🥀chapter 22. Diners🥀

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Asad's Pov
We just arrived at Dubai Masha Allah it's as beautiful and magnificent as always.

The chauffeur had arrived thirty minutes before the plane landed.
Shahid was busy doing what I don't know with his phone and his luggage on the other hand.

We entered my masarati and drove off through the busy streets of Dubai.

It was still afternoon when we arrived so we decided to go to a restaurant first before going to the hotel.

Shahid kept complaining about how hungry he was all through the ride to the restaurant.


" So tell me Asad aren't you perhaps missing someone lately" he asked mischievously.

leave  it to Shahid to bring up topics that don't matter at the moment.

Shahid for the last fucking time I don't miss her ok?.
I don't want to ever meet Huda after what she did to me. The chapter has been closed a long time ago.

Let's not talk about that please.i said dismissively.

"Ok if you say so I was just curious". he shrugged

"Asad I'm looking for my own special woman so if you have any one in mind do let me know about it.

I smirked I Know just how to get back at him.

I grinned oh this is going to be so fun.

"Oh no I don't like that look no no no it screams evil you know" said said pouting.

God this guy is funny.

Don't worry brother I'm not evil I just came up with a suggestion if you are interested let me know.i said sipping my mango juice.

"Just tell me already Asad I don't have much patience"

Ok so what do you think about naina's friend what's that her name again, khaira right?

"Oh  no not her you got to be kidding me,that excuse of a human is no match for me. she is too fake,both of them annoy me to the core.
Not in your wildest imagination Asad will I ever fall in love with her. Besides she walks like the chicken she is.

Ya Allah i was laughing so loud because this turned out to be very hilarious and fun.

I cleared my throat before putting on my most serious face.

Shahid in love all this things do not matter at all. All you have to see is the good character of that person. The matters of the heart are too complicated to understand so easily.
The saying love is blind is true Shahid,you fall in love without you wanting it or knowing how it happened.

Did I really just say that. I muttered to myself. From where did all this words come from even I don't know.

"Wow for a second there I thought you were talking about yourself"Shahid said smiling mischievously.

Ya Allah he is going to use this against me now.

"Asad are you sure that you are not in love and that too to Huda because from what I'm seeing it might be true".

I decided to ignore him.

Excuse me we are done here can I have the bill? I told the waiter who served us.

I stood up with my suit on my hand,I picked up my phones and my wallet,and I head out to the car with Shahid hot on my trails.

"Asad!! what you did back there was not funny at all, firstly you cut me off and secondly walked out on me just because I was telling you the truth".

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