LOKI part 3

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The dress was so pretty! Turning every which way to look at it in the mirror. “Can I really keep it?” You asked turning to Loki and the pretty goddess as they smiled at you. “Of course little one, anything for my sweet granddaughter.” Frigga said happily lifting you up making Loki clear his throat and look away from his mother. Blinking when you didn't feel any pain. “My side doesn't hurt anymore!” You gasped touching your once bruised side in wonder making the blond giggle. “I would hope so. The medicine my son put on you is the best. Now let's go see my husband, Odin.” Frigga said wiggling her fingers making you squeal and giggle. Happily hugging her neck as she carried you, you looked back at Loki who followed close behind. Smiling and waving at him until you were placed on to your feet. You curiously looked up at the smiling blond. “Alright little one, can you be a big girl and introduce yourself to Odin, for me?” Frigga asked lightly smiling at Loki who took hold of your hand and squinted at the guards who straightened their stances as their queen opened the throne room doors. “Frigga there you are. I had wondered where you had gone to.” Odin said turning away from Thor to his wife before looking distastefully at you. “Why is that child here? I thought I forbade her entry into the throne room.” Odin growled making you shrink back and move to hide behind Loki. Frowning “Father please, Loki has sworn to protect young (N). As you can see he is fond of her.” Thor said stepping forward as Frigga nodded. “Dearest, I've spoken with the child. She is harmless.” She said gently making the older man scowl. “I still forbade her from entering this room! I don't wish to meet a mortal child nor do I want to hear the excuses as to why Loki deemed it necessary to bring her here!” Odin yelled thumping his staff onto the floor loudly. Flinching and whimpering at the harsh tone you tightly held on to Loki's leg as you felt tears start to prick at the corners of your eyes. “Father please, your frightening her! Calm yourself!” Loki hissed lightly holding you close as he felt you shake. “I will do no such thing! You have no right to speak to me in this manner!” Odin shouted standing from his throne to point at his adopted son with his staff. Both moving at the same time, Thor stood in front of the king and raised his hands to block him as Frigga moved to protect both you and Loki. “Take her to the gardens. We'll try and speak with him.” Frigga said calmly turning to her son as he nodded and scooped you up. Hiding in his neck you started to hiccup frighteningly. Teleporting to the gardens before quietly shushing you, Loki lightly patted your back soothingly. “Shh, it's alright. I won't let my father hurt you. Here look aren't these pretty?” He asked making you slowly turn to see him lifting a (Favorite/Flower) up for you to see. Reaching to lightly touch the pedals you tilted your head when a warm feeling went up your arm. Carefully setting you down. “Why don't we explore the garden shall we? Let my father's temper simmer down for a while and I'll call for a meal to be brought out for you.” Loki said wiping the leftover tears from your eyes as you nodded. “Does your papa not like me?” You asked sadly looking up at the raven haired god as he sighed. “No little one, he is just stubborn. You see, I've done some regrettable thing in the past. And have lost my father's trust in me, he's just nervous that I may be using you for personal gain.” Loki explained making you blink and tilt your head. Tightly holding onto his hand you lightly rubbed your forehead on his knuckles. “But your nice, you took care of me. And made me feel better.” You said smiling up at the god of mischief getting him to warming smile down at you. Walking to the stone patio in the middle of the garden Loki smiled as you picked multiple flowers and leaves. “Are you planning to give those to my father? I'm sure a simple bouquet won't settle his stubbornness.” He asked making you look from the pretty plants to him with a smile. “I wanna make one of those!” You said pointing to one of the marble statues with a decorative flower crown on its head. Humming as he sat down. “Ah I see. Come, I'll teach you how to weave one then.” Loki said lifting you up to sit you down on the table. Watching with amazement as Loki easily and gracefully weaved an intricate flower crown your eyes sparkled at the beautiful crown. “Wow! It's so pretty!” You squealed as Loki carefully placed the crown onto your head. Grinning happily “I wanna try!” You said picking up the leftover flowers as Loki nodded. “Alright little one, first start like this and then continue one like that. Now I'll be right back I'll speak with the servants and have them prepare something special for you.” Loki said showing you how to start the crown before standing up and kissing the top of your head. Watching him leave you turned back to the forming crown. “Fuse the stems, make them one and have them grow together.” A quiet yet familiar voice within you said, blinking at it you looked down at the shifting plants with in your hands. Focusing on what the voice told you, you made the plants fuse, shift, and grow into a gorgeous crown that made your eyes widen. “Oh wow I did it! Loki! Loki! Look I did it!” You squealed crawling off the table to run after the raven haired god. Running through the palice with a proud grin you found Loki speaking with someone and ran into his legs holding them tightly. “Loki look! Wear it please!” You said lifting the crown up as you stood on your tiptoes. Looking down at you in surprised shook. “What an amazing crown! How did a mortal child make such a beautiful thing?” The servant muttered getting a cold glare from Loki as he picked you up. “Go to the kitchen's. I've given you an order now follow it.” Loki hissed making the servant flinch and rush off. Being high enough to place the crown on his head you grinned happily. “You look so pretty! Hahaha do you like it?” You asked getting a gentle smile in return. “Yes my little one. It's beautiful thank you.” Loki said hugging you close to kiss the top of your head again.

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