Bath Time : 2Seok

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Little ~ Seokjin (Jin)

Caregiver ~ Hoseok

3rd POV

Seokjin and Hoseok were at the park. Jin somehow managed to find a mud puddle and is now covered in mud.

"Daddy! Daddy!" An excited Seokjin yelled, as he ran to his Daddy.

Hoseok moved his gaze from his phone to his baby. As Hoseok looked up he saw a mud covered Seokjin running towards him.

"Baby, did you play in the mud again?" Hoseok asked as he sighed.

"Yes Daddy, but wook at tis cowl wock Jinnie fouwnd!!" Seokjin yelled.

"Yes bubs I see, it's a very cool rock. How about we go back home and get you clean? Hmm?" Hoseok try to con the little. It was late, there were only a few in the park. They would have been going home soon anyway.

"Can Jinnie bwing wock?!"

"Yes baby you can."


The duo left the park and made their way to their apartment. Seokjin holding his Daddy's hand, talking excitingly about his play time in the mud and how he came to find the rock.

"-'nd then Jinnie fouwnd wock in the mud 'nd Jinnie sawed iwttt!!" Seokjin explained.

"Very good, baby. I'm proud of you." Hoseok brought Seokjin's hand to his lips and kissed it. They arrived at the apartment soon after.

- In the apartment -

- Hoseok's POV -

When we got into our apartment we both took our shoes of. And by both I mean I took both our shoes off since Seokjin was having some trouble. I carried him to the bathroom to avoid getting mud on the floor. I was not in the mood for cleaning mud off my floor. No thank you.

I took off Seokjin's clothes and ran the bath tub. I put some vanilla scented bubble bath mixture. Seokjin always said vanilla was his favourite smell. He bugs me into buying everything vanilla scented. From vanilla scented laundry detergent to vanilla scented perfume.

Once the bath tub was full I tested the water with my hand to make sure it wasn't too hot.

"Ok baby you can get in now." I said as I lifted Seokjin into the bath tub. He instantly started playing with the bubbles. He giggled when I put some bubbles on his nose, which made me giggle too.

"Daddy can Jinnie 'abe dukkie, please?" Seokjin asked politely.

"Of course my Prince. Thank you for using you manners. Good boy." I tell him when I hand him the rubber duck.

He smiled so brightly at my praise. He loves when I praise him.

"Thank you, Daddy!" He smiled at me.

I just smile back at him. And sit down on the toilet watching my baby play happily with his toys.

About 5 mins later I stand up and tell him "Ok bubs let's wash you hair now. Head back please."

He compiles. "Good boy." I smile at him.

I got a face cloth and a water jug. I folded the face cloth and placed it on his forehead to catch the water that fell onto his face. I wet his hair and put on- once again- vanilla scented shampoo and massaged it into his hair. I then again wash it out putting one hand on the face cloth and the other holding the jug filled with water. After I finished his hair, I washed his face and the rest of his body.

He giggled as I wiped his face with water. I giggle back at him and boop his nose with my finger. I stood back up and told him he could play a little longer and left the bath room with the dirty clothes.

I put the dirty clothes into the laundry room and made my way into Seokjin's nursery and got a onesie. And a pair of black underwear.

I go back into the bathroom and set down the onesie and underwear on the side of the sink

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I go back into the bathroom and set down the onesie and underwear on the side of the sink. I grab the fluffy towel that I keep in the bathroom for Seokjin. And sit back down on the toilet with the towel in my hand, and watch my baby boy play with a smile on my face once agian.

After a few more minutes of Seokjin playing I hear him say. "Daddy, Jinnie done."

"Ok bubs, stand up for me please." I say as I stand up getting the towel ready to wrap around Seokjin. He complies, as always.

I wrap the towel around him and pick him up out of the bath tub. He stands still as I dry him up. I dress him, asks him to sit kn the toilet and start to dry his hair.

I kissed his head once I was done and said "Good boy."

He reached his hands up and made grabby hands as he yawned.

"Cawwie Jinnie. Jinnie tiwed." He said in a sleepy voice.

I pick him up and he instantly wraps his legs around my waist and his hands around my neck and nuzzled into my neck.

I carry him to his nursery but he whines.

"Noooo wanna sweep wif 'addy."

"Jinnie how old are you?"

Jin tiredly puts up 2 fingers. I kiss his head. "Ok thank you Prince."

I walk to my room with Seokjin still in my arms and lay him on the bed. I go to leave and wash up myself but was stopped by a hand.

"Where yous goin?" He asked barely keeping his eyes open. He never wanted to be alone whilst in a young head space.

"Daddy needs to wash up baby. Daddy wont leave you ok? I'll be back and then we can cuddle." I replied. He nodded and I went to leave again but he didn't let me. He pointed at his lips with his finger.

"kissy, pwease"

I chuckled and kissed his lips and went to wash up.

- Time skip -

I finished washing up and was dressed and walked back into our room.

I see Seokjin fast asleep cuddled into my side of the bed. I laughed fondly at the sight. Lips nearly apart. Eyes closed. Slow, calm breathing. He always looks so beautiful when he sleeps.

I walk to the bed and hop in. I move Seokjin head to my chest. He snuggles closer as I do this.

"Sweet dreams bubs." I whisper into the silence of the room.

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