The beginning

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You had to finish the dishes quickly and be in bed before he got home and gets mad at you for being out of bed. Whimpering at the clock you grabbed the last plate and scrubbed trying to get the suck on food off desperately, once it was clean you looked back up at the clock and gasped. Staring wide eyed at the time and sucking in a breath you quickly put the clean plate up against the other clean dishes before jumping off the chair you were standing on. Pushing it back to its original place by the table before sprinting to your room and slamming the door behind you. Unknowingly causing the door to shake the hollow wall causing the plate you just cleaned to fall from the counter and shattered everywhere on the floor. Cowering in your old broken crib you held your dirty white and blue polka dotted rabbit close to your chest as the front door slammed open. Flinching at the sound you held back your tears as a pained scream reached your ears, jumping from your crib you ran to your closet. Digging in the pile of dirty clothes you hid in the very back corner hugging your stuffed bunny close as your door was slammed open “Where the fuck are you, you little shit!?” Your father screamed stalking over to your tiny bed and ripping the sheets off looking for you. Hiccupy tearfully in your hiding spot you unknowing making the enraged man turn to you sharply. “Why the hell aren’t you in fucking bed!? Get over here you damn runt!” You father yelled grabbing you by your hair and pulled from the closet. Screaming in pain “Im sorry papa! I didn't mean to do whatever I did! I'm sorry!” You yelled as you were thrown to the floor painfully, sitting up as fast as you could to get away from the drunkard, screaming when the lamp that was on your dresser collided and shattered on the back of your head. You stumbled back to the floor feeling tears stream down your cheeks, covering your face when a fast and hard kick hit your chest you were sent flying into the nearby wall. Gasping painfully before crying in pain at the sharp stinging in your chest, you whimpered and hiccuped at the tall dark figure standing above you. “Fucking brat, should have been you instead of her. I oughta just bury you out in the backyard and forget you ever existed you little shit. Now get your ass in bed!” You father yelled grabbing the front of your night shirt to throw you onto the broken old crib roughly. Silently crying in pain you shook violently slowly curling in on yourself as your father left. Laying there until the crashing and breaking sounds from outside of your room stopped in the early morning, you whimpered as your head and side felt like they were on fire. Barley moving a centimeter made you double over in pain. Taking in small short breaths you sat up slowly “I d-dont want to b-be here anymore. I w-want to leave.” You thought gingerly getting out of bed, shaking you held your arm closer to your side as you struggled to breathe fully. Slowly and carefully grabbing your old baby bag you put it on your bed before painfully crawling under the crib to grab your hidden piggy bank. Quietly pouring the change and money out  you opened an old ziplock bag and put the money inside before putting that into the baby bag. Going over to your dresser you took the last pair of clean clothes out and put it on while holding back tears and a pained whimper at the sight of the large bruise on your side as you slipped the black cat printed shirt on before you went to your closet to grab your bunny that was dropped during your attack. Holding it close you sighed gratefully “A-at least y-you didn't get hurt B-bengie.” You whispered going back to the bag to put him inside along with your dirty old baby blanket. Zipping it shut you hissed in pain as you picked it up and headed for your open door, just as you were about to leave you looked back at the cracked dusty picture frame on the dresser momentarily. Whimpering you put the baby bag down and stepped on it getting just high enough to grab the frame. Carefully taking the picture out you felt tears burn your eyes before you rubbed then away, folding the picture close before slipping it into the bag you again made your way out of your room and into the destroyed living room. Shaking fearfully at the snoring man on the couch you carefully stepped over the glass and broken furniture to the front door. Holding back a whimper as you forced yourself to stretch up to open it, you looked back quickly flinching at the loud creaking of the hinges. Breathing slowly you slipped out of the door for the first time barefooted with your baby bag with you. Shuffling along the partly busy sidewalk you looked down at your sore red feet as people quickly walked past either bumping into you painfully or sidestepping to avoid you as you blinked feeling very light headed and dizzy, as dark clouds rumbled, making you look up curiously. Blinking and flinched when a raindrop hit your face, you scrunched up your face in confusion as more droplets fell around you. Standing awkwardly in the rain while people started ducking into buildings or hailing cabs you looked down again and continued walking already use to the cold water because of the freezing baths you had to take most of the time. Walking around aimlessly for another few hours you shook your head trying to get the dizziness to stop but only succeeded in making yourself lightheaded again, whimpering as you started to shiver more violently from the rain you looked around to see no one walking around leaving you alone in the unfamiliar city. Feeling hot tears roll down your cheeks you sniffled moving to slowly crouch down next to a coffee shop shaking from the chill running over your body. Opening your baby bag you took out your dirty baby blanket and wrapped it around your shoulders as you were hiccuping pitifully. Crying as you thought about your warm room you cried more thinking it would have been better had you stayed home, when the front door to the shop opened startling you and revealed a nicely dressed man in a suit yelling on the phone with a cup of coffee and a muffin in his hand while opening his umbrella. Quieting yourself to whimpering and hiccuping so the man wouldn't notice you, you covered your head quickly