LOKI part 9

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Welp I guess I need to say sorry for the wait. But heads up abuse up ahead.

You were petrified, frozen in place while laying in the messy trunk of your fathers car. Why was he at the park? Why did he find you? How did he find you? What was father going to do to you now? With each question shooting through your mind your body shook and your breathing became uneven almost to the point of hyperventilating when the car suddenly came to a slamming hault making you slide and hit the back of the trunk with the other junk inside following suit and colliding into you painfully. Jumping and flinching when the trunk opened you instinctively tried to move away from your father when he roughly grabbed your arm and yanked you out of the trunk. Dropping like dead weight once you were in the air and curling into yourself. "NO! NO! I'M SORRY! PLEASE DON'T HURT ME PAPA!" You screamed as tears filled your eyes and streamed down your cheeks, making your father tsk as he let go of your arm to let you fall to the floor before kicking you to the back of the garage. Coughing as you rolled and skidded to the two step stairs that'd lead inside, you blurrily watched your father slam the garage door closed before turning to you with absolute hatred in his eyes making you flinch and scramble to your feet to run inside while slamming it shut with your back to the door. It had become a complete mess, there was nowhere to step without stepping on broken glass, garbage, and what looked like broken furniture from your old room. Hearing a loud bang come from behind the door making you brave against it harder until the door crashed forward and open making you tumble as you were sent forward and roughly hit the dirty floor. Quickly turning you saw your father slamming the door open with his foot making you clamber to get away. Sprinting through your old home as your father shouted angrily and chased after, you desperately looked for any type of plant. Anything. Even if it were dead you could still use it. But much to your growing panic there was none inside your home. Screaming in terror when you felt something hit you from behind you stumbled and tripped over your feet causing you to again hit the floor, harshly smacking your nose against the ruined and scratched hardwood floors. Moving to crawl away you grunted and gasped when your father pinned you to the ground with his foot on your back putting his weight on you. "Bastard child! After all I did you to raise you, and this is the thanks I get? Huh!" He yelled, kneeling down to grab your hair and pull you back making your spine pop as you tried to grasp for air. Trembling and beginning to sob you tried to apologise but your words came out airy and muttered making the seething man above you curl his lip as he stepped off of you and began dragging you through the house by your hair. Tightly holding your scalp to try and ease the pain you could barely see through the tears flooding your eyes and tasted nothing but irony blood in your mouth from your now bleeding nose, as you were being dragged. "Should'a put you in the ground in the backyard! Would have saved me hundreds! Would have saved me the headache of hearing your pathetic wails!" Your father screamed, kicking the door of your old bedroom open to roughly throw you inside, ripping a good chunk of hair out along the way before slamming the cracked door shut. Crashing into large pieces of broken furniture you gasped and choked as you shakily pushed yourself up onto all fours. Blurrily watching your tears, blood and soon to be vomit mix on the floor you tried to push yourself up onto your feet before falling back. Breathing heavily you thought of Loki, where was he? What is he doing? Is...he coming to find you? But as you thought of Loki your inner being screamed trying to convince you to again escape. Use her to get away for good. "That's, that's not going to work. There's no plants or soil, I can't use you." You murmured turning on your side to try and stand as your power started to argue again this time pointing out the ever horrifying back yard making you turn to your near black dirty window. Gently rubbing your bleeding nose you stumbled your way to it around and over broken pieces of wood where you pulled your old baby bed over and under it to give you a little more height. Reaching the window you started to roughly wipe and scrape the glass just enough to get a peek outside. And then you saw a boxed in yellowed and dead yard of grass with bright green living ivy growing in and over the fence. You immediately wanted to be out there, there you could protect yourself, there you could bring life to the dead grass and turn the ivy to grape vines, there you could stop your papa. And with that thought you turned and grabbed a broken wooden leg to something and moved to swing. Hearing a loud crack you gritted your teeth as you saw only a small empacked fracture in the glass. Feeling your heart race you quickly pulled back to swing again knowing your father could probably or most likely hear you breaking glass in your room and come to shout and hurt you more. Pulling back a third time and swinging you could've shouted in triumph when the glass finally broke giving you a chance of a way out just as your door slammed open. "The fuck are you doing now!? Break my shit that I paid for now? You ungrateful little rat!" Your father shouted moving to rush at you, making you quickly drop the wooden leg to try and climb out the window. Not caring that your hands were being cut by broken glass you jumped and scrambled out the small opening you made scraping your back, legs, and arms as you over shot and fell to the hard ground below.

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