Chapter 4 ~ Danielle Can't Let Go

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The shame off the media hammering us, gets to us, slowly, it takes a lot, but I think its when Danielle starts slamming me, in the paper, I mean she doesn’t know me, I don’t’ know her, I clearly don’t know Liam, I can’t see why she’s so unfair. Liam doesn’t ring or text, and I guess the media has started to annoy him to, it mustn’t be easy, I found it hard myself still am, don’t know how I’m going to get through it, doesn’t really seem like I am.

“Mail” Mum calls, I look at counter scan for my letter, find it, open it read it, this is it:

Dear Miss Mary-Joy H,

I would have phoned or texted,

But it can be traced, and read and heard and yea,

I’m being bugged I bet you have to, the media has

Been tough so has Danielle she’s not letting it go,

Us go, yea, more problems.

Guess I’ve helped get you some of your own which I haven’t been helping you fix, I know,

I’m sorry, I meant the offer of you coming up here for a concert, its just hard,

I bet your parents aren’t to happy, it’s a big stress I know, I can’t imagine,

Listen on the new album Up All Night, well not new, Take Me Home is new, there is a song on Take Me Home called Magic, its for you,

MJ, I wish I could get this sorted, and we could see each other without these stresses, but that doesn’t seem possible does it really?

I mean it’s hard, real hard and I’m sorry,

Write to me, plz don’t ring or text I get hammered badly hammered,

Urs truly and hopefully

Liam Payne

I look at the letter for a few moments, fix it, up right, I laugh, I try to stop the tears, but they come anyway, I cry silently, salty wet tears of sadness, a mistake his mistake not mine, not my fault, I get blamed, I get hammered, I get stalked, its not fair, unfair why???, I try to stop asking stop thinking about it. Who’s the problem here him or me? Or Danielle, or the media? I can’t work it out seems like a combination off both really, hard and harsh, and unfair cruel.

The tears, stop, move on I tell myself, let go, it will be okay, it has to be, its got to be work through, try your hardest to, even though this part looks grey, rough and to tough to get through, be strong.

I turn my computer on scroll through Twitter, my account @1DFanWebsite, wasn’t really probably until this incident, flooded with questions, some of them I answer, some of them I can’t, most, want me to say what’s going on, what’s happening, next if we communicated often, I listen to the CD often the old one and the new, one, look at pictures, something about what’s happening has made it bitter and unpleasant to be a directioner, sometime I wonder why was it me? I can’t and don’t have an answer.

Danielle, doesn’t seem so sweet, to have as a girlfriend, maybe that’s why Liam and her parted, does she think maybe, I could be the new one? Cant’ she see, he doesn’t know me, one text which was actually a dare, one phone call why would she care? She’s not his girl anymore, its his life, before it was his life and your life combined, but now, he’s trying to move, on while you hold him down? Danielle I’ve got a few things to ask, you a few question I need answered, and something that you need to know, will I get the chance? To ever say what I want to you?

I hope I get the chance Danielle I’ll straighten this out, get you off Liam’s back, my mind, oh Danielle I’ll do that for sure no doubt, give me the chance.

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