LOKI Part 8

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It has become almost routine now, after doing an hour of training Loki  your secret he would let you play at the park with your new friends as long as you didn't show off your mutant abilities to them. And today you were going to meet up with Lucy and Anne at the sandbox, two of the girls you met the first time you went to the playground. Grinning wide as you skipped along the sidewalk you tightly held on to Loki's hand while swinging a small backpack full of dolls that Tony had gotten you by demand of Natasha around in your happy stride while humming. Looking up at the god of mischief you smiled more when he glanced down at you with a quirked brow and a gentle smile of his own. "Seems like someone is in high spirits today." Loki said, getting you to giggle and let go of his hand to hug his leg tightly. "I'm just happy!" You exclaimed when you heard your name being called from a head of you, making you turn to who was yelling for you. "(N)! (N)! Over here!" Anne shouted, waving her arms to get your attention while Lucy set up her new barbie camper in on the sandbox's corners. Waving at the blond and the ginger haired girls you quickly ran over to them while Loki chuckled and sat down on a bench as he was soon joined by your friend's mothers. Getting to the sandbox and dropping your backpack, you stood straight and stretched your arms wide with a grin. "I'm here!" You announced making both girls grin as well and jump to hug you tightly. "(N) do the thing!" Lucy whispered, pulling back from the hug to bounce on her toes making you glance back at Loki who was speaking with Anne's mother. Smiling as you dropped down with both girls quickly following to help hide what you were about to do. "Are we playing in the forest or jungle today?" You asked, digging your hands into the sand as Anne grinned, pulling out her older brother's jungle themed animals from her hello kitty backpack. "Jungle! I brought animals and Lucy brought a treasure that Brittney and the others have to find! Oh why don't we add a river too? Make it a huge adventure!" Anne said excitedly, throwing her arms up as you created a miniature jungle in the corner of the sand box. Looking over to the blond as you tilted your head while pulling your hands from the sand. "Where are we going to get water from? I can't make that." You asked as Lucy giggled and lifted up a pail she'd used to make a few sand castles and what looked like ruins with a smile. "We can go over to the fountain and fill this! Anne dig out the river while we get the water!" Lucy said, pointing to a bend of bushes that would lead to a water fountain and quickly stood bringing you with her as she made a run for the drinking fountain. "Mommy! Me and (N) are going to go get water for our river!" Lucy yelled, getting her mother to wave in acknowledgement while Loki eyed you before turning back to Anne's mother to continue to listen to her interesting hospital stories about her coworkers. Running alongside Lucy you smiled when she stopped and dropped down to put the pail under the dog faucet. "(N) turn the lever and I'll hold the bucket!" Lucy said, making you nod and turn the knob. Watching the water rush into the pail you tilted your head. "Do you think this'll be enough water? What if it just sinks into the sand?" You asked, making the ginger haired girl, snap her head up to look at you. "I didn't think of that! I guess we're going to need a lot more water then. Stay here while I go pour this into the sandbox!" Lucy said carefully standing with the pail as you nodded. "Okay! Oh hold on." You said squatting down to create a large leaf that could stop the water from absorbing into the sand. "Have Anne use this to stop the water." You said snapping the leaf from its twig to hand to the green eyed girl. Nodding as she took the leaf Lucy then carefully walked back to the sandbox not wanting to spill any water on her way. Watching your friend as she walked back to Anne you turned back to the fountain and went on your tiptoes to get a drink as a few joggers ran past. Dropping back to the ground you turned to see Lucy quickly running back to you with a grin. "Okay so Anne thinks two more pails should be enough water for our river." She said squatting back down to hold the pail as you nodded. "Okay! Should I make another leaf? Or should I make one of those lily leaves from the lake?" You asked pointing over to the large pond across from you and Lucy as she turned to look. "Oh that would've been a good idea the first time. Anne dug a hole but the water didn't stay. So make one of those to please." Lucy said turning back to you before turning to the pail. "Ah, it's overflowing! Turn it off!" She squealed moving the bucket away as you turned the knob off. "Oops my bad." You mumbled squatting down to make a lily pad as Anne shouted from the sandbox. "The waters are going away! Hurry up!" Making you and Lucy turn to each other as you handed her the lily pad so she could rush back to the blond. Standing by the fountain as you waited for Lucy when a subconscious fear shot through your spine making you freeze when someone grabbed you from behind and covered your mouth. "So this is where you've been, you little shit." You heard your father growl as he quickly ran from the park.

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