and clenched your teeth in pain when your side seized painfully at your sudden movement. Hearing your pained squeak Happy turned to the sound and nearly dropped everything he was holding as your red puffy eyes met his. “Hey, uh, Friday tell Mr. Stark I'll be there in twenty minutes.” He muttered quietly before ending the call and kneeling down to your height. “Hey there sweetie, why are you out here in the rain all by yourself?” He asked as you shrank into yourself shyly and somewhat fearfully. “I-I didn't w-want to stay w-with p-papa anymore. H-he kept hur-urting m-me.” You mumbled looking down at your freezing fingers as Happy looked at you confusedly before actually noticing you didn't have any shoe’s on and that your clothes looked to be a few sizes too small for you. Starting to get a bit worried now “How long have you been out here?” He asked covering you with his umbrella to see how badly you were shaking. Slowly shrugging your shoulders “I-I don't know. S-since the b-birdies woke up.” You answered remembering the birds starting to chirp as you left your unfamiliar street. Surprised at your words “You've been by yourself since 5 this morning? It's been raining since 7! Your completely soaked to the bone!” He yelled making you jump and cover you head “I'm s-sorry! Please don't h-hurt me!” You cried balling up more against the pain in your chest. Regretting yelling at you “I'm not going to hurt you sweetie. Just, just give me two seconds to think here.” Happy said holding his chin and looking around the abandoned street before looking back at you. “Alright sweetheart, I'm not going to let you stay out here like this. Your coming with me okay?” Happy said moving to pick you up, yelping in pain when his hand touched your hurt side you began crying uncontrollably making the man jump back in shock. “What's wrong? I'm trying to help I promise, I just need you to come with me okay?” Happy asked slowly deciding to pick you up bridal style instead as you cried painfully trying to wipe away the moisture on your face. After putting you in the backseat Happy turned to pick up the baby bag and blanket off the ground and placed them next to you as you started to settle down a bit. Getting in the driver's side Happy looked back at you in the rearview mirror before giving up his muffin to you, “Here sweetie you should eat something.” He said as your small hands took the offered food quietly as the well dressed man drove down the road. “Hey, I need you to stay awake back there sweetie. No nodding off you hear me? We're almost at my work I promise.” Happy said looking at you as your head bobbed. Humming in answer you rubbed your eyes fighting against both the light headedness and how heavy your body was getting. Tiredly looking out the window you saw a larger tower coming in to view when Happy suddenly swerved cursing loudly and making you scream in shock. Curling in on yourself you whimpered gingerly holding your side “Oh geez I'm sorry kid! Some moron nearly drove me out of my lane.” Happy apologised turning into an underground parking lot. Sitting quietly after the well dressed man parked the car you watched as he got out and rounded to your side and opened the door. Grabbing your baby blanket when you were gently picked up you laid your head down on the nice man's shoulder light headedly. “Hey, hey, hey I need you to stay awake a little longer okay? When Mr. Stark is done asking you questions you can take a nap then, alright?” Happy asked bouncing you in his arms to keep you awake. Humming lowly you tiredly nodded trying to keep your eyes open and fight off the light headedness as Happy grabbed your baby bag and jogged to the elevator. Chewing on your thumb to keep yourself awake half way up the ride you hummed as your eyes got heavier. Blinking as the doors finally opened you faded out of consciousness as the nice man got the attention of the many people in the room. Feeling all your weight finally drop on him Happy quickly turned to the child in his arms as Tony angrily made his way over. “Happy why in the hell do you have a kid with you? She's not your niece is she?” He asked as Natasha sprinted to his side alarmed at your paleness. “Happy why is this girl so pale, what happened to her?” She asked making the employee sweat a little. “Sir she's not at all related to me, but she needed help. She was out alone in the rain for god knows how long and I couldn't get her to stay awake.” Happy said as the red headed assassin moved your hair. “Oh my god she's bleeding! Clint, Bruce do something!” Nitasha yelled making everyone in the room either stand quickly or rush to your side. Taking you from Happy's arms and sprinting to the lab Bruce turned to Tony who rushed to the lab shortly after. “Friday, quickly run a scan over the girl! Bring up any and all injuries she may have along with files of who she is!” Tony yelled grabbing a first aid kit as the AI scand you. “Sir it appears this girl has suffered contusions to almost every part of her body. The back of her cranium has also sustained several small lacerations that seem to contain bits of ceramic shards that has stunted her bleeding by several hours, but has also stop her body from naturally stopping the bleeding itself. Her left side has also sustained one boken and two cracked ribs. No internal bleed and surprisingly no internal contusions.” Friday stated making both scientists stop in their tracks as most of the main Avengers walked into the lab. “Who would harm such a young girl?” Thor questioned mournfully brushing your hair away from your face. “Tony I'll see to her wounds. I want you two to find out who she is and what happened.” Cho said pushing past everyone to get to your side as she turned to the scientist pointing at the computers. After two and a half hours you were fully bandaged, cleaned and hooked to an IV. Discarding your dirty and small clothes Cho turned to the scientists. “You still haven't found anything? No dental or hospital records?” She asked lightly running her hand through your hair as both men shook their heads. “No we haven't been able to find anything. This poor girls probably never seen a doctor in her life. And without anything that could help us identify her, this girls practically a ghost to the world.” Bruce said sadly as you started