Chapter 4.Just another day🥀

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Hello, so today y'all are going to find out who this mischievous guy is
Am starting from his POV


Asad's POV

I woke up early in the morning to get ready and go to the office I have alot of work to do and when I say alot I mean very very much.
Going down to the living room i smelt an aroma that's very amazing and I knew where it's coming from
I strolled to the kitchen and I was right mom was cooking one of her delicious meal
"Good morning Mom " I greeted her pecking her forhead
"Morning to you too son" she beamed at me smiling"How was your night"she asked"
"It was fine alhamdulilah"I answered
Let me quickly set the table so we can all it
Ok mom I will be outside waiting

My dad and and my brother came down later and we all settled down to eat.

I checked my watch and I saw that I was late I quickly stood up bid, everyone goodbye and I entered my white BMW and drove off to the office.

My building towers above all other in marrakech and I don't know why I am so proud of that
After 20minutes of driving I arrived at the office.

Making my way to the glass doors I was greeted my the receptionist
"Good morning sir"

"Good morning to you too Natasha "I greeted her and entered my office.

I knew that I will meet piles of documents on my desk

Oh my good.I sighed and got to work

After three hours of torture i decided to take a break
I drove to a cafe nearby which happens to be my favorite in the city,Cafe Arabe.
I got down from the car and walked to the entrance before I could open the door someone beat me to it and the frappucino that the person was holding spilled on me and my suit was ruined.

I raised my head to meet the person just to see to pairs emerald eyes staring at me
They were so innocent that I lost my self in them.
When I figured I was staring to much which is Haram I decided to lower my gaze come back to reality
I looked at my cloth and I got angry and snapped at her
Watch where you are going woman
"I am so sorry she said bringing her handkerchief to wipe the mess up"I snatched it and threw it at her and walked away she has spoiled my day already some people can be so clumsy and lousy wallah

After work I came back home very late and everybody had gone to sleep
"I sighed and head over to the kitchen cos my stomach was already crying
I spotted my food with a note attached it is Mom's handwriting
"Hi son sorry I am having a severe headache so I couldn't wait for you and the rest have gone to sleep we will talk in the morning
I warmed my food and sat down to eat and relax a little bit
I strolled up to take a shower and prayer Isha so that I can finish up my work for the day and the sleep

Three hours later I still couldn't sleep I don't know why so I went to my shelf and picked my Quran and read that's how I slept off with two things on my mind
I need to get a new PA as soon as possible and then that clumsy girl I saw earlie.....

Hi guys it's another day and also another update so we have finally meet the guy
Soooo what do you think
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Love y'all😊💛💛💛💛

Zeenarh 🌺

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