Chapter 5 ~ The Chance To Straighten It Out

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Another letter from Liam comes a few months after my reply, which went like this,

Heyllo Liam,

I’m glad we have this method of talking, but why aren’t you worried about the other boys, (Louis, Harry, Zayn and Niall) reading this letter, that I send or you send? I guess maybe your not, Liams its hard to be a Directioner, now, that its been wrecked by the media and your EX. Mum and Dad do now want me going to the UK alone, and I personally agree, I just don’t know who to take, my very best friend isn’t a Directioner, my other friends, on the computer are not people I know in person, I know a lot would love to come, but I don’t know how that can be made possible, your help would be appreciated a lot, then this could concert thing could be possible.

Your EX BTW, I’d love to have a few stern words with her, but I’m sure, I won’t get the chance and that’s a shame, a real shame, I wish she’d quit with the rumours, and lies, and always being at you, the media at me and my family is enough, enough about me though Liam its up to you, what I mean is tell me about yourself, a lot of fans would love this to be them that your talking to, but its so stressful, I mean its fun and exciting but hard to, annoying challenging as well, yea, I’m sure you get it,

Okay Liam

So I’ll speak or hear from you, when I hear you,

Yours truly for sure

Mary-Joy H

This was his response


I fully understand, that your parents wish for you to travel with someone, just promise not to give her a hard time, you’ll be travelling with one and only Danielle,

I know your angry, upset, and your life’s turned upside down, but pretty promise, don’t give her a rough time, I still have feelings for her, and its getting to me, you know being away from her, I was in love with her, and I still am, and that’s why she’s agreed to pick you up, eager to met you, and compare you to her, I know its wrong, but I don’t need another argument okay? So do this for me, I hope your parents are alright with this, and you as well, MJ I’m sorry that being a fan has become hard, I’m truly sorry, it hurts, but I’m sure we can work through it, MJ I just want to make this clear Danielle and I might get back together, but still I want you at the concert I promised, I need to make it up to you so maybe a surprise?

Okay so um yea, see you when I see yea,

Yours real truly Liam,

I smile at the letter, and rub my hands together at being on a plane with Danielle, oh I’ll be nice, I think kindly, but I can still tell her some of the stuff I want to but just in a nice way, a very nice way. Oh yes. I rush of to tell Mum and Dad, who eagerly agree, that it’s perfect, and fair.  I’m surprised how easy it is, for them to agree. Well getting there I can say is an all clear, getting it sorted and getting through the flight with Danielle isn’t as of yet.

Climbing on a secret plane is weird, especially when Danielle is on there, she scans me up and scans me down. “MJ” she says coming forward “yea” I say “Danielle” “That’s me, right I’ve heard a lot about you” she explains “let me just say I’m no threat to you and Liam, and I want you to take back all the lies, comments and everything you said about me that’s bad to the media” I tell her “Oh I will Love, you don’t seem like a threat, I’m sure Liam want even like you, your a bit young anyway, I bet he doesn’t have a clue, he’s like nearly 20, I mean yea you’re a minor, to young for all this fame and fortune” I smile at her “Whatever you say Danielle” I say and take my sit,  “I don’t know what he sees in you” I say “Oh I do Miss, he sees a lovely girl, a beautiful girl,” I smile at her “You wouldn’t be good in the lime light, anyway, your to young like I said, your no threat, I drop all the threats about him liking you, cause I know he might as well hate you, cause I certainty did, and if you push it I might hate you some more, so be careful” I smile at her again, sweet, beautiful I think far from it, bitter, and sour, that’s what she is.  “Like I said to him the other day, I thought we were something, and he’s going to take me right back, so your out of the picture completely, not that I think you were in the picture, a stupid mistake he made, that’s what he made, you know why cause the money the moneys got to his head, he drops me, what does he think he is? Who does he think he is? He sings in some stupid band I mean really, if it wasn’t for the money though I wouldn’t be here, so yea, and if you spill a drop of this to him or to the press, your life will be more hell then it is already got it?” I nod, silently thinking, she’s bitter, cruel, and she’s lying, a fake smile that’s what’s she’s got with Liam I feel so sorry so bad.

I want to say more to her, so much more, but I bite my tongue, cause I she can make my life a re living hell and Liam’s a continues one. I feel so bad, I never knew what fan would know? And does Liam know? I don’t think he does, I don’t reckon he has a clue at all.

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