Chapter 2 ~ Liam's Phone Number

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“Wow” I say stepping back, leaning on the couch. How do I explain this? I wonder, I did mention the accidental message, I even showed Mum the message, asked what she thought, and I mentioned the phone call to, but this, now being nagged by the news, I mean it isn’t good.

I take a breath, but Dad gets in first “What are we going to do? I mean this just doesn’t seem far” Dad says, I can’t help agree. “I got a phone number” Mum announces, I look at her wondering “when they read out Liam’s number I wrote it down” I smile, but then the smile fades “What’s that going to do for me now?” I ask her “He should no, that his little mistake, with his text message and phone call has landed you in some trouble” I nod, thinking about it, trying not to take it,

serious “You sure your still a Directioner?” Dad asks, I nod, and keep thinking.

A few days, later, sitting alone by myself in the room, its late, and in the UK, it would be a bout lunch time, I’m asking myself if I should text, or ring. Apart of me wants to ring him, or text him and tell him, the other half of me is saying, don’t, hope and let it blow over.

I hear Mum speaking on the phone again, telling the media nothing, they’ve been nagging me ever since they found out about the text and phone call, they call all hours of the day and night, demanding answers, trying to get interviews, found out things figure it out. Mum and Dad give nothing away, and I’m determined and promised not to as well. But it’s hard, cause I know any contact with Liam will signal a warning bell to them. Any point of communication. I decide I’ll leave it for the day, decide in the morning.

Dad and I get the morning newspaper, for one reason mainly to see if there news has brewed up something new, something sweet, and believable for the public audience to get them holding on waiting for the truth, if the find it, if the ever get to really know.

The headline is this.

Mary-Joy Is This A Secret Love Affair?

My gut turns, Mum looks at the paper “This is so bloody un right, one accidental text, one accidental call, and then this, this rude and unfair statement” We sit down and read the article.

Mary-Joy hutchin, is believed to be in a secret relationship, this is only rumour, we have a bit of proof to suggest and confirm this. Liam Payne, we have not yet spoken to, and I reckon if he knows he isn’t saying so. Liam recently split from his girlfriend Danielle, and she knows about what seems to be Liam’s secret love she has this to say “I am disappointed that Liam has got this new Love, and has let me go so quickly I honestly thought we were something, we spend so many years together, I know that Liam will protect this secret Love, and deny anything I or the media say to him, but Liam babe there’s proof, and soon, it will make you wake up, I really thought we were something, but now since you have moved on just so quickly I realise we were probably nothing, I’m disappointed”

We will keep you fans posted, for now though this is only an update, none of this is confirmed yet by either Mary-Joy or Liam, Mary-Joy is coming across as hard to get, she won’t answer the question, or agree to anything we say to her, she’s keeping the phone call and the text confidential, but we are trying ever so hard to break down the walls to reveal the truth.

My mouth hangs open, they are lying it so un true, un fair un right, I search for my phone, dial in a number and await an answer “Who is it, its late?” the voice says “Liam James Payne it is me Mary-Joy, the on you accidentally texted, and called” “Mmm” says Liam “remember me?” “Mmm I think it’s coming to me” “Good cause you’ve caused a lot of havoc down here for me, the media got hold of me, did you say anything?” silence “No, of course, not I want it confidential” he replies “Well it isn’t and my life’s turning to trouble” I tell him, more silence “How did they find out?” he asks, “Your phone record, they saw my number, jumped right to I was your secret Love, and come right round demanding answers” I hear Liam swallow slowly carefully, more silence “Listen arrghh. MJ I’ll call you MJ, did they know what the text said, oh and how did you get my number? Its suppose to be private” “They don’t know what the text said yet, I’m sure it will come out soon, your number, it isn’t private when the media come round and read it out to me is it? And your phone can’t be private either if they can know who you text and ring, and track the person” More silence “I don’t know one accidental would cause this mess, I mean, sorry” “Sorry Liam doesn’t get the media to stop it sorry doesn’t erase my name out of todays and every other days paper, it doesn’t”

“Should I speak to the media or something, I didn’t want you all wrapped up in this” he says “Its to late, I am and its thick, your EX, is making life hard to” more silence, I wait, “I’ll talk to her, hopefully, get it all cooled of, I’ll ring you, I’ll say sorry some how, I promise” I tempted to say you better, but I bite my tongue “Wait” I say quickly knowing he’s going to hang up “You explained to me before how you got my number, but how could you mistake my number as your EX girlfriends number?” Liam coughs “Its complicated, but I’ll explain it anyway, you need to know, might help them dim it down or maybe not still here it is, Harry and I, and Louis was there to, were looking at the list of Directioners we have that signed up with there phone number to the website, It was a dare Harry and Louis dared me to text a message to a random fan, and see how they react what’s happens. That type of thing” I swallow taking in what he’s explaining “Obviously this little mistake this dare, has got me and you in some big mess” “Okay, yea it has, lets hope it gets sorted” “Okay lets, MJ, I’ve go to go, its late here, so I’ll catch you, hopefully when its sorted”

We hang up the phone, the home phone rings the media again, the media knows I just rang him, and I can only see the problem getting worse then it is already. I sigh, being a Directioner is hard. I put the phone number Liam’s phone number into my phone.

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