Calvin's Project

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Calvin jumped out of his bed as he heard someone knock at his door. He checked the clock. 11:23 P.M. Far too late for the mailman or anyone else t be dropping things off. Maybe it was Alex or Liz stopping by. He went to the door and slid it open.

What he found before him wasn't a person, but a pile of trash bags that appeared to be filled with body parts and pooling blood. he smiled, as his curiosity had peaked. He was determined to find out what was in these bags. He dragged them in one-by-one and ripped them open. In one bag, there was a left leg and left arm. In another, it's mirrored opposite. He found a heavily scarred torso in another bag, and in its own bag, the head of this body puzzle. He laid it out on his examination table to get an idea of how it all would fit together. 

He whistled. "This guy was tall. He had to be at least seven feet. He seems familiar though. Like someone I once worked with." He went to his parts pantry and began to use cybernetic parts to piece the body back together. When it was finished, the man was a little lopsided. If he walked, it would probably be with a limp. Assuming he could walk at all when he restarted his heart and other systems.

He took the needle and drove it into the man's heart, then connected it to the generator, sending a surge of electricity through the body. it jolted, then he heard the heart start to beat anew. He'd just brought a dead man back to life. The man sat up slowly. Calvin took a note on his clipboard. "Welcome back, sir. Are you feeling any discomfort, pain, or nausea?"

The man shook his head. "I was so close to her. So fucking close. I almost had my granddaughter back."

Calvin listened with interest as the man spoke. He seemed to be mourning the loss of his granddaughter. Like he'd lost her in a horrific tragedy. He mentioned a woman named Julia and a man named Dante. Apparently, Julia was his daughter, and Dante, his son-in-law. They had a daughter that he lost to her uncle Victor when they died. He didn't mention her name, but a few of the details he gave about her seemed familiar.  Auburn hair, would be about seventeen right about now. Calvin pieced the details together in his head. This man was describing Lauren.

Calvin tapped him on the shoulder. "Sir, if you don't mind me asking, who are you?"

The man smiled maliciously. "My name is Jordan Kaliel. And I am going after my queen."

To be continued........

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