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*Not beta read

"What do you mean Hongjoong is missing?"

Seonghwa felt a tightness seize in his throat as his voice went higher. His heart thumped wildly and he could feel the blood pumping through his own veins. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening. He was supposed to come here and see that smiling face he had been missing. Come and apologize for being so dumb-so stupid- and that he understood now. He had acted out of hurt but now he saw the other, not just as a Ghoul but now he was missing and-

"You really didn't know?" San questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Of course I didn't know!" The agent exploded as he ran a hand through his hair. He felt lightheaded, as if the air had left his lungs. "I-I just thought he was avoiding me after the incident. How-how could this happen?"

"Maybe we should sit down and talk about this," A voice cut through Senoghwa's rapid fire thoughts and the agent looked up to see Mingi, his voice haggard and his hair a mess as if he had run his hair through it multiple times. Yunho frowned as he looked at his boyfriend in concern. The current events were definitely taking its toll. It was the second time he had to go through something like this.

"Talk?" Wooyoung scoffed with an eye roll, the anger coming back. "I don't think I have anything to say. The only talking going on here is going to be on figuring out how we are going to cover up this dove's disappearance."

"And what help would that be?" San shut down. "Hongjoong would still be missing and then we would have to cover up why we have a dead dove on our hands."

"He is the root cause of all this mess!" Wooyoung countered back. "Without him, none of this would have happened!"

"You don't know that-"

"I want to help," Seonghwa suddenly cut in, interrupting the exchange. "I want to help find Hongjoong."

"Oh really," The blonde huffed. "You want to help a bunch of Ghouls out, huh? You, a dove? Puh-lease. You've done enough damage."

"I'll do whatever it takes," The agent pleaded, his words rushed. He couldn't let them turn him away."Please, I-I need him back. I need to fix this."

"You would really do that?" Yunho asked suddenly, speaking for the first time in awhile. His voice was strong but didn't betray any of the emotions that he was feeling in the moment. "Would you do anything for Hongjoong? Even if it meant betraying your job? Everything that you trained for?"

"Yes," Seonghwa didn't even hesitate. For a moment, he recalled all that he would be leaving. Jongho, Yeosang, Ravn, Hwanwoong....Could he really give up a career he had worked his whole life for? His oath to protect the city all for a man that he actually didn't know that well?

Yes. Without a doubt.

The head barista seemed to accept that answer and his icy face faded into a tired smile. He nodded. "Follow me."

The agent watched as Yunho walked towards the side door where he knew led to a hallway with a cozy room with seating. It was where he had asked Hongjoong out on their first real date. San was the first to move and follow the barista while Wooyoung reluctantly followed, but not before giving Seonghwa a cautious eye coupled with a scowl. The agent was just about to move when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning his head, he spotted Mingi.

"Thank you." The broken man's voice cracked but for the first time since looking at him, there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "If Hongjoong were here, he would be proud of you."

Seonghwa's throat seized. "I know."


"Ow," Hwanwoong pouted as he poked at his bandaged arm. He loved his Quinche but hated when he had to use it too much. Healing afterwards was always such a pain in the ass.

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