Chapter 3 ~ Liam Payne Is Calling

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Another few weeks later nothing has been quiet, all still difficult and articles still being published in the local paper, I get a phone call, I look at my phone and see that Liam Payne is calling, I take the call right away. “Hey MJ” Liam says, my heart does a bit of flatter when ever I hear his pure beautiful English voice, “Hey Liam” I say, there some silence

“Listen, I’ve been trying to get them the media to cool it, but they won’t and Danielle she’s another story, I didn’t realise that my mistake would get you in this much bother, me as well for that matter, I promised to make it up to you and I will, and I’ve got a great idea.” He takes a breath. I get ready to try to understand and absorb what he’s about to tell me”

“Right now though MJ I have a bit to explain, when Louis and Harry dared me to message a random fan, for some reason I don’t know why I picked you, you seemed mysteries, a phone number, a name unusual, cool quirky, I couldn’t believe it when I sent the message to you, half by mistake half on purpose, as you read it was for Danielle, what I said in the message well I hadn’t got over her, I want her back, I read the article that was printed on your paper she want me back to and its mutual, but she’s being a real yea, she’s being a pain about it. Wanting to make the situation worse, she want admit it though, she wants me back, I want her back, anyway that’s not your problem I know, its something I got to sort out, step back and look at it all, and decide, MJ I’m sorry and I know this doesn’t fix it all up but I want you to know I truly am”

I think for a few moments before answering “It will sort out” I say softly, hoping that its true “MJ” Liam says “I, never spoke to a fan like you before, I thought you’d have spread the message and the phone call around the world, but I admire that you didn’t, and I’m angry at the phone people whom I signed the contract with who didn’t, it means I can trust you more then I can trust them, and I’m proud to”  I smile at myself, “I’ve always said Liam, if I ever had the chance to met you and the Louis, Harry, Zayn and Niall, I wouldn’t over react, I would act cool and clam, cause I’d be determined not to be the screaming crying fans that you get a lot of. I’d be determined to be different to stand out, in a different way” I take a rest and let that sink through.

“MJ, when all this dies down, and hope real soon, I’d like you to come to the UK, the lads and I are having a special concert which I’d like you to attend” I take a breath in, slowly, did I hear that right? I’ve got to ask I say to myself you’ve got to know “Liam did you just invite me over to the UK to attend a concert?” I ask “Your right I did, and I’ll pay for transport everything, it’s the least I can do, the media has made you life a mess, and I think its only right if I help make it that bit better so what do you say will you can, can you come?” I smile to myself, “I’ll ask I promise” “Alright then, well either you ring me or I ring you when you know, well take care and I hope the media doesn’t give you much trouble over this” he says “They won’t I hope take care Liam, I’ll catch you” the phone call ends, and I’m left with a big smile on my face, and happiness taking my heart.

I actually got invited to the UK personally by Liam, he wants to met me, he invited me to a concert. I would have never dreamed it, never would have, the media I think, I couldn’t care any more, they can’t wreck this for me anymore, make me doubt, make me wonder. But I know they want give up, there going to want something public, and so are the fans, they all want to know, but its none of there business, none of there business at all. I smile and lean back on the wall, daydreaming.

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