A Hyuga and A Yamanaka(Chapter 3)

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TIME: 2:12 PM


It has been 4 years ever since Izuku started his training under Minato and now he is at the age of 14 were he had hit puberty 2 years ago, Izuku has already started calling Minato father and Minato started calling him son both were quite happy with how the relationship took a turn and they started to share stories which was mostly from Minato who sugarcoated it since Izuku was still young but Izuku was no idiot and knew the hard and cold truth but Izuku held deep admiration towards his father especially the fact that he was called the Leaf Yellow Flash and how he defeated an army by himself which is a great feat in itself. 

Izuku has also learned about Kurama and the guy saw Minato in Izuku so he was willing to have Izuku as his Jinchuriki since he also wanted some action after quite a long time so it was agreed that Kurama will be sealed inside Izuku and they started working on his increased Chakra once more to make sure nothing major happened. 

Now We could see Izuku walking towards the streets of Musutafu which was quite peaceful he wore a tracksuit with three stripes on the sleeves, mesh under-armour, a pair of black pants, and sandals. Izuku would be lying if he said that it was quite well as he was pretty much the center of attention from girls his age and even older he wondered if dad had also the same issues which he knew he had. 

In his walk he could hear a scream of two females in the alleyway and knew he needed to act as he headed towards the sound to see two girls surrounded by tall buff guys who had a smirk in there face and pretty much erection so Izuku didn't need an...

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In his walk he could hear a scream of two females in the alleyway and knew he needed to act as he headed towards the sound to see two girls surrounded by tall buff guys who had a smirk in there face and pretty much erection so Izuku didn't need anymore proof to know this two girls are going to be raped pulling his father kunai he threw it in front of the girls which took them all by a surprise and Izuku appeared in front of them decking the first guy to his chin which send him flying to a wall knocking him out. 

Thug 2: Anatoly! Dammit kid what the hell are you doing in our way of fun. 

Izuku: I won't let you rape this two so if you wanna do it you will have to go through me first. 

Thug 3: Let's teach that kid a listen about hitting our brother Anatoly. 

Izuku got bored as he swept Thug 3 leg making him fall on the ground before giving a kick to the stomach sending him flying towards Thug 2 who skidded back as he tried to cushion thug 3 fall to the ground and placed him behind him. Thug 2 enraged decided to attack but he was not fast as in a second a sharp object was poking his throat. 

Thug 2: How?

Izuku: You made a mistake placing him behind you since I placed a formula on him which allows me to teleport to him, I suggest you surrender because I have no problem slitting your throat but I don't want to leave those girls with trauma. 

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