Dentist : Yoonmin

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Request :jimintoothbrush

Little ~ Jimin

Caregiver ~ Yoongi

Yoongi POV

I turn on the lights to Jimin's nursery and walk over to the bed. He rubs his eyes cutely.

"Good morning baby." I coo at him. He makes grabby hands for me. I pick him up and put him on my hip.

"How'd you sleep??" I ask bouncing him a little. He just nods tiredly in response holding onto my shirt.

I walk to the kitchen and put Jimin in his high chair.

"Baby, frosties or toast?" I ask him as I open the cupboard.

" 'osties." He reply's. I put the cereal into the bowl and pour the milk in. If you put milk in before the cereal..........why? Just why? 

I put the bowl infront of Jimin and give him a spoon and go to make my own breakfast. As I make my breakfast I say to Jimin "Baby we have to go to the dentist for your teethies."

He instantly whines "Nooo! 'imnie no wike dewntis."

"I know baby but you want clean teethies right?"  He nods. "Ok see. And daddy will be with you the whole time so you don't need to be scared."

We finished breakfast and I dress Jimin, brush his teeth (very important) and then get ready myself. We get into the car and start driving to the dentist, Jimin complaining about how he doesn't want to go. We finally arrive at the dentist. I unbuckle my self and get out to help Jimin out of his car seat. 

"Come on, baby. Lets go." I say as I open the car door.

"No! 'iminie no go!" He cries. 

"Jimin. Baby, come on. I don't want to drag you out of the car." 

"NOOOO!!" He trashes around and tears are running down his face. " imnie no wanna go!"

3rd POV

Yoongi grabs Jimin by the arm. Jimin kicking and screaming "NOO!! DADDY NOO!"

Yoongi manages to take Jimin out of the car and all the way into the reception. Jimin has calmed down a little bit. He isn't kicking and screaming more just crying and sobbing now. Yoongi is thankful of that.

"Hi, what can I do for you?" The receptionist asked kindly.

"Hi yes, we have an appointment with the dentist. Dr Kim." Yoongi says to the receptionist.

"Ah yes I see. What's your name?" She asked.

"I'm actually just here to bring him in. His name is Park Jimin." Yoongi replied whist trying to wipe Jimin's tears.

Jimin turns to Yoongi more and put his face in the olders neck. "Daddy, 'aci." He whispers.

Yoongi warps his arms around the littles waist. "Soon baby. Soon." He says, looking up at the receptionist, who was looking at them keenly.

"Little?" She asked. Yoongi just nods confused. "I volunteer at a little day-care." She said.

" Ahh I see." Yoongi said.

" Alright, you two go sit over there. Dr Kim will see you soon." She smiled.

They both sat down on the chairs but Jimin refused to sit on a chair by himself and ended up with his face in Yoongi's neck and warping his legs and arms around the latter.

About 10 minutes later Jimin's name was called so the both got up and walked into the office hand in hand.

"Mr Min, good to see you again. And you little guy." He says looking at Jimin giving him a warm smile. Dr Kim was one of Yoongi's friends and he also has a little, which is why their both comfortable with the man. Well one of them at least. Jimin is still holding Yoongi's hand tightly not even looking up at anyone.

"You too, Dr Kim." Yoongi replies. 

"Alright lets get started. The faster we get started, the faster it's over." Dr Kim says pulling up his surgical mask. "Jimin can you lay down on the chair for me please?" 

Jimin just tightens his grip on Yoongi's hand, shaking his head side to side. 

Yoongi turns to look at Jimin in his eyes and says "Baby remember daddy's right here if anything happens. Don't be scared. Hmm? Dr Kim is nice, I promise."

"promise?" Jimin says in a small voice. 

"Daddy wouldn't lie to you baby."  Jimin looks to the chair and looks back at the older.

"Daddy, no wanna." Yoongi just looks back to Dr Kim with pleading eyes. 

"Baby, daddy will be right beside you. Please just sit-" Yoongi was cut off by Jimin crying.

"Nooo!! NO WANNA DADDY!!" 

"Baby ple-"

"NOO! scawy Daddy. Scawy."

"What's scary baby?"

"Tat." Jimin says pointing to the dentist chair.

"How about your daddy sits on the chair with you. Hmm? Then it wont be scary right?" Dr Kim recommends.

Jimin nods, so Yoongi gets comfortable on the dentist chair and Jimin sits on his lap, lying his back on Yoongi's chest.

"Jimin can you lay your head over here on my lap instead?" Mr Kim asked softly.

Jimin whines and looks up to Yoongi for help. Only to get a response of "Go on baby. Its ok."

Jimin does as told but gets nervous and starts scratching his hand and fiddling with his fingers. Yoongi notices and holds his hands so he can fidget anymore. 

"It's ok baby. Daddy's right here." Yoongi said whilst rubbing Jimin's knuckles softly with his thumb.

"Alright lets get started." Dr Kim speaks when Jimin has rested his head in Dr Kim's lap. Dr Kim pulls out his tools to start his procedure. As he moves closer to Jimin's mouth, Jimin gets more anxious and starts squirming.

"No. No. Daddy no!!!" He screams while squirming. Yoongi graps his legs which are kicking about.

"Baby, Baby calm down! It's ok! It will be over soon! Please just sit still!" Yoongi pleads. Jimin continues to struggle even in Yoongi's tight grip. 

"Mr Min there's no way I can do the procedure when he is struggling like this. It could really hurt him." Dr Kim expresses his worry. 

"I'll hold him still whist you do it?" Yoongi enquires. Dr Kim nods. Yoongi then gets out from under Jimin's legs and straddles his legs, he then grabs his wrists so their not getting in the way. Dr Kim makes Jimin's head go between his thighs so his head isn't moving. 

Jimin kicks and screams though out the whole procedure. Dr Kim went slow to make sure he didn't hurt Jimin in anyway. Yoongi hated to see his little baby go through this but it had to be done.

The procedure was done, Jimin hand wet and dry tears on his face. Dr Kim lets go of Jimin's head and Yoongi follows by taking his grip off Jimin's wrists and getting off his legs. Jimin immediately sits up and is engulfed in a bone crushing hug by Yoongi. 

"Baby, I'm so proud of you. You're all done now. Good job baby." 

Jimin smiles softly and hugs Yoongi back. He silently whispers "Thank 'uo, Daddy. 


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