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Caregivers ~ Namjoon, Hoseok, Seokjin, Jimin, Jungkook

Littles ~ Taehyung, Yoongi

Plot- Yoongi was a little but no one knew. Until one day he accidently slips when Taehyung starts sing the theme song of his favourite cartoon.

Yoongi POV

I woke up around 10:30am when I heard crying and screaming. Taehyung was throwing a tantrum again.

I groaned and stuffed the pillow over my ears. The crying got even louder. I sighed and got up and went to have a shower.

 After my shower I went down stairs to see Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook trying to get Taehyung to stop crying. I roll my eyes and went to the kitchen to find Seokjin Hyung. 

"Morning Yoongi." Hyung says looking up from his pancakes.

"Morning Hyung." I said in a rather annoyed voice. Hyung seemed to notice but ignores it. "So todays our day off-" Hyung said, trailng off at the end.

"Yea." I said. "Well, we were going to bring Taehyung to the park or something and get ice cream-" Hyung inquired and looked at me with pleading eyes. "No." I said coldly. 

"But Yoongi you never hang out with us nowadays." Hyung said still looking at me. "The last time we all hung out together was before Taetae told us he was a little, since then you have been avoiding us." Hyung complained to me.

To be honest I stopped being with them because I whenever I was near Taehyung I would want to slip. And I had to fight back the urdge to run into Hoseok's arms and call him 'daddy', I wanted it so much, but the truth is I'm terrified to tell them. 

"Yea I've just been really busy." I said not wanting the conversation to continue. "Come to think of it, Yoongi, you have been really acting weird since Taetae told us." Hyung said.

I started to panic. I look at Seokjin with wide eyes "I- umm". Come on you idiot speak, "I've just been stressed Hyung, sorry." I look down at the last part.

Seokjin's POV

Somethings up with Yoongi he doesn't hang out with us anymore its weird because it all started when Taetae told us he was a little, since then Yoongi has been going to his studio more. Does he hate Taehyung for being a little?

No ones POV

After a while with the two sitting in silence, Taehyung came into the kitchen with a drawing to show his Hyung. "Jinnie!" Taehyung said in a cute voice "Wook I dids a drawins of us!!" Taehyung said shoving the drawing into Seokjin's face.

Seokjin took the drawing in his hand " Wow baby, its so good." Seokjin ruffles Taehyungs hair.

Then Taehyung spots Yoongi and, with a wide smile, grabs the drawing off Seokjin and runs to Yoongi to show him the drawing. No No No go away, is all Yoongi could think. "Yoonie wook, its all us!" Taehyung said in his sweet baby voice.

Shit that name, No No Stop  Yoongi thought cursing Taehyung in his head " Y-Yea I-its L-Lovely" Yoongi stuttered out. Taehyung smile grew wider and said "Yoonie wike it??" 

Yoongi gulped not wanting to slip." y-ye-" just as Yoongi was about to reply Hoseok came running into the kitchen. Seokjin, who went back to making pancakes after Taehyung went over to Yoongi, shouted " YAH, Hoseok no running in the kitchen".

Hoseok slowed down to a jog and went over to Taehyung, Taehyung shouted "DADA!" Hoseok smiled and lifted up the younger. Yoongi was trying so hard not to slip but he couldn't stop himself after he heard Taehyung and Hoseok singing the Scooby Doo theme song ( don't ask ). Yoongi slipped right then and there. 

Yoongi made grabby hands towards Hoseok " me wan' sing to daddy1" Yoongi said.

Hoseok looked at Yoongi with wide eyes. "W-what." Hoseok said confused.

Yoongi then snapped out of Little space and started stuttering. "I- I- don't-" Yoongi couldn't form a sentence. 

Seokjin turned around with a plate full of pancakes "Alright who want's the firs- " Seokjin was cut off by Yoongi running away.

Hoseok put Taehyung who was now big down and ran after Yoongi. "YOONGI STOP!!" is all that the other members heard, then a door being slammed only to be opened and slammed again.

The others rushed to the kitchen to see a confused Seokjin and a wide eyed Taehyung. "Yoongi is a little." is all Taehyung said. Seokjin gasped. It all made sense now. 

Yoongi POV

I kept running despite hearing Hoseok calling me. What did I just do?? . I ran into the BigHit building and ran straight for my studio locking it once I got in. I immediately slip and start crying. I grabbed my stuffie and my paci and sat on the couch.

No ones POV

Hoseok was out side the door. "Yoongi Hyung, let me in." 

The little didn't say anything, just sobbed louder.

Hoseok heard it and had an idea. "Yoonie baby, can you let me inside so I can help you." Hoseok said in a quite voice but just loud enough for Yoongi to hear.

Yoongi thought about it. He slowly got of the couch with his stuffie and paci still in his mouth. Yoongi unlocked the door and Hoseok swung the door open to be meet with a little Yoongi, eyes red and puffy from crying, paci in his mouth and holding a stuffie.

Cute  was all Hoseok thought. Yoongi saw Hoseok staring at him and started to cry again. Hoseok immediately pulled the little into a hug "Its ok baby, I'm here." Hoseok said.

He then remembered what Yoongi called him back at the house "It's ok Yoonie, Daddy's here, don't cry."

Yoongi pushed back from the hug. "You no mad?" Yoongi said voice rough from sobbing.

"No baby, why would I be mad?? Hmm?" Hoseok said in a sweet, calm voice.

"Cuz Y-Yoonie is a wittle and c-called you D-D-daddy." Yoongi cried.

Hoseok just smiled "No baby I'm not mad, I'm actually happy. You can call me daddy just like TaeTae calls me Dada!"

Yoongi looks up at Hoseok." You g-gonna b-be me d-daddy?" Yoongi asked unsure.

"Yes baby, I will if you want me to." Hoseok said.

Yoongi jumped into Hoseok's arms.

"Thank you, daddy." Yoongi said giggling at the last part.

"Your welcome baby, now lets get u back home, hmm?"


1053 words

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