Fated Meeting! (Chapter 1)

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In this peaceful world we could see people with unique traits that defined them, well that my friend is quirks an ability that has manifested two centuries ago and it became the identity of said person it also played a crucial role in your future job and if your quirk is strong you have a high chance to become a high time hero who fight bad guys just like in those comic books. 

Sadly as much as this is fun to talk about quirks and unique abilities there is those unfortunate enough to not be born with quirks those people are labelled by society as "Quirkless" they are part of a 20% of those who doesn't have anything going for them they are ostracized and beaten beyond anything ever seen which lead to one thing at the end "Suicide" or "death" those two are common in the quirkless minority and sadly people with quirks don't see them as important enough to stand side by side with them even hospitals rejects them as patients with quirk are more better as they will serve the country better than a quirkless that is the sad reality that everyone will have to face eventually and accept. 

Now we could see a 10 years old blonde kid with beautiful blue eyes standing on a branch of a tree gazing at the children who are playing in the playground he then sat down as he sigh once more as he knew he could never have that much luxury to head to those kids and play with them it would never happen, it was ever since he was diagnosed as quirkless that he was being pushed away by both his parents who ignored his existence to his sister taking it a step further and bullying him along with his former friend Shoto, Shoka, Katsuki and Katsumi those five were his main bullies but he knew the reason behind this, it was all to make him give up on being a hero. 

Izuku might be a 10 years old child but he is hailed as a prodigy by his uncle Nezu who saw him as someone close to being as smart as him but Izuku lacked one thing and that is experience which Nezu was willing to help as he would give Izuku cases...

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Izuku might be a 10 years old child but he is hailed as a prodigy by his uncle Nezu who saw him as someone close to being as smart as him but Izuku lacked one thing and that is experience which Nezu was willing to help as he would give Izuku cases which he would solve and make different scenarios which quite impressed Nezu and made Izuku tactics and war tactics improve dramatically but there is one thing that never changed about Izuku and that is his heart of gold and his kindness that knows no bound after all those years Nezu never knew about Izuku situation both indoor and in school as Izuku still held that people can change and can be better but he knew eventually he will have to give up on gaining his parents approval. 

Izuku still kept his sharp gaze towards the children that were playing not long after parents were seen coming by a lot as they brought there hand gesturing for there children to grab ahold of it which they did and walked happily as they talked about there day, Izuku heart hurt when seeing something like that, it hurt him that he could never have such thing or even have someone to talk to in general about his day, The playground was empty with him being the only one left.

Izuku: Will I ever have something like that one day?

???: Yes, you can!

Izuku look around to see a man appear in thin air as he had a kind smile and looked like him but much older if Izuku knew better he would say that guy was his long lost father or something like that. 

Izuku: I really appreciate the words but I don't know if it's possible to be acknowledge without having the power to be seen as at least an equal

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Izuku: I really appreciate the words but I don't know if it's possible to be acknowledge without having the power to be seen as at least an equal. 

???: Are you going to let them tell you what to do?

Izuku: No, I never once took there words seriously that's why I trained hard those previous years.

??? (Smile): So why are you doubting yourself and the ability to have people acknowledge you if I remember correctly you have your uncles and grandfather by your side not to mention you were praised for your intellect am I right!

Izuku (smile): Yeah, you are right but it hurts that I can't have my parents and sister acknowledgment. 

??? (Sadly): I don't want to sound harsh but you don't need them they won't see you no matter how hard you try that's the sad truth of the world and you will have to accept it and move on and become strong for yourself. 

Izuku sigh as he knew that man was right, they will never notice him no matter how much he try to get there attention as they are dead set on making Izumi a hero although he dislike her methods of having him give up on his dream he wish her good luck. 

Izuku: You are right! So far they have been only shackles holding me back from my true potential. 

???: Good! Glad you understand now let me introduce myself my name is Minato Namikaze it might sound weird...

Izuku: That you are somehow my ancestor that came back to life! 

Minato: How did you? 

Izuku: Well I am the guy who was told to have 200 IQ and besides our resemblance are uncanny that we would be related besides you appeared out of nowhere and practically knew everything about me and my situation at home which is something not even Uncle Nezu noticed. 

Minato (chuckle): well I should have expected that after all you are my descendant and I guess you inherited the prodigy of the Namikaze clan but now I am here to help you train and reach your full potential that have been locked so what do you say?

Izuku wouldn't decline such offer after all if he did then he is mentally crazy for his whole life he have been seeking power to be acknowledge and his ancestor came to give him a helping hand so why should he refuse, he then smile as he extended his hand grabbing onto Minato hand. 

Izuku: I accept! 

Minato (Smile): Great! Now you should return home and get rest for tomorrow since I want to see how far you have built yourself on your own and how I am going to train you but let me say this that won't be easy you might even faint a lot. 

Izuku: Well I don't really expect you to go easy on me besides I seek to become strong to become a hero so it's a small process that I will have to go through but the result at the end will be satisfying. 

Minato: Good! Now good luck and let's meet tomorrow. 

Izuku nod as he stood up from the branch and jumped down quite easily which impressed Minato but he decided to see his full capabilities the next day but now he had a small smile on his face he and Kushina never had the chance to raise Naruto but now he could be able to raise his descendant to be an exceptional shinobi. 

Minato (Thought): I hope you watch over him Kushina, Naruto! 

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