entry 17

47 7 0

It has been a good 79 years since I've had a visitor and the loneliness is getting to me.
I have the sheep and the stars, sometimes I just go for walks to see what is new. I sometimes fly over to town to simply observe the people. I have been looking for the voltarus but I've yet to find them. I really miss them. I'd like to think they think of me or atleast remember me.
Oh I also got a new form being a dolphin that was in the ocean.
I often lay in the field and look at the stars until I fall asleep. Any predators dont go near this place. They know what I'm capable of.

The heavens dance for me with their magnificent slow beauty and
the waves crash with a rythm that soothes the soul
The birds sing their joyous songs
And the wolves howl with a sorrowful cry that pierces the night
But I am silent like a ghost in the grass blown by the wind.

Maybe I should move on but fear says otherwise.

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