after you?" she asked, her jaw clenched.

Spencer nodded, his left leg bouncing nervously.

"i'll do it."

over the next few days the BAU has kept a close eye on the unsub, pinpointing it down to that she had been following Spencer to every location.

"alright, tonights the night. you two will be posing as a couple at this banquet, and hopefully she'll get jealous and we can shut it down. if successful, Y/n you'll have five years off your twenty year sentence." Hotch said sternly, glancing at Spencer and Y/n, who stood in handcuffs.

"you've got it, Mr Bossman." Y/n grinned, being taken into the next room with Prentiss and JJ.

"we're going to wait out here while you shower and change. you have thirty minutes." JJ said, unlocking the cuffs.

"yes ma'am." Y/n winked, walking inside the bathroom. she stripped out of her dirty clothes, rinsing off in the hot shower.

those five minutes passed quickly, and Y/n came stepping out of the shower with her body wrapped in a towel.

"are you guys going to dress me like a child too?" she asked through the door.

she heard Prentiss scoff from the other side. smirking, Y/n dropped the towel and dressed in her undergarments. she stepped into the black gown, smoothing it out as she looked at her appearance in the mirror.

smiling, she quickly did her hair and makeup and slipped on her silver heels

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smiling, she quickly did her hair and makeup and slipped on her silver heels.

she walked out the bathroom, seeing JJ's face drop and Emily raise her eyebrows. the blonde handcuffed her again, their shoes clicking as they walked out to the hall where the boys were.

Spencer felt his stomach drop when he saw
Y/n walk out. she was wearing a dress similar to the one she was wearing when they met, the night she kidnapped him.

"you're going to catch flies, love." she winked, looking Spencer up and down. he was dressed in a black on black suit.

"okay, put these earpieces in your ear. everything you say will be heard, so keep it clean." Rossi said, handing them the little black gadget. they both placed it in their ears, not keeping their eyes off each other.

at the banquet, Y/n walked around with Spencer. Morgan and Prentiss had been at the banquet too, incase something went wrong while the team waited outside.

"keep your eyes out for the target." Hotch reminded them in their ears.

"your coworkers are so boring, baby." Y/n stated, rubbing up and down Spencer's bicep as they found seats at the bar. Spencer felt chills run down his spine, goosebumps forming on his arms.

"we heard that, Miss L/n." Hotch spoke annoyed. Y/n rolled her eyes, her (e/c) eyes glancing around at the people.

Spencer knew he needed to talk to her about how he felt, how much he missed her. she looked absolutely gorgeous and he just wanted to kiss her.

"wait, is that her?" Y/n pointed to the blonde who was glaring at them from across the room.

"we have eyes on the target." Spencer murmured into his earpiece. he didn't want this night to end, it had only just begun.

"that's the bitch who wants to take you away from me. how about we give her a little show?" Y/n smirked, grabbing Spencer's jaw and smashing her lips against his.

Spencer couldn't help but melt into the kiss as his arms wrapped around her waist. they kissed deeply, roaming their hands over the other.

"target is in cuffs, join us outside." Morgan's voice said. Spencer frowned as they pulled away, his heart beating out of his chest.

Y/n walked outside in the cool air with Spencer's arm wrapped around her waist. Y/n saw the woman in handcuffs, and walked over to the blonde. "how dare you try to harm my Spencer. i'll see you in prison, bitch." Y/n snapped, Rossi putting her in handcuffs.

"wait, let me say goodbye." Spencer jogged over, leaving Y/n and him alone.

"um, i know it's horrible but i could not stop thinking about you ever since, you know. i missed you, Y/n. which is very, very bad. but i do." he claimed, his brown eyes roaming her face and body.

Y/n grinned. "i missed you too, Spencer. i'll see you in fifteen years, baby." she murmured into his ear, sending him a wink as she got put into the black SUV.

Spencer watched as she was driven away, his heart aching more.

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