to groan lightly. Opening your eyes slowly you felt multiple eyes on you making your heart jump a mile high, sitting up quickly and scooting away tearfully from the people in the room you whimpered as your side suddenly hurt. Curling in on yourself you started stuttering and mumbling at the people around you in fright. Standing up at your sudden actions. “Oh no you shouldn't move so quickly, your going to hurt yourself!” Cho said raising her hands up trying to get you to stop moving. Flinching when the Korean lady raised her hands you covered your mouth whimpering trying to force yourself to stop crying. Taking a few steps closer when you woke both Tony and Bruce looked at each other when you flinched at Cho’s hands and covered your mouth. “H-hey it's alright. You don't have to be afraid. No one's going to hurt you.” Bruce said carefully walking over to you. Shaking as the greying man came closer you shut your eyes tightly when he brought his hand up, jumping as his hand touched your head you peeked your eyes open when he started lightly petting your hair. “See no one's going to hurt you. Me and my friends just want to help you okay?” Bruce said lightly gesturing to the others in the room, looking from person to person you hiccuped before burying yourself into Bruce's sweater hugging him tightly as you started to cry again. Jumping at your sudden hug Bruce turned to his colleagues for help when Tony came over and bent down to your level and touched your shoulder lightly. “Alright sweetie we need you to tell us a few things okay? We need to know where and how you got hurt, do you think you can tell us?” Tony asked softly when you peeked at him tearfully. Shaking your head quickly “I-I cant p-papa would get mad at me.” You stuttered shrinking in on yourself at the thought of your father. Glancing at each other at that,Tony stood straight and crossed his arms before an idea popped into his head. “That's okay sweetie, well just have to visit another friend then.” Tony said carefully removing the IV from your arm and picked you up. Instinctively hugging his neck you turned to peek from behind your arm to look around as the four of you left the lab and entered a living room looking area. Looking from person to person you whimpered as you were carried into the near center of the group to a red haired women and two blond haired men. “Hey yo Wanda kids not wanting to share her feelings with her special therapists. Mind helping us see what happened?” Tony asked handing you over to the Slovakian women. Going rigged as you were handed over you kept your eyes on the floor as you tried staying as still as possible when a glowing red hand made you look up. Blinking back into your old broken down room you turned in circles seeing everything in its original place. When the door suddenly opened making you jump and turn to see your father

charging into the room. Gasping painfully you flinched taking a few steps back and covered your face as he came closer. Shaking when your father suddenly walked through you, you turned to your father's back in confusion watching as he ripped the blankets of your bed. “Where the fuck are you, you little shit!?” Your father screamed making you jump and cover your ears before running to your closet to hide. Opening the door you froze when you saw yourself huddled in the corner hiccuping pitifully. Standing there in complete confusion you barely registered your father walking through you again. Blinking as you watched your still be dragged out by your hair you started to shake when the sounds became blurred and muffled. Crouching down you began to rock yourself back and forth as the lamp was shattered against your other selves head with a muffled scream. Hearing gasping from around you, you flinched suddenly looking up finding yourself back in the towers living room. Shaking uncontrollably you lurched forward and vomited onto the floor in both shook and fright making the people around you turn to you worriedly. When a tall man dressed in green came to your side and held you close. “What the hell were you thinking? Having a child watch her own attack, your lucky you didn't just shatter her mind.” Loki growled covering your eyes to replace your newest memory with an illusion. As the others looked at one another with the knowledge of how you got injured so badly. “She can't go back to her father. Not after what we've seen. We'd be sending this poor girl to her death.” Thor said worriedly watching his brother help sooth your troubled mind. “I'll call child protective services. They should be able to help her.” Tony said pulling out his phone when Natasha took it away and through it across the room. “That's just as bad! This girl needs a proper home, she doesn't need to to shipped off to an orphanage or be tossed around in foster care.” She growled glaring at the millionaire, turning to her. “First of all you owe me a new phone for that and second there's nothing we can do. Putting her in a home wild be the best option.” Tony argued pointing at the red headed woman next to him. “Being in foster care is as cruel as sending her back home. It's just as damaging.” Clint said crossing his arms as he looked at you sadly as you blinked at Loki. Standing one he was satisfied with his illusion, Loki turned to the group before him. “Since none of you can seem to come to an agreement why not let one of us take care of the young child?” Loki said making everyone turn to him either curious or bewildered at his words. Tilting his head as you looked at the god of mischief. “And how do you plan to choose who raises the young girl? There is clearly a divide in views amongst the group.” Vision said turning from your curious eyes to the others in the room. Crossing his arms as he rolled his eyes at the android “Clearly I'm not going to decide who takes her. Fate will, now then little one if you'd please take a slip of paper out of this bag. Well now see who's going to raise you as their own.” Loki said producing a paper bag and carefully brought if in front of you. Hesitantly reaching into the bag you glanced over everyone in the room as your snap hand grazed over many folded pieces of paper.


Now I'm letting my readers vote. Who do YOU want to take care of you?

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