LOKI part 6

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When Loki awoke the next morning and saw that you weren't anywhere in his room, the god of mischief panicked. And bolted out of his room in the form of a black direwolf, hoping that Fandral had taken you again as a joke. As he searched the castle, Thor came out of the training room and turned to the sound of scraping stone. Skidding to a stop and turning back to his human form, Loki panted tiredly. "Brother? Why are you running around like a mad man? Are you playing an unfair game of tag with young (First/Name)?" Thor asked looking passed his brothers disheveled appearance to look down the hall anticipating your happy giggles coming down it. "I'm not! I can't find (First/Name), she wasn't in my room when I woke up." Loki hissed angrily making the blonds eyes widen as Loki turned to continue looking for you. "Brother you don't believe father sent her away do you?" Thor asked making Loki run his hand through his hair. “I'm starting to think it, yes.” Loki said continuing to look up and down the hall. Humming in displeasure “We have to go see father. Only he may know where (First/Name) is.” Thor said turning to go to the throne room with his little brother quickly following behind as he used his magic to make himself look presentable. Feeling his aggravation grow as he got closer to the throne room, Loki felt a little better at the thought that Thor felt the same way judging by the way he was walking and that his mouth was pressed into a thin line. Preparing to get into an argument with their father neither Loki or Thor were expecting to see you being coddled by Odin himself, when they opened the throne rooms door. Completely caught off guard both Asgardian princes couldn't keep themselves from looking to each other then to the large assortment of both Midgardian and Asgardian toys and child care products surrounding their fathers throne and you. Turning when the doors opened Odin straightened in his throne with you sitting next to him with a sippy cup and his cape partly wrapped around you. “Ah, Loki you've taken in quite the brave child. She's told me her story and showed me the power she has come to possess.” Odin said easily picking you up as he stood. Feeling a little uneasy at the thought that you might've upset or angered Loki you kept quiet by keeping the sippy cup to your mouth. Snapping out of his stupor when his father was coming towards him Loki cleared his throat. “Right, wait what? What power?” He asked turning to you in slight shock and wonder, making you partly hide in Odin's shoulder. “I see she hasn't shown you yet. But some Midgardian’s do possess powers, yes?” Odin asked as he gave you over to his adopted son. Feeling that his mind wasn't working fast enough Loki nodded. “Yes it, it could be a possible mutation in her genes.” He answered when Thor suddenly clapped him on the shoulder. “This is wonderful bother! Young (First/Name) has proven herself to father. So she can stay in his care right father?” Thor asked looking from you and Loki before turning a happy look to the white haired king who nodded. “Be it on Midgard or here, I expect her training to start soon. The power she possesses is a strong one, with time this young one could be on par with the Valkyrie.” Odin said lightly patting your hair and getting surprised looks from both his sons. “I see. If you'll excuse us." Loki said turning away from his brother and father. Sucking on air now, you kept yourself still and stayed quiet when Loki removed the sippy cup from your mouth. Immediately apologizing you kept your eyes downwards when Loki made you look up. "Can you show me the power my father spoke of?" He asked as you hid in his shoulder. "Ver md." You mumbled keeping your face hidden. Patting your back soothingly as he headed for his room. "No, I am not mad. I was simply worried something had happened to you." Loki said gently sitting you down at his desk chair. Looking at him as he knelt down you closed your eyes as the god of mischief wiped at your eyes to clear them of forming tears. "(First/Name) can you show me? The powers my father spoke of?" Loki asked as you nodded then turned to look around the room for a plant. Spotting one near the balcony you slipped off the chair and quietly walked over to it with Loki curiously following behind. Going onto your tiptoes to reach in and touch the soil, you closed your eyes and focused listening to your inner self as she instructed you on what to do. Transforming the devils ivy into a hoya with in seconds you opened your eyes. Hesitatenly turning to the raven haired God you played with your fingers as he silently marveled at you then the changed hoya. Becoming more fidgety you flinched when Loki took a step closer. "You truly are a child of many wonders. I can see why my father is so keen on you beginning training." Loki said softly and gently patted your head before picking you and left his room. "Where we going?" You asked getting Loki to smile a little. "This was a nice visit home, but it was a bit stressful. And father did say whether Midgard or here your training is to start, so let us return to Midgard." Loki said when Frigga came around the corner. "Ah, Loki and young (First/Name) I heard that you've won my stubborn husbands affections." Frigga said lightly cupping your cheek before taking you from Loki. Happily hugging the blonds neck as she turned away you tilted your head at Loki as he followed. "Um, mother where are you taking her?" He asked getting the queen to look at him from over her shoulder. "To spend some time with her grandmother before you take her back to Midgard, of course. Odin had her all to himself last night." Frigga said smiling sweetly down at you when you looked up at her. 

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