Pizza Night : Namkook

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Little ~ Jungkook

Caregiver ~ Namjoon

3rd POV

Namjoon and Jungkook were in the sitting room playing with some little toys. Jungkook had slipped to a 5 year old, which was his normal Little age. 

"DADDY!! DADDY!! LOOK I MADE TOWER!!" Jungkook shouted proud of himself.

"Wow baby, good job!! High five!!" Namjoon said with the same level of proudness, putting his hand up to high five Jungkook. 

They both continued to play for a while until dinner time. Namjoon got up. Jungkook stayed where he is while he was as it was dangerous for Jungkook to be in the kitchen in little space and it was a rule :

No in the kitchen while in little space

Jungkook was a well behaved little so he rarely broke the rules. Jungkook continued to play until Namjoon came out of the kitchen with his phone in hand.

"Hey Kookie, baby??" Namjoon asked while crouching down to see the little face to face. 

"Yes daddy?" Jungkook answered looking up at Namjoon.

Namjoon POV

"How do you feel about having pizza tonight?? As a treat??" I ask Kookie. I swear I could see hearts in his eyes when I said that.

"YAY PIZZA!!!" He yelled. I chuckle and ruffle his hair.

"Alright, pizza it is." Truth is I couldn't be bothered to cook, I was never good at it anyway. I stood up and looked for the pizza number on my phone. 

When I find it I call the number and order the pizza (use your imagination for what kind of pizza). The guy on the phone said it would be 20 minutes. I sat back down with Kookie and played a little more.

Time skip

The pizza guy rang the door bell and I got up to answer it, payed and went back into where I left Kookie. 

"DADDY, DADDY. Can we eat in sitting room and watch Toy Story!?!?!" Kookie shouted again, while jumping up and down. 

I thought for a while. He has been good so, I guess he deserves this. "Sure baby." 

And the night then ended with Kookie sleeping on my shoulder, most of the pizza eaten and the movie long forgotten about. I pick Kookie up, bring him to our bed and tuck him in.

I kiss him on the forehead "Sleep well, my little prince." 

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