The Sanctuary......

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Ember walked along the streets in Chicago trying to remember where the Sanctuary entrance was.

It had been a year since she had visited this Sanctuary due to something Sam and Dean winchester needed.
She smiled as she remember them going frantic over information for a certain demon and some information on an Angel named Castiel and let me tell you, that was interesting meeting an Angel but they were not as great as people said they would be, he was rather a stickler for the rules.

Where is the fun in that?

Ember looks at the building again then notices a symbol on a large building that indicates a sanctuary bringing a small smile to her face.

Alec is pacing, touching the ring that’s on his finger. Ember enters with a big smile on her face. Alec turns to her, smiling as well.

"I guess you heard."

They hug then pull away, then turn to see Jace smiling at both of them.

"I sensed it long before I got the invite. Alec, congratulations. I’m so happy for you."

"Thank you. You know, Magnus is taking care of everything."


"What are you too on about? know what never mind, carry on?"

Alec and Jace looked at Ember with a smirk.

"But there’s a few things I have to do. Like asking you to be my suggenes."


"Again. Yeah."

They both laugh, Ember just sighs but smiles because she suspected what they were talking about.

"Alec, of course."

"Uh, plus, there’s something else I wanted to tell you. I’m gonna be moving into Magnus’ apartment."


"It’s not a problem, right?"

"No. I mean, there’s no rule that says the head of Institute has to… Has to live on-site. Right?"


"Just, um… don’t be a stranger"

"Jace this is Alec we are talking about."

"Jace, you’re my parabatai. Wherever I go, you’re right there next to me."

"I am off to find Izzy"

Ember walks to towards the WEAPONRY and hears Izzy.

"So, you’re not freaked out?"

"Are you kidding? Two of my favorite people are now a couple. I’m ecstatic."

"You don’t know how much that means to me."

"So are you guys going to the wedding together?"

"That’s the plan. Magnus and Alec were never afraid to show the world how much they loved each other. So I plan on following in their footsteps."

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