entry 83

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The battle is now over. Judging by the fact this entry exist I assume you can tell I won. but I shall explain how it went.
I first offered them surrender. Their response was tnt canon fire and arrows. I was able to stop them in the air. I did not hurl them back however. Instead I called lightning upon their leaders. In panic some fled but I showed no mercy to the cowards who would seek to bring my downfall so I killed them all with a mighty fissure in the ground where they fell to their doom. Others surrendered but the ones who did not surrender decided to attack those who decided to side with me. of course I killed them all as well with the beast form the form blade allows. It is not mine but a mix of mine and snow's and controlled by us both.
In all about 14,000 I had to kill. The ones or surrendered we're 1600. 463 of these decided to serve me alone. They explained how they belonged to a small new kingdom of all races but were forced into service. They consider me like a hero. I must say I like that.
Trying Bridge: hero of ardonia

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