Ch. 13

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Ch. 13

As I am grabbing my books from my locker, I hear Lucas approaching me, and he leans against the locker next to mine. I close my locker to face him, and he's taken aback.

"Ouch. What happened to you?" Lucas asks, looking at me with a confused look.

"Abby purposely broke my nose with a soccer ball last night," I tell him as anger starts to take over me just by thinking about it.

"Wait what? Why would she do that?" Lucas questions as we walk to first period.

"She got jealous that Jordan cheered for after I made a goal. It was petty as hell," I say and roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry. We are going to him back for you, don't worry," Lucas states, patting my shoulder.

"Yea, you're right. How are you?" I ask.

"I'm pretty good just tired of class," he says and I nod agreeing with him.

"I'll see you in chemistry!" I smile at him as I wave goodbye and enter my first period class.

It's now lunchtime and my friends are startled by my appearance. I was going to text them what happened but thought it would be better to tell them in person.

We talked about my broken nose and then talked about Angelica's boy problems and homecoming and other random stuff.

It's now time for practice, the part I was dreading the most. I had to tell my coach I could not perform at Friday's game and pep rally and basically all of football season.

"Hey Coach Gibson. As you can see, my nose is broken, so I will not be able to perform Friday," I tell her, trying to keep eye contact.

"Oh Fiona what happened? Was it because of Stingerbowl? She questions and I nod.

"See this is exactly what I feared. We have a lot of work today. At least you're okay and will be better by competition season," she tells me and I'm happy she handled it a lot better than I thought.

"Thank you. I'll help with formations." I tell her and take a seat next to her.

The rest of practice was a little hectic, but we got all the changes done and it looks good. Just like Abby wanted, she was front and center where I used to be. She was behind me most of the routine, so her moving to my spot was the most logical. Plus, the coach loves her and can't see through her fakeness.

Practice ends and we walk to our cars.

"Again, I am so sorry about your nose. I would never hurt you intentionally. You do know that girl right?" Abby attempts to apologize for the second time but it feels just as fake as the first time.

My mom always told me to be the bigger person, but with people like Abby in my life, it's incredibly hard. I bit my tongue probably 100 times when it comes to Abby and forgive her. I don't want any drama on the team which caused me to bite my tongue yet again. If we weren't on the same team and had to see each other everyday, I probably would have gone off on her.

"I really hope that was sincere, but I forgive you. Don't let it ever happen again," I say in a sweet voice with a hint of warning and she nods.

I get to my car and head home. I eat food my grandma made and do my usual routine after dance and again, I am fast asleep.

Today's Thursday, and usually I am greeted by Lucas, but I see Jordan waiting by my locker to my surprise.

"Hey, what's up," I ask Jordan, smiling a little too hard. What? My boo who isn't really my boo is talking to me first for once.

"Hey. I just wanted to make sure you're okay. Here's something I got for you," Jordan says and hands me a dove milk chocolate bar. These are my favorite. How'd he even know?

"Yea I'm all good, thanks for asking. And wow thank you! These are my favorite! How'd you'd know?" I ask smiling and hoping he got some part of his memory back.

"I'm not really sure. It just looked like something you would like, so I'm glad that they are your favorite," he says, looking to the ground.

"You've got good instincts," I laugh and begin walking to my class.

"I guess you're right. Again, I'm sorry about Abby. She didn't mean to hurt you," he apologizes on behalf of his new girl.

"I understand. Anyway, how are your classes and everything?" I ask because I am genuinely curious how he's holding up.

"I'm actually doing pretty decent. I don't have my tutor following me around all day anymore since I got used to the routine. I only have to see her after school now," he explains.

"Aw well I'm glad to hear that. Anyway I gotta get to class, but I'll talk to you later," I say.

"See ya," he waves and walks to his class.

After first period, I walked to chemistry with Angelica.

"So you're going on a date with Javier?!" I exclaim, excited for my best friend.

"Yea. I'm so nervous," she tells me.

"You got this. Just be yourself. How could he not like you?" I ask a rhetorical question.

"Yea I got this," she says and we take our seats in chemistry class.

"I missed you earlier this morning," I tell Lucas.

"Yea sorry about that. Abby and I had some last minute studying this morning since we have an econ test today," he explains.

"That makes sense. I actually got to talk to Jordan for a bit," I smile just thinking about.

"Ah you don't say. How was it," he asks.

"It was good. He just wanted to make sure I was okay. Baby steps remember." I reply.

"Yes baby steps. Hopefully Operation Aberduber works at homecoming," he says.

"Fingers crossed," I respond as I cross my fingers.

"Speaking of homecoming, are you going with anyone," he asks.

"I was going with my friend group. How about you?" I ask back.

"You wanna go together," he smiles and points between me and him.

"Yea, It'll be fun!" I smile back.

The rest of the day goes by quickly. The next thing I know, I am at the end of the day prep rally Friday.

I cheer for my team as they perform a badass routine, but I can't help but to feel sad that I missed my last senior year homecoming routine. Thanks a lot Abby.

I head home to get ready for the football game and head back to the school to attend the game. Although I was not performing, I still attended to support my dance team and the football team. During half time, we are leading 24-7 and by the end of the game, we win 31-14. It's not homecoming unless you win the football game. After the game, I head home because I am exhausted as hell. 

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