Everything is going to Hell

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Do you ever wake up in the morning and feel like saying to Hell with being an Adult today.....well that is what Ember felt like after the news to she received last night from Gabriel.

She layed in her bed in the hotel room she booked near Lux because she really did not want to talk to anybody, trying to process that she was pregnant by two different men and only one she has actually slept with because apparently Michael thought it was the best way to carry on the other family line.

Ember sighed with annoyance because how was she going to tell these men that she was pregnant because she was sure Klaus would deny deny deny but after some thought she realised that he was also part werewolf and they can procreate but she would tell him once things have settled for him as he was currently on a werewolf hunt.
The other father, well, she never slept with, but she has always had a crush, but she worried he would look at her like a little girl and nothing more.

Dean was going to be even more difficult to convince because she was pretty certain he did not see her in the light.

Come on....she was pretty certain he was a closet gay, which she supported, but when you have a crush, nothing really matters.

Sighing again, she thought it was time to just bite the bullet.


Sudden a light entered the room then cas looked at Ember with a small smile, like he knew what she was going to do.
She grabbed her bag and then took his hand. He then held her close when she closed her eyes. When she opened them, they were in a familiar junk yard.

" Do you want me to stay, Ember?"

" Don't worry, Cas, I will deal with it,"

Ember gave a small smile, then turned around and walked towards the house, as she got closer. She got more nervous  but took deep breaths, lifted her hand up and knocked.

After a few minutes, the door opened, and the face of Bobby singer appeared ., when he saw her, he smiled at her.

"Hey Ember , how are you doing? Come in!"

"Thank you, Bobby."

Ember walked in the house and put her bag on the sofa, then sat next to it with a big sigh.

"Bobby, where is Dean?"

Bobby seemed surprised but composed himself quickly. He looked at Emand realised that she looked like she had the weight of the world on her.

"He and Sam are on their way back from a hunt doll. What's wrong, you like shijt?"

Ember looked and Bobby and thought fuck it might as well have someone who isn't shocked.

"I am pregnant with twins, both have different fathers, but I have only slept with one of the father's!"

Bobby looked frozen like a statue for a good 5 minutes, trying to comprehend what Ember just told him then looked at her, left the room to the kitchen made some coffee then realised he couldn't give a pregnant woman coffee, so he checked and had decaf, so made her some of that then walked back in, gave her the decaf then sat in front of her.

"Tell me"

And so ember did, she told him everything that has happened and what she was told.
By the time she was done Bobby had gotten a bottle of whisky and drank most of the bottle with his head in his hands.
This girl was like a daughter to him and was barely eighteen and was expected two babies.
One with a vampire/werewolf hybrid and another from Dean who was like a son to him but with more Angel juju.

"We need to tell Dean ASAP, but know I will support you Ember. You will not be alone."

Ember felt a tear come then another and she got up and hugged Bobby who held her as she cried.
He knew she really liked that boy Jace but that boy just did not know what he had and now most likely never will with this clary girl around.

"What did Gabby say about protection for the babies?"

"He said he would help keep them safe. One of the babies is link to a blood curse for every first born. So he has hidden him because it activities at the first sign of magic and this little boy is already showing and not even out of womb.
They both seem to be mixing there vampire, werewolf, witch and angel blood so they will be either tribrids or qudbride."

That made Bobby freeze for a.moment and ember saw.
She explained the difference and offered the book she has. Explain the different and how to hunt them if needed and how they came to be. That calmed Bobby down and was relieved that the kids will be able to protect themselves when they got older.

"Get to bed you idiot, you need rest I will wake you after they get here."

Ember smiled and walked up the stairs, once she showered and got into bed. She dreamed of her childern.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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