🥀chapter 28. Date nights

52 10 31

''Be the better version of your self every new day.''

Huda's Pov

"What do you think the announcement is going to be about huh?
Today , after lunch we will be summoned by the resort management for an important announcement,so we are all set eager to hear what it's all about.

"I think it's about mr nuaym's replacement" Khadija answered.

"Yeah I think so too" Bev added.



My first room service for the day was a though one.
A small family came to fés for a little vacation from marrakech,that's what the mother told me she's friendly,but her children Ya Allah they are very stubborn. I cleaned the bathroom while they were out having breakfast.

By the time they came back to the room ,I had arranged the room and it was sparkling clean.
Guess what happened, those little tasmanian devils decided to paint their chocolate filled hands on the bed that had white bedspreads but that wasn't all,they spilled orange juice on the rug.

Ya Allah if not for the money I wouldn't be working at a resort .
My second room service was less stressful alhamdulilah.

"Finally I'm free!!" Bev said slumping on the chair.
"Where's khadi ?"she should be done by now. I asked Bev.

"Yep, she's in the restroom" Bev said sipping her orange juice.

"I'm here guys" khadi waved at us before sitting on the chair beside me.

"Welcome habibty let's eat already I'm starving"

"Me too" Bev said.

We were still eating when a guy walked up to us.
"Uhm excuse me, my name is John and I was asked to call you guys to the staff quarters.

"Oh sure we will just wrap up and head over to the quarters". Khadi said.
"Let's go guys we don't want to be late for the announcement do we?"I told them.

"Yeah you're right let's go" Bev stood up and so did I.
"But I'm not done yet, give me few minutes please "khadi said pouting.

"Come on we will continue eating after ok? I dragged her towards the staff quarters.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen, my name is Mr ashraf mu'ad, and I'm the new hotel manager. I replaced Mr nuaym because of his incompetence. He was not doing his duty as the resort manager, so the board of management decided to change him.

"Well that's harsh,I'm what the hell I hate him already" bev said angrily.
What he said was actually ride I had to roll my eyes at him.

"I feel like he's going to make our lives here miserable" khadi shot daggers at him.

"Yep I think so too" Mr ashraf doesn't look like a good person at all,he doesn't smile.
He kinda of reminded me of somebody I used to know.

"As I was saying",....he continued his speech. We all are here to achieve one goal in the end and that's for this resort to be the best in fes or even the whole of morroco. And this can be done only if we cooperate and work together.
"So now that I'm the new Manager", he said coming towards our direction.
Ok why the hell is he coming towards our direction!!.
"I won't tolerate any form of laziness and lateness,or anything of such. He said going back to his position on the podium

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