Silly Baby : Hopekook

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Little ~ Hoseok

Caregiver ~ Jungkook

3rd POV

When Jungkook left to go to a meeting with Bang PD, Hoseok was big but regressed maybe 30 minutes after Jungkook left. Hoseok was now sitting in the living room, waiting for his 'daddy' to come home. Poor Hoseok was hungry so he want to the kitchen to see if he could find something to eat. 

He saw cookies up on the top shelf over the counter. Hoseok reached up to get the cookies. 

"Me 'ant 'ookies." Hoseok wined because he couldn't reach them.  Hoseok then sat on the floor sulking trying to figure out a way to get the cookies.

Jungkook POV      

"- so that's the plan for the new chero, you got that kid?" Bang Pd asked me.

"Yes sir." I reply.

"Good, now in regard to songs- "Pd-nim was saying I stopped listening because I felt uneasy, like something bad is going to happen or has happened. I feel like Hoseok is in trouble but he was big when I left so he should be fine, right??

"-ook, JUNGKOOK!!" I snap out of my thoughts to see Bang Pd looking at me worriedly. "You alright, kid??" 

"Yeah, its just- you know when you get the bad feeling in your stomach?" I tell him.

"Yea sometimes, why??" Pd-nim asked.

"Well, I have a bad feeling something happened or will happen to Hoseok. Do you think I'm just paranoid??" I ask him seriously and honestly.

"Go back to him, I know how much he means to you, kid." Pd-nim said.

"Thank you sir." I rush to grab my bag and leave but Pd-nim's voice made me stop.

"Jungkook." He softly said. I turn around. "You're a good kid." 

I nod, run out to my car and speed back to the house. 

Meanwhile at the house         

Hoseok was still sulking trying to find a way to get the cookies. He looked around the room and saw a chair. He jumps up to get the chair.

"HOBI GONNA GET 'OOKIES!!" He sang, whilst grabbing the chair and putting it up against the counter.  

"Hobi gonna get 'ookies." He said more softly this time while climbing on the chair. He reached up to get the cookie jar, but once again didn't reach it. He stood on his tippy toes to reach it. He managed to get the jar but just as he had the jar in his hand, the chair slipped and Hoseok fell, the glass jar smashed some glass pieces surrounded Hoseok and some cut into his skin.

Hoseok starts to cry. "DADDY!!!" He screams. "HOBI GOT A BOOBOO!!"

Hoseok tries to stand up but his cuts only started to hurt more and he yelled in pain.

Back to Jungkook                 

Jungkook got to the house his stomach anticipating at what has happened, if anything did happen. He walked up to the door and unlocked it. He heard loud crying.

"HOSEOK!!" He dropped everything and ran towards where the cries were coming from. Jungkook followed the cries to the kitchen to see Hoseok surrounded by glass and had cuts on his feet and hands.

"Hoseok!! Baby what happened!?" Jungkook ran to Hoseok and picked him up out of the glass and placed him on the counter, he went to get the first aid kit to clean his baby's cuts. 

"H-hobi 'anted 'ookis!" Hoseok sobbed. 

"Baby, you know that daddy is to give you the cookies, you don't go up to get them or else this would happen." Jungkook said softly whist cleaning Hoseok's cut's.

" 'm sowwy daddy." Hoseok whispered. Hoseok flinched a bit when Jungkook put on some disinfectant wipe on his cuts.

"It's ok baby, I wont punish you but you are never to try and get cookies without asking. Alright??" Jungkook said as he finished cleaning Hoseok's cuts.

"Y-yesh d-daddy." Hoseok said. 

"Alight lets put you down for a nap and we can talk about it later when you're big, ok" Jungkook picked Hoseok up and brought him to their bed. Layed him down and kiss him goodnight.

After Jungkook left Hoseok fell asleep. His soft snores filled the room.

Meanwhile downstairs, Jungkook began cleaning up the glass and put away the first aid kit. When he finished he went back into Hoseok and his shared room, he got into bed and snuggled up to his baby.

"Goodnight my love." Jungkook said kissing Hoseok's forehead and falling asleep, spooning his baby from behind.


Defiantly a shorter one but at least I posted early??

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