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(Sehun's POV)

  I ran my hands through my hair in agitation and paced back and forth in the living room. It has been exactly a week after Ji Hun had come to me and I was still undecided. To make matters worse, we were about to leave for the airport in 15 minutes.

  Most of the others were in their rooms doing last minute checkups of their luggage. Lay and Xiumin who were ready, watched me silently as I walked around the room in a frenzy. They all knew about it of course, and they had told me that they would support any decision I made. But I didn't know what decision to make.

  I glanced at my watch. It was 20 minutes to 3pm. Ji Hun was going to ask Seorin out at three if I didn't turn up. Part of me was yelling at myself to just go and make things right with Seorin, but another part was reluctant to do so. As much as I wanted to see Seorin again, how could I face her after I had said such horrible things and hurt her? And what if she hated me now? But isn't that what I wanted? For her to keep away from me? A tiny voice in my head asked. But this will be my absolute last chance to make her mine. If I don't go, I will probably never see her again... another voice whined. I sighed in frustration, not knowing which voice to listen to.

  There was a slamming of doors and the others were herded into the living with their luggage by Suho who was trying to manage them all and keep his cool at the same time.

  "Kai, I'm sure Baekhyun didn't steal any of your bears- it's probably here somewhere, look for it when we get back. D.O! D.O NO! Let go of Chanyeol right now! And Chanyeol, stop overreacting, you're not going to die. Lay, dear, are you going to Japan without your luggage? And for God's sake Chen, lower your voice- I'm right here! Ok, did everyone get everything you need? Are you sure no one forgot anything? Yes? Then lets wait outside, the manager said he'll be here in five minutes."

  Everyone grabbed their luggage and moved to the front hallway and towards the door. I grabbed my own suitcase and followed them silently. Once outside in the cold air, I looked at my watch again; 10 minutes to three. Should I go? Or not? And what about the flight to Japan? Our manager will be here to pick us up and we have to be at the airport before 4. Aish, seriously!  I rocked back and forth on the balls of my feet in vexation. What do I do?????

  Suho came and stood next to me, looking concerned. "Are you alright Sehun?"

  "No," I admitted "What should I do, hyung? Should I go meet her? Or should I just forget about her like I said I will? And what about the flight?"

  "I can't tell you what to do, Sehun. It's your call," Suho said, squeezing my shoulder sympathetically. "What do you really want? You-" he broke off as the manager drew up to the dorm in the van. He turned to me again, "This is your last chance. Think, Sehun. What do you really want?"

  I stood back as Suho went join the others as they started loading the baggage into the trunk. What do I want?  I clenched my jaw and closed my eyes for a moment. Seorin.

  "Sehun, come on," the manger gestured me to get in the vehicle. 

  "I have to go." I said, looking at Suho. He smiled widely and nodded understandingly.

  Our manager looked confused. "What do you mean? Get in the van, we'll be late."

  "I need to do something," I said as I started moving away from the van. "You guys go ahead. I'll meet you at the airport."

  "Yah!" I heard our manager yell over the cheers of the members as I started running. I checked my watch again. 5 minutes to three. Shit. I came to the main road and flung an arm out, "TAXI!" Luckily, an empty taxi came to a stop in front of me. I got in, gave the driver the address and thrust a wad of cash at him.

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