Chapter 36.Possessions🥀

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We are mothers!
We are sisters!
We are daughters!
And we are wives!.
There is so much expectations and so much responsibilities that are being placed on our shoulders, yet we are called weaklings.
But that didn't stop us from being the Wonderful humans that we are.
We have a whole surah in the holy quran that's dedicated to us we carry the invisible strength on that same shoulder , we have gone through so many phases of hardship yet, we hold on to that beautiful smile that brightens up the world.
We don't belong anywhere yet we are everywhere. We deserve respect,and not to be treated like animals. Let's stand up for our selfs and prove that a weakling does grow strong.
Keep being the  amazing you everyday.
Happy women's day queens!!


I wore my thawb and sprayed my perfume before going to join my father so that we could go for jummat prayer.
I met him outside with his bodyguards all lined up and ready to go.
"Shareef,come over here, I don't want the mayor to know where I'm going to afterwards" he nodded. I tossed the key to him and he caught it.
"Drive my car to the mosque , after prayers I will be going somewhere" I said giving no room for further explanation.
" Sure thing boss, but I will come with you so that the mayor will not be  suspicious.

That's actually a great idea, why didn't I think of that.
I heaved a sigh. Staying in the same car with father is not something I look forward to, our relationship is hanging on a thin string as it's.
I entered the car and the guard shut the door before settling inside the car.
The driver started driving at slow pace, it was as if he was doing it purposely.

After much contemplation I decided to be nice and greet .

"Jummat mubaraq abbi"
" Jummat mubay asad,ahlan wa sahlan" he replied before continuing with his zikhir. I also started doing mine to while away time.
The prayer ended and we greeted  almost all the people in the mosque.
I walked outside and  looked around. People going about saying Salam to each other, some giving alms and so on. Friday is really a blessed day, the day itself is different. The mayor stayed back for after lectures.
I meet shareef outside leaning on the car bonnet.

" Let's go shareef, we don't have all day" I said upon reaching him.

I closed my eyes and started having an inner fight with myself
Whether, I should back off or not.
I don't know for how long I stood until shareef called me.
"Boss are you sure you are alright?he asked.
"Yes, I'm alright let's go" I walked pass him and entered the car.
He chuckled at my behavior, before settling inside the car.
He turned on the radio and recitation of the al-quran started playing.
I layed back, and enjoyed the recitation.

"Boss we are here" shareef announced. I stood up abruptly and looked around the neighborhood. It consisted of old looking apartment facing each other, and there are also single houses. I unlocked my phone and checked the house number from the address I collected from her friend kulthum.

I stepped out of the car, and looked around for the number. My eyes landed at the house we were currently at.
I turned to face shareef who was looking curiously at me "I will be out soon"
"Sure thing boss"
I stepped on the pavement before knocking at the door.
I took a step back when I heard shuffling of key,the door opened and mrs abdullah stood by the door with a surprise look.
"Asad? She asked to confirm if it really was me.

I chuckled" assalamualaikum aunt"I greeted rubbing my nape nervously.
"Wa'alykum Salam, please come in"she made way for me to enter . I removed my shoes and kept it beside a cute pair and it must be for huda.
I followed her to the living room. Mr abdullah was busy reading the holy quran both paused immediately he saw me.

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