LOKI part 1

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Slowly picking a pieces of paper you shrank back when everyone seemingly stepped forward. “Alright little one, let's see who'll be your guardian.” Loki smiled carefully taking the folded paper from you and opened it with a sly grin. “LOKI~ Well it seems fate chose me. Come little one let's get you cleaned up.” Loki said scooping you up quickly and briskly walked out of the room holding back a snicker as Tony dumped the papers out finding that all of the papers had his name on them. Looking up at the long raven haired man you jumped slight as a shout could be heard from down the hall as the two of you entered one of the elevator. Lightly put you down when the doors closed. “Now then may I ask your name?” Loki asked kneeling down to match your height. Looking down you shrugged your shoulders looking at the far corner. Tilting his head at your silence before lightly bringing you into a gentle hug. “Come now you are safe, you can share your name with me.” Loki whispered as you hesitantly accepted the hug mumbling your name quietly. Smiling as he stood back up taking hold of your small hand, Loki waited patiently for the doors to open before leading you to his room. Quietly looking around the gold, black, and green colored room you slipped your hand free from Loki's to curiously brush a black furred rug making the Asgardian cross his arms behind his back watching you amusedly. “That my dear is the pelt of a shadow wolf from Vanaheim. It was a prized hit when me and my brother were younger.” Loki said making you look up curiously “It's really soft.” You murmured quietly turning back to the rug with a small smile. Humming lightly as he picked you up the mischievous god brought you into the bathroom. “Can I trust you to run the bath water while I go and retrieve your bag from the laundry room?” Loki asked turning to the door, nodding you turned to the tub and started the water keeping it on the colder side so you wouldn't get in trouble. Wait for the water to fill you played with your fingers when a feminine voice scared you. “You can use the hot water, you won't get in trouble.” Friday said making you turn and look for the voice when Loki suddenly returned with your baby bag. Setting it onto the sink and dipping his hand into the water the raven haired Asgardian hissed at the freezing temperature looking at you worriedly. “(N) were you planning to use only cold water?” Loki asked noticing you staring at his submerged hand, glancing at his hand Loki quickly pulled it from the water seeing that it changed to a sparkling ice blue. Completely entranced by it you lightly touched Loki's palm watching it change back to its original peachy tone. “Terrifying isn't it? I am what's known as a frost giant, taken and adopted by Odin and Frigga, younger brother to Thor.” Loki muttered clenching his fist angrily at the thought of his father before blinking confusedly when you carefully put his hand back under the water. Eyes widening as you watched the ice blue skin return you leaned forward to trace Loki's fingers and palm under the water. “It's so pretty.” You whispered making the Asgardian quickly pull you into a tight hug. “Such a sweet and innocent child. I swear to keep you safe and protected.” Loki whispered petting your hair gently. Blinking up at green wearing man you lightly wrapped your arms around him snuggling into his neck. Pulling away with a smile “Let's get you cleaned up, fed, and off to bed.” Loki said changing the water to a better temperature before helping you into the bath and staring at the scars running along your back, arms, and legs. Rolling up his sleeves Loki sat on the side of the tub to help clean your hair. Sitting still you lightly touched your bruised side making the raven haired man look at it sadly, “I believe I may have some medicine that will help rid you off your pain with in a few days. Once I'm done washing you I'll see where I put it.” Loki said carefully tilting your head up so he could rinse the shampoo out of your hair so it wouldn't get into your eyes. Nodding happily “C-can I play in the water? P-papa never really let me play at home.” You asked as conditioner was slicked into your hair. Smiling as he nodded “You may, your a young child. You should be aloud to play and explore the world around you. Head up please.” Loki said lightly washing the soap from your hair when you tilted your head back with a smile as you slapped the water playfully. Grinning you began splashing around as the god of mischief left the room to get you clothes. Walking down the hall with his arms crossed Loki kept an ear out for the other avengers before stopping to look over his shoulder. “Loki we must talk.” Thor said making his raven haired brother stop and such. “Brother. To what do I owe the pleasure? If your worried about the girl, she's fine. Though I do need to run to the store. Watch (N) for me she's playing in the bath at the moment.” Loki said turning to his serious looking brother and giving a sly smile before vanishing making Thor growl then sigh. Turning to go to his brothers room Thor gently knocked hearing the joyful giggling and splashing stop from behind the door. Freezing in the bath you quickly jumped out and grabbed a large black towel and wrapped it around your shoulders. Hearing the door open you hid behind the wall closest to the sink. “Pardon my intrusion, Loki asked me to watch over you for the time being.” Thor said looking around the room, peeking out of the bathroom