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"Ow! Watch it."

"Don't be a baby," Wooyoung scolded as he pulled the alcohol soaked cotton ball away from the gnarly scratch on San's back. "You would think a former gang leader would be able to handle a little sting."

"It was cold," pouted the other. "I don't see why you're doing this anyway, they will heal in less than an hour."

"And let it get infected?" Rebutted the other. He didn't even spare his companion a glance as he put more antiseptic on a clean cotton swab. He pressed the new ball onto the man's bare back without warning and a little too harshly.

"Ah, cold!" San recoiled at the touch, his shoulders nearly touching behind him as he tried to get away from the sensation. "Give a guy a little warning next time, huh?"

Wooyoung just rolled his eyes before throwing the swab away and packing up the first aid kit. He didn't bandage anything since San was right and the wounds would close soon. It would be a waste of perfectly good gauze.

San, seeing Wooyoung move away out of the corner of his eye, pulled his arms back through his shirt. He didn't bother buttoning it, however, since he would have to take a shower soon anyway. He was still covered in a lot of dirt and grime from the warehouse.

After Wooyoung had put the first aid kit up, the blonde reappeared into the room before throwing himself on San's bed with a huff. He shoved his head into his friend's pillow and tried to fight off the sleep that his tired muscles wanted to pull him under. To keep himself distracted, he pulled out his phone and started mindlessly scrolling.

"I can't believe Hongjoong kicked your ass," Wooyoung said, still fiddling with his phone. "I thought you were supposed to be some super Saiyan like Goku."

San turned to look at his friend who had made a home in his bed. "You try to take down a nearly feral Ghoul without killing him. It's hard to throw hits at a friend who couldn't even dodge a punch not even two minutes before."

Wooyoung hummed in agreement. "He really got you, flung you right into a wall. I swear the whole building was shaking."

"A lot of help you were," San scoffed. "You just flew around and shot your little feathers from a safe distance."

The blonde didn't acknowledge the jab and changed subjects. "It was weird, though. Like a switch had flipped."

"He must have gotten in touch with his inner Ghoul. He never grew up with it and learned to control his urges so it must have gotten the better of him and took over." The tattooed man mused. "I hate that we don't know anything about one-eyed Ghouls. Everything feels like trial and error."

Wooyoung didn't answer as he sat up looking intently at his phone. "Yunho just texted. He says he found Hongjoong and they just got back to the cafe."

"Really? We couldn't find him anywhere. How did Yunho get to him so fast?"

"Yunho is a living Golden Retriever. He probably sniffed him out." The blonde shrugged as he put his feet back down on the cool wood floor. "Can't blame us for not finding him, though. Seoul is huge."

"What are you texting back?"

"I'm asking what happened when he got there and where he found him." Wooyoung stood up and walked over to where San was seated at a desk, his sock clad feet padding on the floor boards. "Does this look ok?"

San crossed his eyes as a phone was shoved too close to his face. He gently grabbed the phone from the other's hands as he scanned the text message. He felt his friend move behind him and a weight on his shoulder. Out of the corner of his eye he could see blonde fringe. Wooyoung had leaned over and set his chin on the other's shoulder from behind to read.

【Asphyxia】  seongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now