The Plan

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Elizabeth climbed up the side of the Black and White building with her tendrils, stopping abruptly as she saw Blackcaster standing at the top as if he'd been waiting for her. "What the hell do you want, traitor?"

Blackcaster stared at her for a moment, then backed out of range of her tendrils. "Give me a chance to explain, Liz."

Elizabeth launched herself at him and lashed her tendrils around his limbs. "Now's your chance. TALK!"

Blackcaster transformed and stopped struggling. "He wants you. For some strange reason, he wants you. I was sent to retrieve you. But I'm not here to do that. I need your help. Your daughter, whatever she is, she's powerful enough to frighten Armageddon. I felt his fear when I entered the building. At first, I thought it was from Emma, but as I approached, I realized that he was the source of the terror."

"What do you want me to help with?"

Old Alex nodded toward his pocket and Elizabeth released one of his arms. He pulled out a two-sided coin. One side with a carousel. The other with a severed head. "That's Red's. How did you get it?"

"He gave it to me as soon as I arrived. Apparently, he has a plan to defeat Rapture, but it centers around you and your daughter. Without you two, it's pointless."

Elizabeth released him. "What's the plan?"

Old Alex stretched. "Your daughter loves you. She's loyal to you and trusts you more than anyone else. Rapture included. All you need to do is turn her against her father."

Elizabeth nodded gravely. "She's worth more to me than my own life. I'll do anything to protect her. Let's go."

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