xvi. Cast Out

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━━ chapter sixteencast out

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━━ chapter sixteen
cast out



The collection of boulders flung sky-high towards the Dragon Riders. Valkyrie dipped Zephyr down to dodge the first. Above her, Hiccup destroyed it with a well-aimed plasma blast. The second lodged into Meatlug's throat and she chomped it to bits with a huffed growl. They took to the wilderness that morning for a series of exercises for different scenarios. Below, Gobber, Mulch and Bucket were helping them in playing the Berserker Catapulters, doing their best to knock them out of the sky. They twisted in and out and away of the rocks. This exercise wasn't supposed to be a victory, but rather to practice conducting a well-organised retreat.

The Twins spun wildly away from a boulder.

"Whoa!" Ruff clamped her helmet onto her head, "That rock almost took my head off!"

"It did?!" This idea excited Tuff and he cupped his hands over his mouth. "HEY, GOBBER! DO IT AGAIN!"

But of course, as the number of boulders became 'too much', Hiccup shouted to the team, "Fall back, everyone! There's too many of them!" 

The riders did as they were told, turning their dragons around and evading the oncoming catapults. All except for one.

"You fall back!" announced Snotlout. "I am going in to finish this!"

He twisted Hookfang and dived right down to the catapults.

Hiccup's eyes widened, "What━Snotlout! That is not the excercise!" he cried down after him. "Retreat!"

He ignored him, swooping and causing Gobber to duck. He spun back up and when he was far enough away, Hookfang did a tricky tumble and let loose a trick shot that destroyed the catapults. He didn't account for the rocks still in them. One of the catapults launched at the impact.

It flew over their heads. Snotlout gasped and ducked. Hiccup glanced back and shouted, ducking down to the saddle.

But Valkyrie━Valkyrie had turned around too late.

Hearing the whistle of the boulder through the wind and Hiccup's shout, she frowned and glanced back, only to gasp━

It knicked her in the shoulder and before Valkyrie knew it, she had fallen off her saddle.


She screamed, trying to flail her arms, but her left shoulder was numb from the hit. Zephyr squawked down at her and flapped his wings into a dive. Hiccup and Toothless followed. Valkyrie tried to look for something to break her fall, but the forest grew nearer and nearer, until she was encased in green. Zephyr had no choice but to pull up, unable to dive at high-speed in the branches. He shrieked, distressed as he searched for a way in to help his rider, but she just kept falling and falling━

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