Just Want to Impress You (m.g.g)

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summary: reader works at the set of criminal minds and matthew tries to impress her by featuring her in his documentaries
warnings: HES SO CUTE OMG

Y/n sat at her desk in the corner, her hair up in a bun as she tapped her pen against her bottom lip. her leg bounced quickly as she snapped her eyes up when she saw someone sit on her desk.

"yes, Matthew?" she asked.

"if you were a fruit you'd be a cutecumber." he grinned.

"isn't it vegetable?" she bit the inside of her cheek as she raised her eyebrows at the tall man.

"oh shit." he blushed.

"i thought your character was supposed to be the smart one." she teased.

"shut up." he blushed deeper, looking at the camera man from across the way.

"you coming to lunch?" she asked, checking her watch to see it was break time.

"sure." he smiled.

"okay." she mumbled, closing her paperwork and heading to the cafeteria.

she made her way to the snack bar where she pulled a plate out of the stack and filled it with chicken, salad, and mini pretzels.

deciding to get some fresh air Y/n went outside and found a little table that was deserted. she scrolled on her social media while eating, smiling to herself at a picture Matthew posted with her.

she was well aware of the crush Matthew had on her. i mean, she wasn't stupid. but little did he know how much she liked him.

"chicks dig salad. see, watch." she heard from across the street. she glanced up to see Matthew walking towards her, his own salad in his hand.

she stopping chewing and sat up straighter when she noticed his camera man walking with him.

"hi, Y/n. nice salad." he winked, sitting across from her.

"thanks, i made it myself." she said cautiously.

Matthew grinned at her nervousness.

"did you know i'm taller than Daniel Henney? and i was Simon in Alvin and the Chipmunks." he said proudly.

"yes i know you're Simon. no, you are not taller than Daniel." she smirked.

he scoffed. "well i'm taller then you."

"mhm." she hummed.

"yeah how tall are you? like 3'10?" (116cm)

"actually (your height)." she laughed.

"it's okay to be short."

"i'm not even-"

"shhh, it's okay." he grinned.

"it's okay to be insecure about your height, Matthew. i mean 6'1 is short." (185cm)

"what?" he asked offended.

"shhh, it's okay." she repeated, causing him to laugh and shake his head.

the bell rung to signal lunch was over as Y/n stuffed the remaining food into her mouth. she threw her plate away and walked back to her desk.

hours later the crew was able to go home and Y/n tiredly made her way to her car. she placed her papers and bag in the passenger seat, jumping slightly when Matthew was leaning on the back door.

"yes?" she hummed.

"i'm sorry if i was being annoying earlier, i was just trying to-"

she placed her hands on his face, pulling his lips to hers. he immediately wrapped his arms around her waist, pushing her against the window.

"i just wanted to impress you." he whispered as they pulled away slowly.

"you, me. date, Saturday evening at 6?" she asked, her cheeks warm. that night Matthew went to bed with the biggest grin on his face.

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