Roommate Pt 2 : Taekook

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Caregiver ~ Jungkook

Little ~ Taehyung

(Everything is the same as before, dorm layout and stuff)

3rd POV

After Jungkook found Taehyung that day, he became Taehyung's caregiver and, believe it or not, lover. They both love the life style they've somehow found themselves in. Both have told their families about their relationship and have meet each others families. Over the Christmas break, which was two weeks long, they spent one week with Jungkook's family and one week with Taehyung's. But as always all good things come to an end.

It was close to the summer break and the two lovers would have to leave each other tomorrow to go home. Taehyung is terrified because his family doesn't know about the little space. He knows they wont accept it either. Back before he moved to collage he could hide it because he was use to suppressing it, but being with Jungkook he's been slipping more and finds it hard to suppress it like he once did. He couldn't stop thinking about it all day.

The minute Taehyung got home at 6:51 from his last class of the year he was expecting Jungkook to be home as he finished his classes before Taehyung but instead he was met with a dark room.

"JUNGKOOK?" Taehyung called out.


Taehyung's POV

Where is he? Maybe he's out getting food or something with his friends.

I drop my bag and put my laptop on the countertop and walk to the couch, I pretty much just face plant the couch. I cant help but over think about leaving tomorrow. Will I be ok with out Kook? It will be hard to hide my little space from my family. They wouldn't accept it. One time there was a girl in little space when we were at a restaurant. My parents talked shit about her, I tried to defend her but it didn't work. I just hope she didn't hear what my parents said.

After a while zoning out, I felt someone kiss the back of neck and hit my ass lightly.

"Kook." I breathe out.

"Hey baby, you okay?" He asks rubbing my back up and down.

I turn my head to look at him and sit up.

"Yea I'm good. How was your classes?" I ask.

He sits on the couch beside me and I snuggle into his shoulder, he wraps his arms around me.

"They were good. I missed you though. How was yours?" He responds kissing my head softly. These are my favourite moments, just the two of us, cuddled up together. I love this.

"Yea, they were okay." I sort of hum at him and cuddle in more.

"Someone's clingy today. Hmm?" He plays with my hair.

"Mhm." I respond, too comfortable to care.

We stayed like that for a few minutes in silence, I broke it by asking,

"Baby, you hungry?"

"Yea I am. Are you?"

"A little. I'll cook some ramen."

"Oki." I stretch up and peck his lips. "Be back in a minute."

I go to the kitchen and start getting the ingredients. Once I have them all on the counter I start to cut onions and what not. I feel two arms wrap around my waist.

"Kookie, be careful, I have a knife in my hand." I scold him. He starts kissing the back of my neck.

"Tae will you answer me honestly?" He whispers on my neck, I shiver at his hot breath on my neck. I just nod.

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