ii. Gronckle Iron?

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━━ chapter twogronckle iron?

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━━ chapter two
gronckle iron?


━━Valkyrie often wondered whether it was fair to miss the times where she wasn't just flying in search of an Outcast ship. She missed being able to fly whenever she wanted, where she and Zephyr could drift through the clouds and she could throw her arms up. But now, it seemed every time she was up in the air, it was on the search for another boat they would lose.

She was a warrior, of course, she knew this was necessary. And she knew how to not let it annoy her, and just accept it. But that didn't change how she missed the freedom dragon flying gave her. There was less freedom in searching for a new ship for what seemed every day.

Valkyrie sighed and went to complain to Fishlegs only to realise he wasn't beside her. "Huh?" she glanced back and saw him and Meatlug falling back behind the group. She sighed again, "Great." She continued on, following the rest of the group as they all swerved around the sea stack.

Pulling up next to Hiccup and Astrid, her shoulders slumped, disappointed. There was no ship in sight.

"Oh, great!" Snotlout growled. "We missed it!"

"It was headed this way," said Astrid, frowning as they all landed on top of the sea stack. The riders scowled at the horizon. "It must've outrun us."

Hiccup arched a brow at her, "How does an Outcast ship outrun our dragons?"

Snotlout watched Fishlegs and Meatlug finally arrive. He rolled his eyes and pointed knowingly at the pair. "That's how."

Fishlegs didn't realise, he was to proud of his flight. "Whoo!" he hugged Meatlug, grinning. "We were really moving, girl! What'd we miss?"

"It's not what you missed, it's what we all missed!"

"Snotlout..." Hiccup warned, but the Jorgensen was not having it.

"What?" he snapped. "I'm just calling it like I see it. If we didn't have Slow and Really, Really Slow holding us back, I don't know, maybe we'd have a chance to actually do what we're supposed to be doing!"

"Snotlout!" exclaimed Valkyrie, startled.

"That's not helping," added Hiccup.

"Yeah, that's a bit harsh," Astrid crossed her arms.

But Fishlegs hung his head. He shuffled awkwardly in his saddle. "Guys, he does have a point."

"Fishlegs, no he doesn't," Valkyrie told him. "Snotlout is just being who he always is, a mean idiot━"

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