door you watched the large blond nervously. Leaning out just a bit more to look at his red cape you squeaked when your eyes met Thor's. Hiding behind the wall and crouching down you hugged your knees as the large Asgardian carefully walked over. “(N) right? You do not need to be afraid of me.” Thor whispered kneeling down just outside of the door. Peeking at him. “W-wheres L-loki?” You asked hesitantly looking up at the blond. Smiling gently at you. “Loki has gone to get you a few things. I am Thor older brother of Loki.” Thor said making you blink up at him curiously when antlers sprouted from his head. Scrunching your face in confusion you tilted your head and saw Loki sitting on his bed pressing a finger to his lips. Turning back to Thor you giggled when his hair suddenly turned bright pink. Looking at you curiously with a smile. “What do you find so amusing little one? Is there something on my face?” Thor asked bringing a hand up to wipe at his face before brushing his hair but stopped when he felt the antlers. “Loki.” Thor growled angrily turning to his brother causing you to quickly hide behind the wall in fright. “Oh look brother you frightened (N). I'm back so you may leave, now.” Loki said standing up and snapping his fingers removing the illusion over his brother. Huffing at his brother as he stood.”That was entirely your fault. (N) I apologise if I've frightened you. Please excuse me.” Thor said turning to you and bowing a little before leaving. Peeking out again you looked up at Loki as he smiled holding out several bags of clothes. “Seeing that your done with your bath, let's get you dressed.” He said scooping you up and brought you over to the bed. Pulling out a black and green pj set Loki handed you a package of undies as he started pulling the tags off of the clothes. Putting a (F/C) pair of chonies from the package you quickly slipped them on before sucking in a breath and sneezing. Glancing at you in surprise. “Seems you've played in the water to long. Once your dressed we’ll get Tony to make you something to warm you up.” Loki said holding the pj bottoms open so you could step into them. After buttoning your top Loki again picked you up and headed out of his room to go to the kitchen. Hugging his neck somewhat tightly you turned to look at Thor as he ate a poptart. “Ah, young (N) I've asked Friday to prepare you dinner as an apology for scaring you.” Thor smiled just as the microwave behind his head dinged. Blinking as you were set down on a high bar stool you eyed the ravioli that was placed in front of you. “There you are, I believe I am now forgiven. Brother may I now that you have a moment, I really must speak with you.” Thor said handing you a fork as he led his brother out of the room. Slowly eating you smiled at the new taste and started eating more, just as you were about to take another bite a crash made you jump, quickly dropping the fork you quickly got yourself down from the chair and ran to hide behind one of the couches nearby. Peaking out you saw Loki stomp back into the room, blinking as his skin shone icy blue you crawled from your hiding place as blood red eyes met your (E/C) ones. “(N)! My apologies we didn't mean to frighten you.” Loki said apologetically scooping you up as his skin and eyes changed back. Lightly touching under the Asgardians eye curiously as Thor walked out. “Brother, you have to head father's command. He wants us back on Asgard.” Thor said lowly looking at his brother sternly. Turning back to his brother as he lightly petted your hair. “I gave my word to protect (N), I will not leave her here. If she is not allowed to come I will not go.” Loki growled picking up your unfinished bowl of ravioli and walked back to his room with Thor quickly following behind. “Brother if we take (N) with us, father will be even more furious with you!” Thor said trying to reason with his brother as the said Asgardian glared over his shoulder. “Brother does it look like I care? Tell Heimdall that if (N) does not come with us I will ignore father's order to come home. Now I must have (N) finish her meal and get a decent night's rest. We’ll speak of this more tomorrow.” Loki hissed shutting his door on his brother, huffing as the door closed Loki turn to sat you down at a small chess table with your dinner. Looking up at the green clad Asgardian. “Whos Heimdall? Is he nice?” You asked curiously then opened your mouth as Loki started feeding you. “ Heimdall is the gatekeeper of the Bifrost, he sees all and he is a very loyal worrier to my father.” Loki said giving you the fork so he could brush through your hair. Sitting still for him as you ate, you blinked feeling your hair be tugged lightly. Weaving intranet braids I your hair Loki smiled at his work when you looked up at him with a messy mouth. Hearing him chuckle you smiled lightly watching as the god of mischief walked into his bathroom to get a washcloth. Blinking at your clean baby bag you ran over and dug through it for Bengie. Grinning at the now clean stuffed animal you squealed hugging it close as the raven haired Asgardian knelt down next to you too clean your face. Giggling you reached out to god wanting him to hold you. Gladly picking you up Loki brought you over to his bed and laid you down. Humming and snuggling into the soft covers you yawned tiredly. Brushing your cheek with his knuckles “I'll be right back my dear. Just close your eyes and get some rest.” Loki whispered watching as you fell asleep.

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