LOKI part 4

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Sitting on Loki's lap as he read to you, you smiled while lightly touching the flower crown on your head. When the doors to the library were suddenly slammed open making you jump and hide in the raven haired gods chest. “So it's true! Loki's taking care of a midgardian child!” Fandral yelled quickly trotting over to pluck you from Loki's lap. Squeaking as you were cradled against the smiling blondes chest you looked to Loki with large confused eyes as he stood up angrily. “Fandral give her back.” Loki hissed moving to take you back as the blond took several prancing steps back. “Oh no, no, no. She needs to meet everyone! Come child, let's go introduce you to Lady Sif, Volstagg, and Hogun!” Fandral said turning to run out of the library. Tightly holding onto his shirt you held your flower crown so it wouldn't fall and looked from the laughing blond to Loki who was chasing after him. “Fandral I swear! Stop this insolence at once! Put (N) down, now!” He yelled as his eyes flashed red. Reaching over Fandrals should to your guardian “L-Loki!” You called as a set of doors was slammed open making you jump and shut your eyes. “Its true!! Guys look at this sweet little midgardian!” Fandral yelled catching the attention of his friends as they turned to him as he turned you to them. Covering your eyes shyly you heard the door be opened from behind you. “Fandral give her back to me!” Loki hiss taking you back from the blond as Fandral grinned and held his hands up as you hugged Loki tightly while hiding in his neck. “Who would have thought? Bring the las here let us see her.” Volstagg said gesturing for Loki to bring you closer to the table. Glancing at you as you peeked up. “Would you like to meet them (N)?” Loki asked as you shyly look at the three warriors and shrugged. Walking over to the table and nodding his head in greeting. “Volstagg, Hogun, Lady Sif. It's good to see your all doing well.” Loki greeted moving you to his hip so you could look at the four warriors surrounding the table. “We're fine. But what in Asgards name made you take in a midgardian child?” Sif asked eyeing you questioningly, lightly patting your back to sooth you. “My incompetent brother and his companions were doing a terrible job and I had to step in.” Loki said smirking slightly as the others chuckled. “What are you saying? That our mighty Thor's actually terrible at something?” Hogan joked getting everyone to laugh and chuckle. “Anyway, Loki hand the Las here! I wanna size her up.” Volstagg said reaching out for you. Lightly and carefully handing you over Loki smiled comfortingly when you looked up at him. “It's alright little one. He is a good friend.” He said as you looked from him to the bearded man as he sat you in his lap. “Your quiet the small one aren't ya? How old are ya little one?” Volstagg asked lightly patting your back as you held up four fingers. “Four? She's still just a baby, Loki you didn't steal her from her crib did you?” Hogun asked looking at the god of mischief questioningly as he rolled his eyes. Just as he was about to speak the doors slammed opened yet again. “Brother! A maid just told me you wanted to eat alone with (N) in your room. Why not dine with us. We'll have a feast in honor of our return home and you taking young (N) under your wing!” Thor exclaimed happily getting a grunt from Loki as you flinched at the doors slamming. Looking down and playing with your hands Volstagg raised an eyebrow at your slight trembling. Seeing this Loki crossed his arms. "Sorry but we decline dear brother. I don't believe (N) is ready for an Asgardian feast." Loki said, shaking his head as he moved to take you from Volstagg. "Oh come on Loki. Your acting like we're beasts ready to devour the child." Sif said moving faster than Loki could to snatch you out of Volstaggs lap. Tightly holding onto Sif's shoulders in shock you blinked and looked up at Thor as you were past to him. Grinning happily down at you. "It is alright little one, you will enjoy the feast." Thor said just as multiple servants came in carrying large platters of different food. Eyes widening at the sight you looked up to the blond then to Loki as his shoulders dropped. "Fine, you win brother we'll dine with you." Loki sighed walking over to take you from Thor and move to take a seat at the end of the table with you in his protective grasp. Watching as the table filled with many different kinds of food you looked up to Loki and smiled before moving to fix his flower crown. "Will you be alright little one? If you want to leave at anytime just tell me." Loki whispered lightly brushing a hair behind your ear making you smile more and nod. Shifting you to his left leg Loki started plating for the both of you as the others began to do the same. "So Loki tell us the truth, how did this young one end up in your care?" Fandral asked filling his mug with the first round of alcohol. Ordering a nearby servant to get you a glass of grape juice Loki slid his gaze to the blond with an unhappy face. "Oh don't be mad at me for taking the little princess from you. You have her back." Fandral said waving his hand dismissively getting the god of mischief to scoff and hand you a handful of grapes you were staring at. "I have every right to be furious, you barged in without even announcing yourself and then proceeded to act like a child." Loki said leaning back in his seat to drink from his wine when Hogun threw his cup to the floor yelling for another. Jumping violently you dropped the grapes Loki gave you and turned to hide in his chest while tightly clinging to him. "(N)! Oh no shh, shh. Your alright no ones going to hurt you." Loki said putting his drink on the table before holding you close as you started to hiccup. "Whys the las crying?" Volstagg asked as Sif turned to glare at Hogun. "What you do?" She asked as Loki shook his head. "Its not his fault Sif, (N) was abused by her previous father. Hogun just startled her." He said leaning back to wipe at your eyes. "There's no need to cry. Hogun is not mad, it is an Asgardian tradition to smash ones cup to get another one." Loki explained grabbing your cup from the table as you sniffled and nodded. Blinking at your newly empty cup you curiously looked back up at the raven haired man as he turned you around so you were facing the table again. "Oh I get it! Here just lift you cup up and just. *CRASH* Another!" Fandral yelled lifting his cup above his head before throwing it to the floor making the cup shatter. Looking from Fandral to Loki then to your cup, you slightly leaned away from Loki drop your cup and mumbled another. Hearing it only crack the large room went silent making you think and hide in Loki's chest. "Now that was poor las. Ya gotta throw it with lot ya might. Ya gotta shatter the glass." Volstagg said leaning down to pick up your cracked cup to give back to you. Shyly taking it back you looked up at the bearded man as he grinned at you and took up his cup. "Now las you have ta throw it as hard as ya can. And yell as loud as ya can, just scream ANOTHER!" Volstagg instructed making you lift the cup over your head and throw it to the floor making it shatter. "Another!" You yelled getting a playful smile from Hogun as he downed his drink and srood. "Ah come on you can be louder than that! You have to scream." He said giving you his cup. Looking from him to Loki you started to smile when Loki nodded. Lifting the cup over your head and throwing it to the floor harder than last time you watched it shatter before screaming "ANOTHER!" Getting everyone even Loki to cheer and yell another before throwing their cups to the floor. Grinning as everyone became more lively you looked up at Loki who chuckled to himself as he lightly petted your hair.

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