Scare Trail (m.g.g)

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matthew gray gubler x reader
summary: reader and matthew visit a scare trail
warnings: fluff, talks about horror movie stuff(?), language

"are you going to protect me, Gube?" Y/n teased, her hands scrunching up the fabric of her oversized sweater.

"more like you're going to be the one to protect me." Matthew replied, causing a small giggle to come from the girl next to him.

the couple was standing in a medium sized line, waiting to be let into the mile long trail. screams could be heard along the track, which only excited the line more.

"are you nervous?" Matthew asked, looking at the woman next to him. her h/c hair was thrown into a messy bun, a few strands out to frame her face.

"a bit, mostly excited. can't wait to hear you scream." Y/n responded, a teasing smile on her face as the line moved up.

the two finally made their way up to the front, as the worker let the couple in.

"first one to scream loses." Y/n said, grabbing on tightly to Matthew's arm.

"deal." he responded quickly, interlacing their fingers where their hands met.

moments after the deal was made, a clown popped out behind a wall. the two jumped, but no scream was heard.

they continued their way through the trail, Matthew guiding Y/n. the couple approached a Friday the 13th type room, as they slowly made their way into the dark hallway.

bunkbeds were scattered across the room, as Matthew and Y/n looked around frantically.

"Jason?" Y/n asked quietly, then a loud bang was heard next to them.

a small yelp came from Matthew, as Y/n let out a laugh. "you lose." Y/n reminded him, but was interrupted when Jason got into Y/n's face.

a small scream came from the woman, as Jason proceeded to follow the two out of the house.

"i think you lose." Matthew teased, looking down at his girlfriend.

"mhm. keep walking my protecter." Y/n replied, a small smile on her face.

"i think it's your turn to lead." Matthew answered, taking his arm out of Y/n's grip. a slight look of betrayal was found on her darkened face.

"fine. i'll protect you." she huffed, walking in front of the tall man.

Matthew's grin widened as he watched the girl walk through the trail, every so often a person would pop out of a bush and scare her. laughs erupted from the man, as they approached the fun house from IT.

"alright, bub. i need your arm again." Y/n said quickly, stopping in her tracks so Matthew can catch up with her.

"well that lasted ten minutes." Matthew smirked, as the girl attached himself to his arm again.

"shut up." Y/n playfully responded, as they worked their way through the hanging clown bags.

"boo!" a voice yelled, giggles coming after. a Pennywise walked around the two, popping up in their faces.

Y/n leaned closer to Matthew as the worker got into her face. he moved his arm so it was around her shoulders, and she was hugging his waist.

they were about halfway through the trail, and Y/n let go of Matthew to take a breather. her sweaty skin was soon dry as she wiped it off with her sleeve.

"you having fun?" Matthew asked, noticing his sweaty girlfriend. her loose hair stuck to her forehead, as she wiped off her nose.

"yep. are you?" she asked, looking up at her tall boyfriend. a line of sweat coated his hairline, his brown curls sticking slightly to his forehead.

"tons. thank you for coming with me." Matthew kissed Y/n's temple, as they continued their way.

"of course i came. you know how much i love horror movies." Y/n grinned, pushing up her sleeves.

her bare forearm stuck to Matthew's, as he intertwined their fingers and placed a soft kiss to the back of her hand.

"your arm hair is tickling my arm" Matthew said, causing a loud laugh to erupt from Y/n.

"i'm sorry, your highness. i'll make sure to shave my arm hair for your liking." Y/n playfully rolled her eyes.

"don't. i like it" Matthew joked.

"okay, weirdo. your arm hair is tickling my arm too." Y/n answered, causing Matthew to let out a laugh that was quickly replaced by a scream. a man with a chainsaw popped out, it's loud noise caused Matthew to start walking faster, pulling Y/n with him.

"aw did bubba get scared." Y/n taunted, grinning up at the man when they were safely away from the chainsaw man.

"i don't get scared." Matthew sarcastically answered, as the pair walked up to the last house.

the house resembled Ed and Lorraine's house from The Conjuring series.

"are you ready?" Matthew asked, moving his brown hair out of his eyes.

"i was born ready." Y/n responded.

the two clutched onto each other, each knowing this would be the worst of the trail. the house was lead into the room with all of the haunted things.

the two looked around carefully as they approached Annabelle's case. Y/n was closest to the glass, as she shoved herself into Matthew tighter.

"fuck fuck fuck" Y/n whispered, grabbing onto Matthew's shirt. they made their way through the haunted room, then were met with the trail outside.

a sigh of relief left Y/n's mouth, as she relaxed into Matthew.

suddenly, the Nun jumped in front of the couple, causing both of them to scream and tense up.

the Nun followed the two out of the trail, before staring at them and flashing them her sharp teeth. she turned around, walking back inside.

"fucking hell." Matthew sighed, plopping down onto the grass. Y/n sat down next to him, laying down as she stared at the stars in awe.

"that was super fun." Y/n said.

"it was." Matthew responded, looking over to his girlfriend. her hair was smooshed against the grass, as her eyes twinkled with the stars.

and that's when Matthew knew, that he couldn't get any better than her. he found the one.

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