Doctors : BTS

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Request ~ demi275

Caregiver's ~ Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok?

Little's ~ Taehyung, Jungkook, Jimin

Seokjin POV

Me and Joon need to take the littles to get their COVID Vaccine and I already know it will be a struggle to even get them near the goddamn place but we still need to get them there. For their benefit.

So here we are in the living room getting them ready.

"Love's we need to get our vaccines in 30 minutes. Remember I told you me and Dada got ours? It's your turn now." I start of the conversation.

"Do tat mean we has to gets poky poke?" Tae asks, in the cutest way I might add.

"Yes baby, but Dada promises it doesn't hurt too bad, the pokey stick is only there for one second then its gone again." Joon says.

"Nooo! Minnie no wan'." Jimin cries.

"Kookie too. Scawy." Kook chimes in.

"Daddy promises it's not that scary. And Daddy and Dada will be there too." I say trying to ease the situation.

"NOOO!" The three of them scream. They all start crying screaming.

I turn to Joon "Hobi?" I ask knowing that Hoseok is the littles best friend he might be able to help with this.

"Yeah, you call him and I'll get them in the car." I nod and walk into the kitchen. I pull out my phone and call Hoseok.

( Seokjin ) ( Hoseok )


"Hey Hoseok, I have a favour to ask? Are you free at the moment and the next hour or so?"

"Uhh, yep I think so. Why, is something up?"

"Well you see, the guys are getting their vaccine today but their scared and me and Joon were wondering if you could come and help with them, 'cuz, you'know your like, their best friend so."

"Haha, I am!? God I never knew!"

"Shut up! Now, are you free?"

"I'm just having a little fun Hyung. But yeah I'm pretty sure I am."

"Perfect. Will you meet us at XXX in about 20 minutes?"

"I sure will, also Hyung am I getting payed for this?"

"Yeah with love and affection from the littles."

"Good enough for me."

"I'm kidding, I'll buy you lunch some day."

"Okay thank you Hyung. Free lunchhh!"

"Haha alright bye, we'll see you soon."

"Bye Hyung!"

I hang up and head out to the car where the others are and lock the door on my way out. I get into the passenger seat and whisper to Joon.

"He's on his way." He nods in response and starts to drive to the GP. The littles were crying all the way there.

We arrive and Hobi was already there.

"Why 'obi hewe?" Tae asked as he perked up in his seat.

"He's here to help. To show you that it's not scary." Joon comments.

"Oh." Tae shrinks back into his seat.

Joon parks the car. We both get out then get the littles out. They all run to Hobi and start complaining about getting the vaccine.

"Alright alright calm down. It's not that bad I promise. Me, Daddy and Dada will be there the whole time." Hobi says to calm them down. I check my phone, five minutes until the appointment.

"Hun's, it time to go in." I say. I hear multiple groans form them.

We finally get inside and sign in. We were told to wait a few minutes.

After about 10 minutes, our names were called.

3rd POV

The six of them make their way into the doctors office. The doctor was sitting at his table, since this was their GP, both the littles and caregivers are comfortable with the man.

"Nice to see you again." The doctor spoke with a smile.

"You too doc." Namjoon responded.

"I heard you brave little guys are getting your vaccine, hmm?" The doctor turned his attention to the littles.

They all nodded their heads.

"Well then, why don't we get started. Who wants to go first?"

Jungkook looks up at the Daddy and Seokjin just nods back at him.

"Kookie will." The little spoke up.

"Alrighty, I promise it wont be too bad. You will barely feel it." The doctor said getting Jungkook to sit up on the chair, which the little complied with.

The doctor got the needle ready and asked Jungkook to hold up his sleeve. The other littles were looking at their bother in awe, thinking the he was so brave to get it done.

"Alright Jungkook, take a deep breath for me in 3...2...1." And on one the doctor injected Jungkook with one swift motion. "There you go, all done. That wasn't so bad right?" He said putting a cotton ball over where he had poked Jungkook.

"Yeah, onwy huwt little!" He said proudly.

"well that's good then, now hop down bud. Who wants to go next?" The doctor told Jungkook. Jungkook imeditly jumped down and ran over to where Seokjin and Namjoon were sitting.

"Daddy, dada. Did you see?! Kookie big boy!" He said giggling.

"Yes baby, I did see. Kookie is a very brave big boy." Namjoon replied.

"Hobi Hobi, Kookie did it! kookie did it!" He said again turning to Hoseok.

"Yes you did Kookie, such a good boy." Hoseok giggled, ruffling Jungkooks hair.

"Taetae, next? Wanna be big boy wike kookie too!" Taehyung spoke happily.

"Sure, Tae you can go next." The doctor said.

He repeated what he did with Jungkook to Taehyung and Jimin. Jimin did cry a little bit though and was clinging to Hoseok while getting the shot but that was okay.

After all the littles got their shots, they thanked the doctor and made their way out to the car. When they made it to the car Hoseok spoke up.

"I think since all of these little brave boys got their shot, they should be rewarded. Whatcha think hyungs?"

"Hmm? Yeah your right Hobi how about-" Namjoon trailed off.

"-Ice-cream!!" Seokjin finished Namjoons sentence.

Both Namjoon and Hoseok agree. The littles were jumping up and down with excitement, chanting "ICE-CREAM! ICE-CREAM!" The caregivers just laughed at the littles excitement.

They all went to the ice-cream and Namjoon and Seokjin were proud of their little babies.

But when the littles heard that they have to be back in 3 weeks for their second shots, that didnt go very well.

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