The 60s Dance

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Ember looked at bartender and gave he a smile then waved her glass for a refill.

He nods at Ember before walking over and refilling her glass then she senses a Vampire approaching from behind but she hasn't seen him in a few years and smiles into her glass.

"Hello Edward, how are you?"

Ember turns to smile at Edward Cullen the first Vampire after his adopted father Carlisle that she made friends with.
He was a different type of vampire compared to the ones here in Mystic Falls but he is good one also kinda cute but not my type.

"Hello Ember, I am on my way to South America for a while but me and Carlisle wanted to see if you needed any assistance."

Ember smiles at Edward and nods her head at the seat next to her.
Edward sat down next to Ember trying to hid his sorrow and be useful to his friend but Ember noticed the pain he was trying to hide and wouldn't beat around.

"What is wrong Edward?"

Edward sighed because he knew he couldn't keep things from her and the explained the situation in Forks and with a girl Bella he has grown to be in Love with.
All Ember can do is pat his back and tell him to follow his heart but that he is an idiot for leaving her because she sounds like a danger magnet like Elena.

After another hour Ember says goodbye to Edward and tells him to keep going and will call him if she needs anything.

Ember decideds to visit Elena at her school to make sure all is well, she goes to the school office and pretends to be Elena to get her schedule and finds her way to history class.

When she walks in she see Alaric and when he see her, he looks surprised which is odd but Ember takes notice.
When she turns her head to look over the rest of the room she notices everything one looking at her oddly and she smirks before facing Alaric.

Klaus is thrown off that another Doppëlganger walk in but something about her name but he can not remember what. He turns his head to look at her and there is something about her that seems off.

"Sorry I'm late Mr Saltzman, I'm Ember Gilbert"

Ember has to hold in her snort of laughter when he suddenly starts nodding then gestures for her to sit down, Ember finds a seat at the back of the class room and ignores people's stares then she looks and finds Bonnie Bennett staring at her then raises her eyebrow at the little witch but Bonnie just shakes her head and turns around.

Klaus quickly gets over his surprise at another Doppëlganger walking in but something about her name rings a bell and she seems different from both Elena, Katrina and Tita.
He shakes his head then looks to Elena and see is looking at Ember with  look of disgust but Ember seems to be ignoring her.

This is going to be fun...

Klaus smirked and went back to trying to teach this boring decade.

Elena walks over to the table bonnie and Jeremy where sitting and looks at Jeremy.

"You haven't heard from Jenna, have you?"

"It looks like she's staying on campus. Look I'm...I'm late for class."

Jeremy just shrugs and leaves the table.

Elena looks to bonnie and knows something is up.

"What's going on?"

Bonnie looks at her best friend and debated on if she should bring it up.

"How come you never told me about Ember? I knew you had a sister but you never talked about her at all? I thought she was Katherine for a moment but there is something about....something different."

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