x. Heather, Heather, Heather

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━━ chapter tenheather, heather, heather

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━━ chapter ten
heather, heather, heather


━━"Here they come!"

Astrid's words made Valkyrie spin on her feet, looking up at the sky outside of the Dragon Academy with a hitched breath. Eyes narrowed, she studied the flight pattern of Hiccup and Toothless. Fishlegs giggled to himself with excitement as he stood by the sundial, timing how fast the two flew together. Valkyrie crossed her arms, watching them dive down to gain speed and swoop back up. They took a spin before returning to the ground, and Fishlegs cheered, marking the dial.

"Yep!" he declared. "It's a new course record!"

    Dammit, Valkyrie thought to herself and turned back to Zephyr, petting his snout. So close, she murmured.

Hiccup hopped if Toothless's saddle and approached the group of them, dusting off his flight suit. "So! How did we go?"

Fishlegs pursed his lips. He held his charcoal pencil closer to his chest, a common sigh of nerves with him. Valkyrie glanced over curiously, feeling her heart race as she guessed what he could be talking about. She smirked to herself. "Technically, you're still the fastest, but someone—and I won't mention who—is gaining significant ground."

Valkyrie bit her tongue to hide her grin at the fall in Hiccup's face. He gasped, a little outraged that someone might be—for once—beating him at what he did best. "What?" Hands on hips, he glanced around at the other riders, trying to figure out who it could be. First, he landed on Astrid, who scoffed.

"Please, I'm already faster," she said, scratching Stormfly under the chin. "You just haven't seen it yet."

(The usual response). Hiccup then moved over to the twins, who were busy shoving at each other on their saddles. Noticing Hiccup's gaze, Tuffnut stopped to frown. "Don't look at us!"

The chief's son's eyes flickered over to Valkyrie, and she quickly looked back at Zephyr, trying to seem as nonchalant as she could. Zephyr purred, happy with all the attention.

Hiccup turned back to Fishlegs. "How can that be? How can Toothless be getting slower?"

"He's not," said Fishlegs. "Zephyr and Stormfly are getting faster."

With a brow arched, Hiccup glanced over again at Valkyrie who kept to her own, scratching her dragon under the chin. "Oh, really?" ventured Hiccup, if not a bit amused. "Is that so? Anything you'd like to share, Milady?"

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