USJ Finale (Chapter 15)

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Last time the villains had managed to breach the USJ and most of the students were not aware of those threat but few exceptional students had understood the gravity of the situation and what could entail. 

Kirishima: Wait, they have fake villains as well, awesome!

Kirishima seeing the army of villains stepped forward blissfully unaware how he is trying to walk to his death but a hand stopped him from going further that would be Izuku as he shaked his head indicating him not to walk any further his gaze was sharp something his classmate had never seen from him before that was what people would call [Battle Mode].  

Aizawa on the other hand had placed his goggles adjusting his capture gear as he didn't look back making sure to gaze at the army of villains while talking to his students. 

Aizawa: Stay back, Those are real villains. 

Izuku: Sensei is it possible I could help in this battle?

Izuku has been gazing at the army of the villains who were dispersing themselves in all parts of the facility which he started calculating all possible outcome and plan on how to ensure the safety of the students. 

Aizawa: I'd rather you stay here but I am not arrogant enough to fight them alone so I Eraserhead grant you permission to engage in battle just don't make me regret this. 

Izuku: Good, here is the plan I got an idea on what they are planning currently the villains are dispersing themselves around the facility and seeing the way they had breached the USJ I assume they are planning to disperse us as well around the facility 

Aizawa: A divide and conquer then all I have to do is erase his quirk. 




Shigaraki (Scratch his neck): Dammit, they said that All Might would be here.

Kurogiri: Should we separate the students.

Shigaraki: Yes, separate them if the symbol of peace is not coming we will drag him here by spilling there blood especially that blonde kid his glare is annoying me. 

Kurogiri: Yes, young master Shigaraki the low level villains have already dispersed themselves around the facility awaiting there prey. 

Kurogiri then teleported away leaving Shigaraki to scratch his neck before he let out a smirk on his face as he was ready to see the despair in the symbol of peace once he see his beloved students dead on the ground. 

Shigaraki: In a game of RPG when fighting an army with unknown skills you don't fight them head on that would be suicidal we always divide them and pick them out one by one a divide and conquer. 

Shigaraki then looked behind him to see his pet an engineered Nomu who is black in color with it's brain exposed, his presence look menacing to everyone that gazed upon it but it seems that it had no emotion it looked like a mindless pet. 

Shigaraki (Smirk): and even if they manage to defeat those low level scum I still have you Nomu after all you can't defeat a final boss level without having at least a trump card up your sleeve. 

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