Declaration of War! (Chapter 17)

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It has been a week ever since the incident of the USJ and even to this day the media hasn't calmed down, every Tv screen and every channel had news reporter discussing the breach of the famous highschool in Japan. Some had started coming out hounding the school capabilities of protecting the students who will one day become the next generation of heroes that will uphold the peace in society and some had chosen to discuss the new growing organization that managed to pull such a stunt in a pedestal something a certain someone "cough" Shigaraki "cough" relished in. 

Luckily the students weren't injured due to the combined efforts of Izuku Namikaze, the Homeroom teacher of 1A and other helpful students but most of these were kept under wrap and the staff had to take the credit of saving the students as to not have Izuku be subjected to the media and so the school won't be questioned for having a student fight alongside the teacher which would put the school in a tight situation. 

Izuku on the other hand had managed to wake up the next day of the incident refreshed as despite the injuries he received from fighting the bio-engineered Nomu, Izuku was also no ordinary Shinobi/hero student as he had Kurama healing him at night adding with Recovery Girl and a few touches of healing from Ino part he was good as new. 

Currently we could see Izuku adjusting his red tie as today he would be returning to school after the event of USJ and despite not being traumatized by the event, he knew that the other student will never be the same again and he wouldn't be surprised if some had decided that the hero career was not suited for them anymore. Izuku then walked to the door before he sat on the ground putting his shoes on before walking out of the door. 

He was now facing the gate to the Namikaze estate which both Hiashi Hyuga and Inoichi Yamanaka had insisted in buying the land as a respect to a fellow Clan Head and in a way as the home will belong to him and his family that he will be having to restore Chakra into the world along with the Namikaze clan. Izuku then pulled the phone and had started taking into reading Hero Newspaper in which it featured the important events of today. 

Having had been updated he then pocketed his phone in his pocket and took to running to the roof of the building he didn't really care that he could be seen but if what he fear is correct then it's best to be in the safety of the school and after 10 minutes of running his fear was confirmed standing in front of the gates of UA was the same news reporter. 

Apparently the news reporter have taken into camping outside the school with the tent and bus that were parked outside, he knew that the news reporter are getting restless with the topic of All Might being a teacher along with his wife and the now incident of USJ that had caused an uproar around Japan. It was obvious that the students who made it early were subjected to harassment by the reporters who this time around refused to take a "No" for an answer. 

Izuku then walked to the gates warily and it was obvious that the harassed student was let go when the situation got hopeless and they had taken interest in Izuku who was at one point popular in the social media for his heroic action and this time around they believed that he would be kind enough to divulge some information to satisfy there curiosity. 

News Reporter 1: Yellow Flash, Could you please tell us what is your opinion regarding the USJ incident?

Izuku then thought for a few seconds he knew that the question was an innocent one and didn't require to divulge to much information on the school so he decided to entertain them. 

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