LOKI part 5

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Sleeping soundly against Loki's chest long after the first round of food and drinks, you tightly held onto his shirt as the said god took a sip from his glass. "The poor las, haven ta fight ta stay alive at such a young age." Volstagg said leaning against the table as he looked at your small form. Nodding in agreement. "I agree, but my father won't give either of us the time to explain the situation Loki's found himself in." Thor said crossing his arms as he slouched in his chair abit. "I'm sure father will come around eventually." Loki said shifting in his seat to better hold you and to get more comfortable. "Have you thought of training her? That little one will have to learn eventually, you can't always be by her side forever." Sif said after taking a swig of her drink. Shaking his head as he looked down at you. "She just barely came into my care not even a day ago, she is not ready for our kind of training." Loki said as Fandral rested his head on his knuckles. "What about magic? Your mother taught you at a young age, I'm sure Queen Frigga would love to have another student under her wing." He said making the god of mischief raise an eyebrow at him. "And what am I, a school boys magician? I can easily teach her magic." Loki hissed feeling slightly offended by Fandral's words. "I'm sure he didn't mean it that way Loki." Hogan said making the said man roll his eyes before sighing. "Anyways it is late my friends, brother. I should properly put (N) to bed. If you'll excuse me." Loki said carefully standing up as to not wake you. Nodding to him as he left Thor turned to Fandral as he grinned. "So Thor Loki says you were terrible with handling (N), is it true?" Quickly shutting the door before the arguing could start and wake you up Loki shook his head as he made his way to his room. Lightly laying you down before getting ready for bed himself Loki lightly kissed your head before turning to go change. Snuggling deeper into the plush bedding you again began to dream. Walking along the garden that now restembled the one with in the palace you spotted your doppelganger sitting at the stone patio with a mirrored version of the flower crown Loki made you. "Hello me. I see you used me today." She said happily as you sat across from her with a confused look. "What do you mean I used you?" You asked getting the (E/C) eyed girl to giggle. "When you made the flower crown for Loki silly. You made the stems fuse and the flowers grow bigger." Your double said growing the blood red rose teacups again. Excepting the cup you took a sip of the vanillarose flavored tea. "So you were the one that talked to me!" You said making your double nod. "Yep! Remember me, if you ever need me, I'm you." She said making you furrow your brows in confusion and nod hesitantly. Sitting for a few minutes in silence and sipping your tea you were about to as a question when your double answered. "I don't know how to make Loki's daddy like us. But maybe if we make him a flower he'll be less mean?" She said getting you to close your mouth then think of a different question. "What kind of flower?" You asked getting a wide grin from your doppelganger as she put her palm out and grew a gorgeous flower. "I think he'll like one of these. Now this is what you have to do okay me?" Your double said listing off what you'd need to do to impress Odin. Slowly waking from your sleep, you blinked up a Loki's sleeping face next to you. Freezing for a moment at the thought of accidentally waking him up and having him be at you for being awake and out of bed, you bit your lip as you slowly and quietly slipped out of bed. Tiptoeing as quietly as you could, you continuously looked back at Loki to make sure he was still asleep when you carefully opened the door. Squeezing out the small opening you gave yourself. Closing the door behind you, you quietly snuck to the palace garden to get a scoop of dirt before heading to the throne room. Cupping the soil close to your chest you hid behind pillars and walls as various people walked by, be it servants, guards, or frighteningly enough Thor and his friends. Finally making it to the throne room, you smiled when you saw the door partially open. Breathing to calm your growing nerves, you shakely made your way into the throne room. Poking your head passed the door you froze at the harsh glare Odin was sending you. Feeling yourself begin to shake "Don't worry we can protect ourselves. Remember we're doing this so he likes us!" You heard in the back of your head. Putting on a brave face, you quickly walked straight to Odin's throne where he sat and trusted your hands out to him. Watching the white bearded man raise a brow at the dirt in your hands you closed your eyes and took in a deep breath before growing the flower your double showed you. Standing in silence for a good minute you peeked an eye open to look at Odin. Fully opening your eyes you straightened up and curiously looked at the astonishment in his one eye. Turning your eyes away shyly when Odin fully turned his attention to you. "I-I made dis for you." You mumbled putting both flower and dirt on the arm rest of the throne. Before backing away from the King of Asgard and turning as you were about to run away when the one eyed man quickly snatched you off the ground and placed you on his knee. Going completely rigged you lightly trembled as the King stared you down. "Tell me young one. What is your tale?" Odin asked softening his hold on you as he leaned back in his seat.

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